Ukraine - Satanists Take Us to the Brink (Again)
March 16, 2014

Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.
But if they don't, let's be clear
that the usual suspects are responsible
for the crisis in Ukraine and its consequences.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
If the crisis in Ukraine spirals out of control, we will all pay the price for letting Satanist Jews and Freemasons (the Illuminati) control the economy, government, culture and media in the West.
Whether this crisis results in war and/or a financial crash depends on two factors:
1. If the West imposes onerous sanctions on Russia that provoke retaliatory measures, a financial meltdown could take place. Russia could restrict oil and natural gas exports to Europe and the US causing prices to soar. It has warned that it will seize Western assets in Russia. It could undermine the US dollar. I don't expect this to happen. Cooler heads will prevail and Western sanctions will be token and face-saving. (This appears to the case.) Western corporations like Pepsi and GE have already warned that, if Russia and the West get into a real pissing match, all bets for future growth are off. EU banks are owed $200 billion from Russian loans while US Corporations export $11 billion annually to Russia, and have $14 billion invested.
2. The Kiev government or the Neo Nazi Right Sector, which is part of it, could decide to get Western help by provoking a Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine by attacking pro-Russian Ukrainians living there. Again, I expect cooler heads to prevail.
Nevertheless, I am concerned. The same people that brought us 9-11 and the satanic wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria are behind the regime change in Kiev. These are the Neo Con (Illuminati) Jews who control US foreign policy on behalf of the Rothschilds and the IMF. Their ultimate goal is to own and control everything and everyone, body and soul, including sodomizing our children. Ukraine is a stepping stone to Russia which is thwarting their progress.
As we enter this decisive week, let's keep the following facts in mind:

In a speech to a Ukrainian group in Washington in December, she says she has just returned from Kiev, her third visit in five weeks. She says the US has "invested" $5 billion in Ukraine in the past two decades and requires IMF "reforms." She says Ukrainians want the US to wrest Ukraine from Russia influence and make it "a responsive modern Western democracy" via closer ties with "Europe."
Originally a "Nudelman", Victoria Nuland's husband is Robert Kagan, one of the co founders of Project for a New American Century. As a YouTube commenter writes. "They don't get much more neo con than this guy. It should also be noted that Obama has publicly endorsed Kagan's most recent book, The World America Made. The US govt. has been hijacked and is acting on behalf of ... the globalists in order to weaken Russia & China, the only other two players in this game of geopolitical chess."
2. The US and Europe (Obama and Merkel) double-crossed Putin. Sergei Markov, director of the Institute of Political Studies in Moscow writes, "U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel deceived President Vladimir Putin when they pursuaded him to convince Yanukovych to refrain from using force to quell the Maidan, and then to sign the Feb. 21 agreement -- which they refused to uphold. Instead, they told Russia to accept the new reality in Ukraine. But why should Moscow accept that reality when it is directed against Russia, democracy and human rights?" The February 21 agreement called for a national unity government, a new constitution and new elections before December 2014. The Russians have asked for a return to this agreement as the basis of restoring order.

4. The fact that the Illuminati Jews can make common cause with anti Semitic Neo Nazis in Kiev shows that the Nazis have always been a branch of Illuminati. In this important article, F. William Engdahl shows that the new government will not be a "responsive western democracy" as demonstrators were promised. Instead it has placed oligarch billionaires and Neo Nazis in charge. The Neo Nazi Svoboda Party has six major cabinet ministries including the General Prosecutor's Office. Deputy Prime Minister, Oleksandr Sych, is from Svoboda and will have key economic responsibilities. As well, Svoboda controls the Ecology Ministry and the important Agriculture Ministry. Ukraine is the third-largest corn exporter in the world.
5. Finally the Western mass media has once again revealed that it is hardly more than a branch of the Illuminati-controlled government. It is laughable how these whores criticize the Russian media for being a propaganda outlet.
The Illuminati position is indefensible. They have recognized referendums on self-determination when it is in their interest, from Kosovo in 2008 to South Sudan just last year. There is going to be one in Scotland next year.
Eventually, we will pay a steep price for allowing a satanist foreign banking cartel to covertly control every aspect of our society and culture. Hopefully the Illuminati Jews and Freemasons will realize they have overreached in the Ukraine, and our day of reckoning will be postponed.

