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Hebrew Scholar issues Warning to Christians

August 29, 2014

asher.jpgKaraite scholar says present-day Jews
descend from satanic Babylonian "Shelanite-Judah" cult
that exterminated original Hebrews.

"The basis of their law is total cultural separation
for the complete take-over and enslavement of inferior races...
you are already seeing their next move, to exterminate those
who believe they are Christian.

Dr. Asher is a Karaite Scholar who holds a Doctorate degree in Ancient Middle Eastern Comparative Religion. Emphasis on Hebrew Biblical culture and language. Dr. Asher hails from an uninterrupted family lineage of Karaite Torah scholars originating from the Hebrew Tribe of Asher in the Galilee area of Northern Canaan. Dr. Asher's teachings advance the ancient Karaite tradition of uncompromising absolute Torah truth based on original Hebrew culture, traditions, and language, with a great emphasis on the proven original texts.

Born in Brooklyn NY, Dr. Asher spent most of his childhood in NY & NJ, continuing his learning in his early twenties in Israel, where he received his citizenship. During his formative years Dr. Asher was exposed to the Christian religion extensively by those around him. Learning the Torah from the age of seven, he quickly identified that most Judeo-Christians are deeply misinformed on all levels of Hebrew history and experience, and needed help.

 Asher is the first Hebrew scholar of Hebrew lineage to publish books proving the ancient-to-modern day Jewish subterfuge and manipulation of our original Hebrew texts and all religions since. In fact, years ago, he was forced to leave his Brooklyn NY birthplace to live remotely in the West because of his teachings about them.

by Shmuel Asher

The issue is Who are the Jews?  As you read this bear in mind that I am Hebrew, with a long lineage of Hebrew scholars before me, as I have been for 35 yrs.

No one writing has done the rest of us (non-serpent) "Hebrew lineage people" the great service of at least LEARNING that there exists a MAJOR difference between "JEWS" and the other 12 ORIGINAL HEBREW tribes! 

The Christian population is not historically a SCHOLARLY population outside of their own highly "Papacy corrected" writings and dogma, all of which are originally fabricated by the same serpent people. The loss of (Jewish-controlled) Hebraic language and cultural details as Abrahim and Moshe had them, and needed for people to fully and correctly understand so many important historical points of fact, and make good decisions from those facts, has been lost. These types of articles LUMP all of us into ONE single "JEW" pile!  A totally one dimensional pile that will at some future point after all the unintentional, and even intentional brainwashing is done, lead the rest of us who are actually the MAJORITY of Hebrew - "Non-JEWS", directly into the newer, technologically advanced gas oven systems!
Christian sentiment "lovingly" derides "ALL JEWS" as the entity who is behind all such evil events through history.  NOT THAT I AM DISAGREEING!  What I attempt to bring out and inform everyone on is the TRUE identity of those you CALL - "Jews."
Now, do not get me wrong, I have published books on this exact issue of identification, and they are not making me popular among this evil sect, even Christianity's Yehshua/Jesus told you WHO those false JEW Scribes and Pharisee's were, as they remain to this very day backed by several Nation States, as we all know. 

HOWEVER, because of the ongoing actions of the FEW-JEW, who originate from but only ONE blood lineage out of (3) LINEAGES of Judah that existed, and still exist today as the Hebrew Tanak and English bibles clearly depict them, the media continue in their ignorance on this MAJOR issue of identifying THEM as all there is!

This is adding fuel for the next round of extermination ovens. Ovens and gas chambers by the way that were fired up by this exact same evil sect beginning with the Assyrian enslavement of our original Hebrew ancestors, and confiscation of our fertile Northern lands; then the Spanish inquisition to exterminate the descendants of our same original Northern Canaan Hebrew lineages, and in more modern times the Nazi & Russian cleansings, etc.  Do you know that the word Nazi/Nasi, is Babylonian Aramaic, and still used in the current Hebrew language to mean "Exalted one?"
There are 12 tribes that still exist to this day, not one called JEWS, and not 10 lost tribes as many incorrectly assume. These people of ancient Hebrew lineage are many people worldwide today just as promised to Abrahim. Even many of you reading this have had the blood of Abrahim mixed into you as that promise clearly stated would occur, although most of you as also the prophets clearly stated, have lost your identity.

