Jewish Intolerance of Criticism
August 14, 2014
For a people who can dish it out,
Jews sure can't take criticism
Kevin MacDonald wrote this article in February 2009
when Israel was also bombarding Gaza.
It raises many interesting questions like:
1. Why are Jews so intolerant of criticism?
2. Is there such a thing as a "good Jew?" and are they welcome to join non-Jews in resisting Illuminati Jewish agenda?
3. Do Jews who want to be decent human beings have to renounce being Jewish?
4. Is there any point in dialogue with Zionist Jews?
5. How can humanity escape Illuminati Jewish tyranny?
But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)
By Kevin MacDonald
Professor at California State University Long Beach
(Abridged by
A topic that is not discussed enough is the screaming, in-your-face, hostile aggression that people must withstand when they dare to trample on Jewish sensibilities.
We are not talking about the sophisticated rationalization one sees in the op-ed pages of the mainstream media, or even the smear techniques of organizations like the ADL or the SPLC. We are talking about interpersonal aggression. There is something absolutely primal about it.
Now comes a refreshingly frank blog post by Karin Friedemann, left, an ethnically Jewish anti-Zionist [who converted to Islam.]. She notes the violent intolerance that defenders of Israel show towards people with different opinions.
American Jews are actually being trained since childhood to interact with non-Jews in a deceitful and arrogant manner, in coordination with each other, to emotionally destroy non-Jews and Israel critics in addition to wrecking their careers and interfering with their social relationships. This is actually deliberate, wicked, planned behavior motivated by a narcissistic self-righteous fury. ...
The problem is that non-Jews are taught through emotional pressure and violence via the media and the school system to be very sensitive to Jewish suffering so when a Zionist becomes outraged at them for challenging their world view, the non-Jew really has to fight against his own inner self in a huge battle against his "inner Jew" making him feel inadequate and intimidated. But the Jew doesn't care how much he or she hurts others. Jews only care about what's good for the Jews. ...
(Inscription on this cartoon bottom right, 6 points,6 triangles,6 lines, 666 Duh?)
I once reduced a 50 year old man to hysterical sobbing tears because I told him gently and lovingly that Jews were not that unique. I just told him the Jews, like everyone else, have had good times and bad times. Times when they were slaughtered and other times when they slaughtered others. Just like everyone else. Guess what he did next. He emotionally abused me in an insulting way and then cut off all further communication. Jewish behavior is so predictable that it's truly scary. ...
If you mention cutting off the money or if you mention the possible compromise of living with Palestinians as equals in one state they become very angry and start using bullying tactics, unless they have some reason to fear you, in which case they shun you and complain about you to the authorities, try to get you arrested or try and destroy your career or social status through character assassination. ...
Zionists all believe in the myth of "1000 years of Jewish suffering" and feel that the world owes them compensation for their ancestors' "unique" suffering. It's a criminally insane viewpoint. They cope with the contradictions between their belief that they are the good guys and what Jews are actually doing to their neighbors, both in the Middle East and in the US, by developing mental health issues. Most Zionists are functional schizophrenics.
(left, Jewish hate speech re. Kevin MacDonald)
My take:
These tactics are not restricted to critics of Zionism. As one who has experienced a barrage of hostile email from my faculty colleagues, I can certainly attest to this. A correspondent sent me the following recently:
I have encountered many liberal, politically correct Jews who react vociferously (almost violently) to the most innocuous comments about any topic related to Israel or Jews. One Jew upon my mentioning that my wife and I had been to Russia spent several minutes virtually frothing at the mouth about Russians. Another upon hearing me say I was sympathetic to the problems of the Palestinians demanded to know who I was and how dare I say such a thing. Often zero tolerance for any difference in opinion.
The media constantly present images of Jewish suffering"most recently the endless glut of Holocaust movies. But the media ignore instances, such as the early decades of the USSR and now in Greater Israel, where Jews have inflicted horrible suffering. Right now I am reading E. Michael Jones' The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Effect on History. It is striking to read his account of Jewish violence against non-Jews in the ancient world, particularly the persecution of Christians whenever Jews had the power to do so.
Long before Christians had any influence on Roman policy, Christians' complaints about Jews were not stereotypes based on historical memory but resulted from direct experience with Jews: "Origen understood that Jewish calumny helped to cause Christian persecution, and that Jewish hatred was a fact of life for the Christians, continuing unabated after the repeated defeats of Messianic politics" (i.e., the defeats of Jewish rebels at the hands of the Romans in 70 and 135 ad) (p. 69). This is the basis of my concern on what will happen to whites when Jews become part of a hostile elite in white-minority America.
