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Child Support/ DV Laws Designed to Entangle Men

May 7, 2015


Laws ostensibly designed to protect women
and children have a hidden agenda -
destroying marriage and emasculating men.

by Rahul Manchanda and Henry Makow Ph.D.

In 1864, President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery by enacting the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution. 

However, it only took then-President Bill Clinton and then-Senator Joseph Biden a stroke of a pen in 1995 to reinstate  slavery with their Federal Child Support Enforcement Act.   This act stated that even if you lose your job, lose your legs, or become a paraplegic, you will be sent to jail. Your licenses (driver, professional) will be taken away from you without even the need for a trial.

 In addition, the 1994 Violence Against Women's Act ("VAWA") 
mandates men to be arrested at anytime for anything a woman says (even if there is no evidence). The court system and police departments act in concert to torture, punish, and assist in extortion/blackmail operation completely suspending men's civil, human, and constitutional rights. This law undermines the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 13th, and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution.

Twenty years after the enactment of these bills, the effect on the American people are as follows:

(1) More men have been arrested and thrown into jail by women who made false complaints. Those women were often  con-artists, hookers, drug addicts, organized criminals, foreign spies, or agents for federal and state law enforcement.

(2) Fewer young men in their 20s want to get married for fear that their wives might destroy their lives taking everything they worked for with just one emotionally charged 911 phone call.

(3) Young women in their 20s find it more difficult to find eligible men to marry them anymore, pushing them into promiscuity desperately trapping men with babies in order to get a child support check in lieu of a relationship.

(4) Women in America have been forced to turn to criminals, thugs, drug dealers, pimps, and other jailbirds to find a stable male figure dramatically INCREASING domestic violence, disease, babies born out of wedlock, poverty, societal alienation, slavery, and other social ills.

VAWA has done a lot more HARM than good in America by giving 51% of the population 100% better human/civil rights than the other 49%.

A federal law that makes one class of people superior to another class of people with "special protected status" violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution which states that all people in America are created equal and no one has more or less rights than anyone else.


This social experimentation is funded and lead by George Sorus' front groups like Safe Horizon, Sanctuary for Families, National Organization of Women.
VAWA has turned American women against men and destroyed the basic family unit by criminalizing the marital disagreement. It reduces once proud and strong men (and now women) into sniveling, cowardly individuals whose only path to marital peace is to assume the fetal position while their mate abuses them, never daring to stand up to them as human nature requires.

The Freemasons/Illuminati/Establishment have learned to stop people with ideas of changing the status quo or system. by branding them as either a terrorist, spousal abuser, child molester, deadbeat father, or some other horrible stigma.

kozinski.jpgFederal Judge named Alexander Kozinski, left, a known and committed Communist, born and raised in Romania, the land of Communist Dictator Killer Nicolae Ceausescu, Vlad Dracula, and Jozef Stalin, in US v Ballek held that these laws don't violate the Thirteenth Amendment. These laws are responsible for jailing millions of innocent American men who fell on hard times and couldn't pay, or were tricked, duped, drugged, or conned into child support slavery for 21 years.

The Freemasons/Illuminati brought back slavery and debtors prisons under the guise of "protecting children" by shaming men while rewarding con-artist biological mothers with weekly checks for life. The family court system bends over backwards to assist them in  humiliating, shaming, torturing, enslaving, and otherwise chaining those poor hapless men who found themselves in the cross-hairs of a larger sinister international plot to enslave mankind using the "welfare of children" as their emotional excuse.
Related- Makow - The Dawn of the Feminist Police State

First Comment by Stephen Coleman:

 have seen time and time again men falsely accused of rape by wives or girlfriends. It even happened to my nephew.  I know men that had been attacked by their spouse and then get carted off to jail. The women that make these false accusations are never prosecuted. Many are taken to women's shelters that are staffed by radical feminists that are and train women to be professional victims. (I know some of them, they are messed up worse than the women seeking help.)

Marriage has degenerated into a racket.  Marriage seems to be instituted for the sake of lining the pockets of divorce lawyers. It continues to devolve into making men into emasculated drones,  whose only purpose is to be a slave to the court, the ex and the children.  Many men must move back in with their parents because they are not left with enough to live on, let alone to marry again.

Sadly, myself being Christian I have counseled my son to not marry or have children; it is safer just to live in and don't have children.  I really hate saying that, but marriage is no longer is a natural institution ordained of God. its become a money making business for  lawyers and courts. 

Perhaps without these laws,  women would be far more careful of marriage and divorce and choose to work out their emotional issues rather than face certain poverty for themselves and their children. But it usually is the man that refuses to work out his emotional  issues. Most therapists see more women than men,  I see about a 7:1 ratio.

So perhaps these draconian laws are a result of too many jerks out there, but these laws also encourage women to be bitches.  But the good and the evil suffer alike.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Child Support/ DV Laws Designed to Entangle Men"

AC said (May 10, 2015):

Another great joint effort with your and Rahul's, Child Support/DV Laws Designed to Entangle Men. It's truly heartening to see former insiders like Raul courageously doing an about-face to sign off with evil and coming out from the Dark Side and into the Light. If there is any good which can come out of this Satanically engineered N.W.O. crisis, it is that it often forces some of us to draw on hidden, untapped reserves of moral and spiritual strength in this proving-ground called life.

