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"Earth Mother" Will Keep Brazil in Straitjacket

August 31, 2014

jpg(Marina Silva, left, 56, is a Green activist who will constrain economic growth)

"The Left has the amazing ability to morph itself
every couple of decades, bringing the same poison
 in a new package that promises a better product.

by Marcos

Not even the soccer World Cup can save the Marxist government of Brazil.

As I predicted four years ago, the corrupt and incompetent government of Dilma Roussef is a disaster for the country. Gone are the easy benefits of the commodities boom: say hello to inflation, zero GDP growth and recession. Taxes are at a record of almost 40% of the economy, the public sector is drowning in debt with hundreds of thousands of surplus public employees. Brazilians have experienced a big corruption scandal every week.

In a country where a truck loaded with soy beans can wait for a week to enter the harbor, Dilma gave US$ 800 MM to Cuba to build a modern port in Havana. Brazilian infrastructure is falling apart, while Brasília gives billions of dollars to neighbor countries, in order to boost a Marxist South American Union. These loans have been classified as state secrets.

Enough is enough. People chanted choruses at the over-priced stadiums in the World Cup, insulting Dilma with the worst possible words. The only people who still support her are the ones who get food stamps and are afraid that any other president would take these benefit away.


The presidential election next October seemed to be the time for a change. Aecio Neves, the former governor of the important state of Minas Gerais had been anointed in 2004 by Lord Jacob Rothschild in a meeting in London (with Rothschild pawn Mario Garnero, Thatcher and Bush Sr.) as the future president of Brazil.

He had chosen a George Soros front man, Armínio Fraga,  who worked in Soros' Quantum Fund, as Minister of the Economy and has the full support of Brazilian masonry. Neves is a Fabian socialist from a social-democrat party which painted a future for Brazil more in line with a European third-way globalist country than a hard core Venezuela or Cuba-style Marxist one. I believed he would win.

acidente-eduardo campos (2).jpgHowever, destiny (or sabotage) played a trick on Brazilians. The candidate in third place in the run, socialist Eduardo Campos, left, was killed in a plane crash. His vice-president candidate was Marina Silva, an environmentalist and former Green Party enthusiast who had reached third place in the last election. Suddenly, with all the commotion generated by the accident and media exposure, she was catapulted to first place in all election polls, within little more than a month to voting day.

It's possible the Rothschilds soured on Dilma for her participation in the BRIC group and wanted to replace her with Neves. I would be sure the Rothschilds were in control if Neves won. However, Marina is a hardcore Marxist. Her husband in fact works for Dilma's party in Acre. In my opinion, she is a useful idiot being courted by the two sides. I am certain she will follow the UN agenda. My doubt is if she will push the Bolivarian revolution with Cuba and Venezuela like Dilma.

We will see a fight in her government between the Marxists who created her and the green billionaires who finance her now. We will probably get the worst of two worlds. But Dilma would destroy Brazil if she had four more years.


Marina is a messianic figure with a rags to riches background. Born very poor in the remote state of Acre, she was a child worker and a maid who only learned to write as an adult. She became involved with Marxist unions and got the attention of the country by fighting along international NGOs (WWF, Greenpeace)  for the rights of workers and conservation of the jungle.

Later on, she joined Dilma's party (PT, workers party) and reached the positions of senator and Minister of the Environment. During her tenure, she implemented UN's Agenda 21 in Brazil, a new world order plan that basically institutes total control of society by the State and destroys any chance of development for Third World countries.

Many people believe that because of her austere looks and evangelical background, she will be some sort of Mother Theresa of the jungle who will fix the errors and corruption of Dilma. However, she has her share of scandals, including involvement in the illegal sale of thousands of mahogany logs for foreigner buyers. The Left has the amazing ability to change and morph itself every couple of decades, bringing the same poison in a new package that promises a better product.

silphil.jpgMarina is also backed by politically-correct green billionaires like the heiress of the largest private bank in Brazil, CEOs and businessmen and also has full support of people like Prince Philip and the European Green Organizations. She was even invited to parade at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in London. Was that a sign she was the chosen one?


Brazil seems to be moving from one globalist block (the Eastern Marxists, China and Russia) to another (the Western Illuminati). If their fight for dominance in places like Ukraine and Syria is for real or just false Hegellian dialect conflict, we may never know.