 "Judah", would be representative of ONLY one tribe! However, the Judah who behaves in this evil predictable manner as you and many others have exposed, IS NOT and NEVER WAS a true Hebraic bloodline entity. In fact, with little research you will find that even their own Jewish Encyclopedia, it states that fact exactly! As does their Talmud! They are an amalgamation of Canaanite tribes mixed with Babylonian customs, and they openly admit this publicly. Christians just do not know what to listen for.

As I already stated in part, another major point that few understand is, that virtually all of the holocaust victims from the ancient Assyrian campaign, which this same Judah cleverly orchestrated, to the Spanish Inquisition, to our modern times, (were NOT THESE FALSE JEWS being murdered), it was all original Hebrew tribal bloodlines being exterminated by the ones who PRETEND to be Hebrew! I remind again, your Jesus flat out told you who they were, and that "THEIR law" was evil! 

Amazingly both Jew and gentile scholars know all this and have for a very long time, problem is, Christianity has had no clue that THEIR evil 2nd law - (Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy) are a literal NEW codex of laws which superseded that which was originally given, or should I more accurately say, reiterated, to Moshe. Scholars know that this particular sect of Canaanites, usually referred to as Judah, are the very ones who finally compiled, edited, and redacted all of the far more ancient texts of Moshe, which were very few; organized and overseen by the scribal Priests Ezra and Ezekiel, along with their staff in Babylon some yrs prior to their release back to Jerusalem, this is the alleged 5 book codex compilation you have today.

The basis of their law is total cultural separation for the complete take-over and enslavement of inferior races. Does this sound familiar to you? If you inquire of most Orthodox Jewish Rabbi's as to if their "Talmud" is in fact the 6th book of the Torah/bible, most will tell you yes, absolutely. It was in fact not included as such by them after the book of Leviticus was written sometime after 540 BCE, because too many people below them already knew the "alleged" Torah of Moshe to consist of 5 books only.
This false sect used to have a much better handle on where our tribes migrated to and intermingled, and once you understand who they are and how they work, you will more easily identify their paths of movement from Canaan to Europe, and also partially back to Babylon after the Romans had enough. This (Shelanite-Judah) cult followed our Hebrew people long after they left Canaan. They took over countries just as they have done since they took over Darius's Babylon, through commerce and law through the aid of the governor Nehemiah - (book of Nehemiah).

They pretend outwardly to be Hebrew in order to hide and aid their efforts in identifying the true Hebrew lineages among the Nation, then they use the might of that nation to exterminate us. WHY, because just like the runner/messenger on the battlefield, as long as he lives, the truth lives!  And as long as our lineages remain viable, then all of The Eternal Creators prophesies for us and the world remain viable! This of course gets in the way of their long term plans as you and many other people are finally coming to see.
Being Hebrew I am the worst enemy for them, because I have great credibility among both Christians and other sects of Judaism. GET READY Christian's, because the false (Shelanite-Judah) knows that Ephraim, Jacob, and their companions, are among you with a high degree of density in North America. THIS is why you are already seeing their next move, to exterminate those who believe they are Christian. If only all of you would wake up to who you truly are, as clearly expressed within all the prophets, and stop believing all the totally ridiculous (Shelanite-Jew) tainted Christian prophesy about the State of Israel being the incarnation of all end-day prophesies, which has been force fed to Christian leaders by this false sect directly in order to keep all of the true sons of Jacob deaf, dumb, and blind.

I CANNOT exert pressure on this single point hard or long enough. STOP feeding the stealthy opposition through your churches! The largest Christian evangelists have been totally assimilated, they are feeding the monster that will eat them soon enough, and most likely they are beyond help now. How can you fight an enemy when you have been brainwashed (religion wide), to always fight for, and save "the Jews".  Because of course "Jesus was a Jew right?"
Well yes, he was born out of the tribe of Judah, BUT NOT their false "Shelanite-Judah" sect, he was born out of the "Pharez" line,  HUGE difference!  You want to save people?  Save both yourselves and us HEBREWS!!! Those others are just as your Jesus told you they were.
I only ask all of you reading this to put aside what you believe you know about our shared history, and take my comments here into very serious consideration. Because now Christians will be up against an enemy that is so cunning, and so invisible, that their losses (without Messianic aid), may be unthinkable, and the world will lose this brightest light on a hill called America. Exactly where our prophets very clearly said the sons of Jacob would be moved, and hidden until the end"   
If you or anyone else would like to learn the true verifiable history of this entity referred to here as "Shelanite-Judah", in the hopes that more good people like yourselves who search for the truth in all matters will begin sharing that line of important information; the following link and corresponding book will do wonders for your knowledge base on this subject, as well as many other related subjects.
AHRC.vcf The Asher Codex by Dr. Shmuel Asher