Z said (May 9, 2015):

I agree with that article, but your 4. point of women being "Women being forced to turn to criminals, thugs, drug dealers... to find a stable male" is just utter complete rubbish. You have no idea that young men outnumber young women in the prime years of 18-30 in many cities by 1.4 to 1.8 to 1. Women can pick and choose, but prefer to spend their party years (19-28) with the "bad boys". They are even encouraged to do so by the likes of Sharyl Sandberg as part of the "lean in" life plan:

"“When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them."

She lived the plan exactly like that knowing her future husband for 10 years before marrying him - she preferred to date the bad boys until her mid 30s. And that is what unrestrained female hypergamy will do. Women will simply destroy civilization, because they can't help themselves. It certainly does not help that more men are told to become effeminate and male feminists, because women are truly loving that.

Also I would like to repeat that the phenomenon is nothing new. Even during WWII the women around the British POW camps were found to have affairs with German captured soldiers. Their husbands were fighting the Nazis while their wives were fucking the Nazis at home:

We have to accept that female nature is brutal and was always constrained by society, by their mothers and fathers, by peer pressure and slut shaming. If it is not, then women would run away and bang the bad boys and then frantically try to find the good man in their 30s - of course already being broken since they are ill-suited to behave sexually like a man. "

I know that the comment is longer, but it is valid and could be helpful for many men out there. The site Rational Male offers advice on how to still be able to build a stable relationship while sailing the hostile waters. Pedestalizing women and believing that they are "forced to date drug dealers" is just nuts.

Ken Adachi said (May 8, 2015):

Henry Makow continues to be a leading voice in explaining the Illuminati's game plan to destroy the traditional roles of men, women and their family rearing jobs in order to bring about a productive, moral, and spiritually conscious society, traditionally called western civilization, or sometimes western Christian civilization.

In Japan, you cannot get a divorce unless both parties agree. It used to be that way here in America until 1975 when the feminists of NOW, working in league with bribed politicians, pushed through "no fault" divorce which allows a woman to simply dump her husband into the garbage bin and force him, through the courts, to continue to pay all the bills -- or go to jail.

The emotional damage to both kids and father of losing their relationship and the connection to each other greatly damages both society and the individuals involved because it numbers many millions of people. This, of course, was all done by design. An easy way to end the misery, bitterness, resentment, and nightmare of custody battles, child support, etc., produced by the basic injustice inflicted upon the disposed spouse, is to repeal the law and reestablish mutual agreement in order to divorce.

As explained in this story, there is a high number of non American born federal judges who have been imported and quietly placed onto federal benches in order to make these Illuminated rulings, bypassing the legislative process and the will of the American people

Rich C said (May 8, 2015):

(4) "Women in America have been forced to turn to criminals, thugs, drug dealers, pimps, and other jailbirds to find a stable male figure dramatically INCREASING domestic violence, disease, babies born out of wedlock, poverty, societal alienation, slavery, and other social ills."

This is wrong. Women have flocked to these losers since time began. Most women do not know a bullshitter when they see one, especially when they are young and innocent. Criminals are born liars and they tell the women what they want to hear, just like a walking talking romance novel. By the time they figure it all out they have been used up, have three kids by the loser, and are complete mental cases. Look in any old junker driving down the road these days and you will see a young woman driving some loser with no job and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth to his next appointment with the local criminal justice system. There should be classes for girls on how to spot these maggots in high school.

Al Thompson said (May 7, 2015):

18 U.S.C. § 228- Failure to pay legal child support obligations


Title 18 is a horrible scam on the American public. It was never lawfully passed by the United States Congress. The House passed it in one year and the Senate passed it in another. A real bill would have to pass both the House and the Senate in the same year. I don't remember the dates, but all of Title 18 is a complete fraud. I found this out the hard way when I on the prison grounds. Some inmates knew who I was and sat down and explained it to me. I was appalled by what they showed me.

Title 18 was "passed" and signed into "law" by Harry Truman. But since the House and the Senate ignored their own rules, it shouldn't have any form or effect on anyone. But this doesn't make any difference to the govtards, as their whole governmental system is designed to injure the American people.

In addition, the "constitution" is nothing more than a bankruptcy, tax, and slave document. Thus, everything I was taught in school about the government was incorrect.

Tudor said (May 7, 2015):

Just to clarify some issues for the sake of the truth.

Ceausescu ruled Romania from 1965 to 1989 but Kozinsky left the contry in 1962 when he was 12, being brought to the United States by his parents, “both Holocaust survivors”. Strangely enough they left the country just before the Romania's stalinist era was about to end.

From 1965 to 1989, 104 executions were carried out. Most convictions involved murder, but some were for large-scale theft of state property. None, at least officially, was for political reasons.

Stalin was born in Georgia and ruled USSR.
Dracula is a fictional character not related with Vlad Tepes (the Impaler) (1431-1477). Vlad was loved by people, at that time peasants in vast majority, and hated by crooked merchants.

Tony said (May 7, 2015):

Great article on how men get fucked over by the system….wow…maybe I will just stay single it certainly is safer….the bastards have stacked the deck against men clearly….much too much danger involved with girls…they are emotional and blow with the wind…very scary to be legally bound together with a woman…. Pretty soon us men will exclusively be using prostitutes for our needs….makes more sense and less risk and cheaper in the long run…maybe even the shorter run….lol


Thanks Tony

I think porn has replaced women for many men.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at