However, the moderate Fabian-socialist approach to the new world order represented by Neves seems to be too slow for the globalists. Marina can implement brutal Agenda 21 regulations with much more speed, while keeping a Marxist government structure that will assure that Brazil will never turn to be a developed nation. Remember that the main role of Brazil in the new world order is to be a provider of natural resources and a poster-child of green environmentalism.

The backlash against Dilma is happening because she is destroying the economy and the masonic businessmen are worried. Now with Marina, anything is possible, but I see a fusion of both evils, new world order style. Marxism is a tool to destroy the values of a country, both religious and political, in order to serve it on a tray to the globalists.  The Western Illuminati and the Eastern marxists are like two Mafia bosses who divided a territory between themselves. Sometimes there are skirmishes in the borders, some thugs get killed, but nothing that a meeting of the capos won't solve. 

Guardian - The Greenest President in History
Forbes- Meet the Banking Heir Backing Silva

First Comment from Henrique:

Brazilians are probably the most neurotic and sado-masochistic people in the world, easy to control through guilt and shame - environmentalism is the ultimate "guilt and shame" scam, according to the Club of Rome.

Man himself is the enemy, against hapless Mother Earth at his mercy. The predatorial, light-skinned middle-class ( many of them descendants of Sephardic slave owners, like me ) is always looking for the new way to con the masses into giving consent to their own slavery ( as everywhere else, BTW ), and this type of psychological construct is just perfect.

"Don't you wanna save Mother Earth ? What kind of heartless monster are you ?" Businessmen jump in because that's what they do; they're opportunists on the lookout for some easy buck ( grants from government, etc. ). Greening is the new "cool"; very few attack their ideas, and those who do are always under severe risk of ostracism and ridicule.

Mentioning Lord Monckton here would be dismissed by the "intelligentsia" just for the historical stereotype associated with the title "Lord" . It's a superficial, debauched society that gorges on the sterile "wits" of Jon Stewart-like figures. I lost hope a long time ago and never vote, even though voting is ( outrageously ) obligatory. Cuban ( Communist ) doctors who don't speak the language, heavy fines for littering in Rio ( with overwhelming support from the neurotic/politically correct citizens ), now the Green Messiah. It was coming.

"Brazil of reality, of its citizens" means nothing to me. The country was hijacked long ago; actually founded by Freemasonry, like America. And this idea of opposing blocks is a stupid Carvalho's theory. They're all one at the top, with small variations to hijack hearts and minds of different local cultures; modus operandi is the same, ideologies are the same, they all finance each other, etc.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for ""Earth Mother" Will Keep Brazil in Straitjacket "

Doug P said (September 1, 2014):

We are getting our share of this in Ontario Canada.

Solar farms are going up all over the place and energy costs will skyrocket to keep energy usage low along Agenda 21 guidelines.

Solar cells are a complete waste. It takes more energy to make them than what you will ever get out of them over their useful lives. Making solar farms requires more burning of fossil fuels, more nuclear usage and / or more hydro usage. They create pollution. But they also create a green fueled political class who probably has no knowledge or care about facts other than numbers on a balance sheet.

Silly and ridiculous, just like the war on terror.

Eduardo said (September 1, 2014):

Eduardo, also from Brazil, writes:

As a Brazilian I can say that this are all true.

Currently seems the country is less controlled by US directly, however the absurd amount of Freemasons and Rosicrucians let it be very clear: we are controlled by the Illuminati; and French masons play a big role down here, since there is a deep cultural connection from long time.

Our major universities are Federal owned and organized based on masters that came from France and some remain. They defined what to teach here a long time ago. This was very well exposed by the former president Fernando Cardoso, that speaking in perfect French, gave a speech on the France parliament explaining how deep are our ties with France (and of course Freemasonry).

Brazilians are fully dictated what to think by the US CBS network that own directly or indirectly Brazilian network. Just take a look on the logo of all major tv networks: Globo, SBT, Record and Bandeirantes. All of them use a slight changed eye logo, however keeping the CBS ownership evident.

There is no real and meaningful thinking among the masses besides of what the TV tells them to think.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at