Asher Books on Amazon

Rebuttal by Stuart D:

The latest article written by the Jew who doesn't want to be a Jew was just absolute nonsense.  When are people going to learn reality and quit pushing their own false ideas?  Jesus condemned the Jews....not because they were claiming to be a different people than who they were......BUT BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T FOLLOWING THEIR OWN LAW AND TEACHINGS.  His chastisement had nothing to do with their heritage....but what came out of their mouth....deception and lies.

Is it THAT difficult to understand context?  No WONDER people don't understand the Bible.  It isn't difficult...people just insert their own ideas.  The Jews are really good at that. 

The author of that latest article has no idea what he is talking about.  NONE.  Claims to be a Torah following Jew, but rejects half of it?  And is proud of it?  I'm sorry, YOU CANNOT read the Old Testament without realizing it is about ONE person....the Messiah of the World....Jesus Christ, and that the books of the law are just that....Law...regardless if the Jew likes the rules or not.  Jews don't like rules.  At least following them. 

By the way, Henry, you and I both know damn well that NO ONE can claim to be a Hebrew, much less the detail of coming from Dan, or Asher, or wherever he claimed to be.  ALL RECORDS WERE DESTROYED TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO.  He is a liar among liars. 

Christians are not a scholarly people?  That is the DUMBEST THING I have ever heard.  As if Christians are all one race of people....all from the same land.  He really really is a JEW JEW isn't he?  And the New Testament is NOT corrupted by Jewish/Catholic translations.  For crying out loud we HAVE the original GREEK texts for verification....WAY before the Catholics came on seen.  The Word of God is PERFECT....and has NOT been corrupted.  Now....allow me to temper that statement.  The King James Bible, and indeed many translations over the past 1000 years or so, have been translated to manipulate certain verses in order to promote false Calvanistic doctrine such as original sin, total depravity, limited atonement, etc.  Even the word fornication has been substituted because those powers that were needed an excuse for divorce.  But the Word is still there, in it's pure form.  Man is without excuse knowing his Creator. 

What a bunch of crap that article was.  He has no idea what a REAL Christian is.  If he thinks Christianity is the TV stuff like Joel Osteen and what have you....he has another thing coming.  Also....the world had better realize that REAL Christians will not "turn the other cheek" as has Christ's words have been misquoted and misrepresented.  We will not just fall to the side as evil sweeps by.  There are higher laws at work over others.....and I guarantee you and this so called Jew one thing.....Christianity is alive and well.

By the way...there is NO prophecy or Scripture ANYWHERE in the Bible that indicates America.  It simply is NOT there.  These Jews haven't changed in 2000 years.  Instead of is all about oral tradition, myths, fables, mystery, etc.  America is simply not mentioned as a land, or in ANY reference in the Scriptures.  To say otherwise is to place words into Scripture that are not there.

Comment from Dan:

I must weigh in to affirm at least two of Dr. Asher's assertions.  I discovered a few of them myself by simply reading the Christian Bible and studying the documented ancient history through our times, without prejudice.   I hope he can set his prejudices aside too.  He has as much vitriol for Christians as he does for Jews.  He asks readers not to "lump all of us into one Jew PILE", so please don't make the same mistake.
The majority of people calling themselves 'Christians' have no idea what that means.  Let's make the distinction by calling what they follow "Churchianity".

