Ray Rice: Domestic Violence Whipping Boy
September 9, 2014

An unfortunate altercation has allowed the Illuminati
to trot out one of their favorite hobby horses,
domestic violence.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
The NFL suspended Baltimore Raven running back Ray Rice "indefinitely" Monday after a video surfaced showing him knocking his then-fiance unconscious in an altercation in an Atlantic City casino elevator February 15, 2014.
Rice had been suspended for two games and fined $500,000. He had been charged with aggravated assault and was facing legal consequences. However the severity of the punch and the image of him dragging her unconscious body out of the elevator touched off a firestorm which resulted in the suspension which probably will end his football career.
I do not condone men beating up their women or vice versa. I find what Rice did repugnant. However, as usual, the Illuminati media are using this case to advance their heterophobic agenda designed to instill fear of men in women.
They tailor everything to their agenda. When Michael Brown was killed by a white cop, he was a Black man, better to promote racial division. But Ray Rice is not a Black man, part of a hip hop culture that encourages domestic violence and makes millions for the Illuminati. He is just a "man" better to demonize men and promote homosexuality.
When a man preys on young boys, he is a "pedophile." He is never a "homosexual" because homosexuality is good.
Women attack men as often as men attack women but you won't hear that now. You'll hear that a man kills a woman every six days, as one TV newscast reported.
You also won't hear that six weeks after this altercation, Janay Palmer married Ray Rice. They had been going together for six years and have a three-year-old child. You won't hear that Janay took some responsibility for the altercation and asked the public to forgive them and leave them alone.
It seems to me that prosecution should depend on a woman's complaint. How do you claim to empower women when this decision is taken out of their hands and placed in the hands of the marriage-hating Masonic state?
How is society protecting and respecting women like Janay Palmer by ignoring their wishes, taking away their husband's livelihood, and even putting him in jail? This is typical of the way feminism has stabbed women in the back. It is designed to destroy the institution of marriage.
Rice and Palmer had expressed contrition and mended their ways. But political correctness and media hysteria are not going to allow a second chance. "Tolerance" for the politically correct. Zero tolerance for them.
The bottom line is that heterosexuality is based on an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. If that loving male power is sometimes expressed physically, and it's what the woman respects and wants, who are we as a society that condones bombing helpless civilians into the stone age, to tell them how to live?
There is plenty of protection for a woman who wants out of an abusive relationship. She will usually end up with everything, especially if there is a child.
Ultimately, domestic violence hysteria is about emasculating men and wrecking marriages, not empowering women.
Statement Tuesday by Janay Palmer:
First Comment from Dee:
You know, I've seen, over the past week or so, dozens of on-air reports about Rice and his now-wife on multiple networks. I say now-wife because no matter what we in the public think, she married the man. And in not a single one of these reports did they fail to report that this was his "then-fiancee", or that they had subsequently married. Yet not a single report questioned the fact that since they still got hitched, perhaps there might be more to this than met the eye, and the hysteria needed a cap on it.
Interestingly, no matter which network you tuned in to, you got the same buzz words. It didn't matter what channel you picked, you were subjected to the same opinions voiced as "news".
I was struck by the feeling that, no matter how much I was revolted by the video of Rice clobbering his woman, there was a niggling at the back of my head screaming "OVERKILL". I did note that he picked up her dropped shoe for her when exiting the elevator, which told me he was personally horrified by what he had done... but we are not privy to what happened afterward. All we see is what went on in the elevator before the door closed. We are left to speculate. Did he haul her off by the hair like a cave man? Did he pick her up and try to undo the damage? We don't know; we are only given one side, incomplete evidence, with which to judge.
And then, they got married. Hmm.
Here in Canada, police are empowered to lay charges in a case of domestic violence, if they see any sign of physical altercation, and will do so. The details, presumably, are to be ironed out after the fact. But victims are no longer allowed to be the decision-maker as to whether or not their abuser goes free: the police can, at their will, override their refusal and lay charges anyway.
That law was ostensibly put into place because of the many women who are experiencing what is called "Battered Wife Syndrome" (note that a "syndrome" can have many symptoms, depending on what sort of abuse is being inflicted); such women tend not to lay charges, and the reality of that is quite frightening. Some of these women die for that mistake.
So on which side of caution should we err here? Well, for my part I think that the enforcement issue is moot: I'd much rather see a man (or woman) go through the humiliation of being charged and having to sort all that out in front of a judge, than bury another woman who stupidly thought it was all her fault and took back her apologetic abuser with open arms. And that, for me, is a no-brainer.
But, that said, this Rice thing is reminiscent of the recent kerfuffle over the LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, forced to sell his team, vilified by half the planet, for words he used in a private conversation. While ripping the man's life apart publicly, nobody bothered to mention that while his words may have been abhorrent, they were indeed private, until little Missy there chose to make them public. "Hell hath no fury", indeed.
So my beef with the whole thing is this: We are dealing here with a public evisceration of prominent people for not toeing the line, I think, more so than furthering the feminism plot (which I do not deny exists). The same thing has essentially been done to two major sports figures, and although their offences were very different, the common denominator was that they stepped out of line; they did not conform. And if there is one thing we know the elitists want of the sheeple, it is conformity... to whatever they say.
I remember the old movie "They Live" from about 1990, starring wrestler-turned-actor Roddy Piper, and the words he saw when he put on the strange sunglasses he found in an alleyway: Words like "Conform" and "Obey" were posted subliminally everywhere. And in my humble opinion, I'm thinking that Mr. Rice and Mr. Sterling were exemplified and scapegoated in terms of how "honorable" people (i.e. the sporting community, the NBA, the NFL etc.) handle those who do not conform.
Millions of pro-sports fans have been intimately affected by this: Conform to the norm, or the world will turn against you! Talk about using peer pressure to make a point!
Related: Timeline of Ray Rice Case
Makow -- Domestic Violence Hysteria is Political
--------- The Dawn of the Feminist Police State
W.F. Price Do Women's Sexual Choices Contribute to Domestic Violence?
Kristine said (September 10, 2014):
my comment to Al Thompson:
Dear Al: discern this: they are ALL lying: Good cop, bad cop, NATO/Russia, Putin/Obama – all for one and one for all. “By deception we will make war†is their motto. Red pill/ Blue pill – both lead down the rabbit hole, on the road of no return. The dialect is meant to entrap you – body, mind and soul.
Opt for TRUTH, which is neither/nor in the case of the Hegelian choices offered. Believe in God and the holy spirit and truth will be revealed to you.
If young people, who have no other options, opt not to go into the military – they will be drafted. The draft is not lawful (thou shalt not kill), which most are not cognizant of. Truly, our ignorance is our undoing.