Non-Jews absorb these media images and as a result feel inadequate, emotionally intimidated. Eventually they identify with the aggressor, much like a browbeaten hostage or, as Friedemann suggests, an abused spouse. Or they maintain their friendships but studiously avoid talking about anything related to Israel. Non-Jews do the bidding of their inner Jew because they have internalized images of Jewish suffering. They therefore aid and abet Jewish brutality and aggression.
Non-Jews who persist in criticizing the organized Jewish community are threatened with loss of livelihood and social ostracism. As I noted in a previous article, the organized Jewish community does not believe in free speech. It is important to keep in mind that when Jews were dominant in the first decades of the Soviet Union, the government controlled the media, anti-Semitism was outlawed, and there was mass murder of Christians and the destruction of Christian churches and religious institutions.
As Friedemann notes, the situation is nothing less than a sign of serious mental health issues for the mainstream Jewish community: "Most Zionists are functional schizophrenics."
I think this is what happens when people who deal with Jewish issues finally realize that there is no hope for dialogue and begin to think of what to do next. Honest people finally realize that when it comes to critical issues like Israel and multicultural America, the divisions among Jews are an illusion. (Friedemann herself has renounced her Jewish identity.) As Friedemann's husband, Joachim Martillo, notes, "Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have no choice but to renounce being Jewish and serve the anti-Zionist struggle (right now)."
Exhibit A for this right now is the murderous Israeli invasion of Gaza. We know (see, for example, John Mearsheimer' s article in The American Conservative) that this invasion occurred after a prolonged period when Israel restricted supplies into Gaza and then attacked tunnels between Gaza and Egypt. We know that the invasion was designed to "to inflict massive pain on the Palestinians so that they come to accept the fact that they are a defeated people and that Israel will be largely responsible for controlling their future."
The tone of Mearsheimer's article suggests a dramatic shift in attitude where the usual inhibitions on public discourse are finally beginning to fall, even for a respected academic:
There is ... little chance that people around the world who follow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will soon forget the appalling punishment that Israel is meting out in Gaza. ... [D]iscourse about this longstanding conflict has undergone a sea change in the West in recent years, and many of us who were once wholly sympathetic to Israel now see that the Israelis are the victimizers and the Palestinians are the victims.
And my suggestion for the rest of us is to get rid of what Friedemann calls the "inner Jew". I know it's hard to do. But once you tune out the screaming hostility (and assuming you don't fear losing your job), it's easy. Just don't expect a pleasant or rational conversation.
Kevin MacDonald is the editor of The Occidental Observer.
Related - Jon Stewart Learns What happens When You Criticize Israel (YouTube)
----------- Jewish Control over America through Campaign Donations
----------- Credit Crisis Benefited A Class of Jews - Martillo
First Comment by Al Thompson:
1. "Why are Jew so intolerant of criticism?"
Anyone who is evil cannot or has a lot of difficulty confronting their own problems. Apparently, their way of life demands even more evil so that their authority is never questioned.
2. "Is there such a thing as a "good Jew?" and are they welcome to join non-Jews in resisting Illuminati Jewish agenda?"
I knew two: Irwin Schiff and Jack Cohen. Irwin is still in prison because he opposed the income tax. He told me that it would be against his moral conscience to continue to let the fraud of the income tax continue unchallenged.
Then there was Jack Cohen who discovered that the income tax or internal revenue laws were repealed in 1939. Jack passed away a few years ago. Otherwise, my experience with Jews is a mixed bag.
3. "Do Jews who want to be decent human beings have to renounce being Jewish?"
What is a Jew? Is it a race? Is it a religion? Is it a nationality? I'm new to this issue and it is a frustrating one to say the least. The Talmudic-Pharisee-Communist Jew is the problem.
4. "Is there any point in dialogue with Zionist Jews? " No, they think their shit doesn't stink.
5."How can humanity escape Illuminati Jewish tyranny?" Just use God's commandments and the natural laws and forget about government and religion. Both are proven failures. If everyone would pay more attention to these principles and applied them to their lives, they will destroy the foundation of evil.
Doug P said (August 16, 2014):
I think that we must always remember that there is very large number of Jews that are basically good and feel more threatened by all of this nonsense than any of us non Jews.