I grew up attending a little church that didn't try  to indoctrinate me as boy.   I steered clear of churches for over thirty years. Five years ago, I started attending Bible "study" groups as I spent a year reading the Old and New Testaments.  I had never really read them all the way through before.
Luckily the first group I took read The Book of Acts of the Apostles.  As we read, I noticed amazing things.  For one, a common mythology of American Churchianity is that the Jews were always concentrated in 'the Holy Land', and that they didn't begin to spread out in the world till the Romans destroyed the Temple and drove them all out of Israel.   Of course with a little research, every one of these notions is false.   It's right there in print in Paul's three journeys in Acts.   You see everywhere Paul traveled in the Ancient world all the way to Rome, not only were their Jew, but they were the richest people in town. When Paul arrived at a city, he marched straight to the synagog first.   Also, it turns out these "Jews" on the Roman trade routes were largely CONVERTS to Judaism. That blows away another Churchianity myth - that Jews never sought mass conversions.  Well, they did.  Not the poor folks though, they went after converting the elite Pagans.  About that time I learned that the Emperor Nero had a Jewish wife, and he's even given hero status in the Talmud.

How did Christians become so misinformed about history?  and how can they read the Bible as adults and not notice?    I pointed out these things in the class to blank stares.   When you program children under six with these stories they're too young to notice such discrepancies.    These narratives were drilled into their minds this way and reinforced every season.   By the time the person is 60 years old, most of them can't handle any thing that contradicts the paradigm they were given, because they've made heavy life investments in these beliefs.    'Christian Zionists' have given up sons willingly to die in Iraq and Afghanistan based upon a false reading of scripture.  It's tragic, and dangerous for us all.

By the way, it was also during these studies that I heard of Karaites for the first time.   As a matter of fact it was Karaites who produced the Masoretic Text for the Rabbinical Jews, as Dr. Asher knows very well.   I was ASTOUNDED to learn that the Rabbinical Jews as late as the Middle Ages had to hire Karaites and Samaritans (whom they despised) to translate their version of the Tanakh and  Samaritan Pentateuch  from the GREEK Septuagint into Hebrew

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Hebrew Scholar issues Warning to Christians "

Debra said (August 31, 2014):

We can end debating once and for all by digging under The Mound of Hostages (Hill of Tara) to recover the Ark of the Covenant that contains the original 5 Books of Moses and the Tablets upon which the Ten Commandments were written (by God Himself).

Tony B said (August 31, 2014):

Gotta write it: Bible studies, I originally loved them. But eventually it dawned on me by following the conversation:

A, "I think it means this."
B. "Um, I think it means that."
C. "Well, to me, it means this other thing."

In other words none of us had the first clue as none of us had spent the necessary time learning what the bible, Christianity actually, is all about. For such people, the bible, no matter which bogus or even true translation, is a smörgåsbord wherein each partake picks what he/she likes.

Blind leading the blind. Pot holes unending. All full of well-meaning people.

Catholics used to have priests who spend many years of hard learning before being given the obligation of making things clear to others. They KNEW what they were talking about as proved out with their Church and the establishment of Christian civilization in Europe. That was before V2. Now European civilization is crashing even faster than ours.

K said (August 30, 2014):

The members must have roots from Judea. The significance of 12 represents kings or kingdoms, and the plus one or 13 represents the Anti-Christ who will take the throne. During the final battle the Messiah will cast him away which is the final act of the 7 year tribulation. The Anti-Christ comes out of the European Union but does not live there as coming out means born; he is an Israeli General with duel citizen and will win the Battle of Gog Magog and will sign the 7 year peace treaty. This starts the 7 year tribulation period and notice the significance of the EU flag [13 stars]. The Anti-Christ must be Jewish or the people of Israel would never accept him as their Messiah.

JC said (August 30, 2014):

Another great article by Dr. Asher.

It is very unfortunate that nearly all Americans and Canadians who attend Christian churches have no ability to think in complex terms.

They let the priest/pastor do all their thinking. Their motto is: "Don't ask me to think, just tell me what to do."

Understanding the truth about ancient and modern history is complex. Christians don't do complex, they just do simple.

We live in tumultuous times prompted by evil men and women.

Dr. Asher has provided some very important information to help us understand the ancestral lineage of some Americans and Canadians who might be part of that group.

Thank you Dr. Asher.

Diane said (August 30, 2014):

Read the article by Shmuel Asher. It always pleases me to read anything that is truthful and revealing. I know the Biblical History of the 12 tribes and I know that as God promised Abraham....that he would make him the father of many nations. In Biblical prophecy America is critical so I absolutely disagree with Stuart D. Christ did not condemn the Jews. Christ condemned the serpent people or as I call them the kenites. They are the ones sitting in the house of Judah claiming to be Jews and are not but do lie and are of the synagogue of satan. The Scriptures have been changed. I read only the King James and even then I have to go back to the original language using a Strongs Concordance to understand the writings.