Apparently Putin is the last line in the sand. He may be Illuminati himself, but he is not prepared to see Russia plundered and become a vassal state.
When the people of the West learn the facts, they will support him over the imposters in power here.
Related- Right sector Leader urges Sabotage of Russian Pipelines Crossing Ukraine
Brother Nathaniel- How Ukraine Will Implode
Ukrainian "Democracy"
Chris Ernesto - Bzrezinski Mapped Out Ukraine Strategy in 1997
News Conference - Putin Says Force is a Last Resort
Wayne Madsen - New Kiev Regime Behind Sniper Killings
First Comment from Tony B:
Congratulations to Crimea showing the world the outcome of an obviously honest vote.
Russia has already been "plundered and made a vassal state" too recently to fall for it today. That experience has made surviving Russians tough. Probably the toughest in the world. Putin has consistently spoken quietly and done exactly what he said he would do. And always under International Law.
There is no doubt Russian military could overrun Ukraine in a matter of days. But Putin has no beef with the native Ukrainians only the new wave of criminal oligarchs now imposed on Ukraine where the old corrupt bunch recently was. At this point it appears that Putin may be able to sit back and watch the Ukrainians take care of that problem themselves.
On the other hand, the "west" is about as weak as it can get. A U.S. army of women and queers is about as pussy as possible. Similar to its commander in chief. Lot of mouth, not much else. An eight-year-old kid could sit at a computer in America's heartland and destroy people anywhere on earth with controlled drones. But would you call that tough? And can it last when the drones are brought down? The thugs of Blackwater are tougher and, methinks, are assigned the tougher U.S. military objectives. But they are truly brutal thugs without any tinge of conscience, probably Mossad trained, and thus create dedicated enemies of the U.S. every place they touch. In fact, it is now pretty certain that they or their Israeli counterparts did the mass murdering in Kiev.
More and more thinking people see the West dropping off the satanic deep end while Russia re-Christianizes, giving its people moral strength the West has, through evil indulgence, fritted away. The turnabout is truly amazing.
Branko said (March 17, 2014):
There is little doubt that the West (USA, EU, NATO & IMF) made a huge mistake in subverting the Ukraine. In fact, I am shocked by what I have
seen so far. Apparently foreign policy professionals" in the West came to
the totally absurd conclusion that they could implement subversive methods of the type that are constantly used in banana republics. Well, you don't pull a stunt like that on a guy like Vladimir Putin. It is now quite apparent that he was well prepared for the events in Kiev. Quite simply, he let the situation develop,
as planned by the West, knowing perfectly well that a chain reaction inside the Ukraine would follow, as it did.
The Russians in Crimea and the eastern
provinces rebelled, as anybody who understands the situation in the Ukraine could have easily guessed would happen. After that Putin applied the indirect approach. His first priority was the Crimea, because of its geographic location.
A referendum was held, and of course the vote was for reunification with Russia.
The eastern provinces of the Ukraine are Putins second priority. These he can take any time he wants, but he will, unquestionably, continue with the indirect, political approach, as he did in the Crimea, and if that does not work, he will
send in the military.
This colonial adventure of the West in the Ukraine will go down in history as one of the most incredibly stupid foreign policy stunts which anybody in history ever pulled. Instead of weakening Putin and Russia, the West will make him even stronger, as they will present him on a silver platter what they tried to take away from him, namely the Crimea and the eastern provinces,
which until 1954 were Russian anyway.
What is even worse, any sanctions against Russia could, theoretically, lead to the breakup of the European Union and the collapse of the American dollar, especially if independent analysts are
correct in their assessment that Russia has more than 20,000 tonnes of gold at its disposal. The gold factor could in fact be Putins trump card. We shall see.