The English language did not exist and the translation to English does affect the meaning of the words. I do believe that the Christians today are not scholarly as stated by Shmuel Asher. We were also warned many times not to be like them. "Their lips profess me but their hearts are far from me." The ministers in sheeps clothing will pay a heavy price for leading Gods people into a mass delusion. I know of no traditional Christian today that truly seeks out the word of God in the Scriptures. They pay a man (their so called minister) to tell them what it says. Why would I pay anyone to tell me what the Scriptures say when I have the book and can search it out for myself.

I have heard many of these so called ministers and they are greedy, corrupt, vain, empty and yes evil. They know exactly what they do. You cannot read the Scriptures and speak the lies they speak. If they do not teach the serpent seed doctrine. If they do not teach the return of the anti (instead of) Christ masquerading as the true Christ than they are doing the devils work. I believe knowingly. (that is personal opinion). Stuart is mistaken. The election of God and the very Elect of God....we do not turn the other cheek nor will we ever resort to violence of any kind. As we know there is no rapture.

The scriptures are quite clear. Gods people are delivered up to the councils, the synagogues to be killed. He who seeks to save his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake will be given a crown. Gods people do not premeditate what they will say at that time. The Holy Spirit will speak thru them. (Matthew, Mark, Luke) will not be the ridiculous babble nonsense that the Pentecostal and Baptist practice but the true language that is of God and all will understand as it was spoken in Acts on the day of penecost by the Disciples. I get the feeling that Stuart is making a serious mistake by lumping Shmuel Asher as a JEWJEW. I appreciate the words of Shmuel Asher and I am reminded daily that we live in a world that hates the truth and those that dare to speak it.

Al Thompson said (August 29, 2014):

While some people think that studying this kind of material is productive, I'm thinking that is is trimming the leaves of the tree rather than getting at the root of the problem.

The problem is that whatever system is or whoever it came from, the issue is that it is satanic. That's what people have to deal with and most governments and religions combine or conflate together to bring about the most ugly conditions upon mankind.

Satanism is manifested in modern times by various forms of communism: socialism, fascism, progressive, liberals, etc. The planks of communism are evident in almost all of the governments. Thus, communism is the modern form of slavery and the perps of communism want to include all of mankind into their particular version of hell on earth.

While the Jew issues may have a point, it is too easy to get distracted by that and waste a lot of time on learning things that won't solve the problem. Satanism is the main problem which is in the form of communism. This system of govtardment is what is being promoted by most of the psycho-Jews and other miscreants.

In addition, it is difficult to completely trust any writing because it is too easy to lie. So while one can exercise scholarship in something, that scholarship very well could be total poppycocki. Which in turn leaves mankind with the natural law which is more accurate and presented exactly the way the creator intended. To try to make sense what one Jew or group of Jews did is entirely mind-numbing and it distracts from the real problem.

Most modern governments are communist which in turn is satanic.

Adam R said (August 29, 2014):

Rebuttal to Stuart D:

The fruit of the Spirit is Love (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.) and your rebuttal to Shmuel Asher strikes me as vitriol and not gentle correction (2 Timothy 2:25: 25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,) which suggests that your “rebuttal” is not of the spirit but of the flesh which is opposed to God (Romans 8:7 NIV: 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.).

I did find Mr. Asher’s book summary to have merit for consideration. For example: We are instructed to reason together (Isaiah 1:18) and it is reasonable to assert the 10 unaccounted tribes of ancient Israel were mingled and assimilated into the surrounding nations and over almost 3 millennia their bloodlines are in many of the peoples of the world. Now, I don’t hang-up too much on blood-lines since in this time of grace men enter into the lineage of Abraham by adoption; however, I find Mr. Asher’s information at least academically significant and may become more so as we enter a new era that would require more time to go into than I have right now (with respect to this article).

Thank you for sharing this Dr. Asher.

CR said (August 29, 2014):

In regards to your article today, "Hebrew Scholar issues Warning to Christians", I find it interesting that Mr. Asher is mentioned as a "Karaite" because from what I gather the meaning of Karaite is "one who follows scripture (Torah)".

He calls Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy "evil", so which Torah is he following? To give an example of what others callling themselves "Karaite" are pushing on the unwashed masses, check this: - basically saying that the holocaust happened because of a rejection of zionism, and another holocaust will happen because the zionists are not sufficiently extremist. Now, from what I understand, one part of Karaite philosophy is that the talmud is wrong and everyone is supposed to form their own interpretation, so he is not totally off track. It would be interesting to hear his opinion on what the correct laws are (and where he gets them from) if the Torah laws are evil as he says. To condemn the laws attributed to Moses with no alternative basically means that it is good for man to lay with man or to pass your children through the fire to molech, etc. I have no doubt that these books were not actually written by Moses and are reinterpreted, corrupted or distorted versions of the original laws and history, but Mr. Asher's book would probably sell more copies if he could give a bit more information in his article rather than just telling us we know nothing.

Tyron said (August 29, 2014):

Asher isn't too far off but let's set the record straight. The so called "Jews" today are mostly from Ashkenaz (Genesis 10:3 of Japeth) and the maternal remnant of Esau "Jews" (not of Jacob) who infiltrated Judea proper after they murdered the last King of Judah (southern tribes) Hycranus. They then took over the priesthood, installed the Esau Herodian dynasty enforcing Babylonian Talmudic legal codes in place of authentic Hebrewism, persecuting the authentic judaites (few left of Judah, Benjamin,Levi and one house of David) based on their race (white) and authentic religion.

We see the exact same thing today. When Christ came the ruling authority was transferred from Judah and Levi to Ephraim and Manasseh at the end of this particular age. King Tut's R1b genetic marker is found in between 50 and 99.6% of Western European peoples. This is exactly what we would expect to find if we are looking for Joseph's sons because of his union with a white (Semite) Egyptian Priestess. The other line of the house of David is the Modern British Common Law Throne which is usurped, just like it was 2000 years ago in Judea.

The 12 tribes (except for those few mentioned above) were taken east by the Assyrians, broke in to Russia, went through the Caucasian Mountains, around both the Black and Caspian seas, flooding in Europe proper between 600 BC and 200 BC. Archaeological, linguistic, ancient historical texts and now even atheistic scientific evidence backs up other physical evidence as well as the authentic (Greek) scriptural narrative perfectly-- having traced R1b exactly the same route.

What happened to the remnant of Judah by the impostor "Jews" of Esau is happening again (now with the Ashkenaz) with the remnant of white/European Christendom. They indeed plan on genociding whites/Christians because we are the only one's who stand in their way to erect their JWO with it's main Anti Christ.

Carl said (August 29, 2014):

The recent Asher article is very interesting. Thank you.

Do you know how Mr. Asher differentiates the "Shelanite-Judah" cult from those Jews or Hebrews who are not overthrowing world civilization? I.e. - how can one know who is purposefully working to fulfill the Protocols of Zion and who is not? Their secrecy is their greatest strength...

Debra L said (August 29, 2014):

In my opinion, people who call themselves Christians are the most mind controlled people on the planet. Seminaries and bible schools teach their future clergy called "pastors" how to become professional handlers and mind control programmers.

Jesus Himself abolished all temple systems and clergy/priestly offices with His first coming. (Acts 7:47-60; Revelation1:6) The word pastor is used only one time in the NT and it is in the plural, yet Christians base their entire system around this one man. That is the antichrist they are all looking for. They are replacing the Head with themselves. Antichrist is right in their own mirror.

The covenant we are now under is prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and stated in Hebrews 8:7-13. "I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:"...In that he saith. A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. -----Also, why are christians continually looking for the third temple to be built in Jerusalem? (and why do they build church buildings?) We are the third temple being rebuilt, and Jeshua's coming to our temple (body) is always at hand through His Spirit. (engiken -has drawn near - the eternal now - I AM). James 5:8. This is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven at hand - The New Covenant.

Interesting that last night I opened my bible to James 1:1 and it reads: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

Dispensationalism obviously was created by the Synagogue of Satan Jews and the wars on this planet are between "two" seed lines. Genesis 3:15. Matthew 13:38.

Kevin Boyle said (August 29, 2014):

The message in this article is, as you probably know, nearly the same as that delivered on Douglas Reed's great book, The Controversy of Zion (for me, the best book I've ever read)

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at