At least 386
minors were removed from harm's way, said Inspector Joanna
Beaven-Desjardins, left,
commander of the Toronto police sex crimes unit.
Police deserve credit for taking down
an international pedophile-child porn ring
with links to Jewish organized crime.
Is there something in Jewish culture or religion that results in disproportionate tendency to pedophilia? Is this
tendency contaminating society at large?
By Salman Hossain
For the last three years, Canadian police have done an amazing job in targeting international child porn networks based in Canada, the United States, and other countries.

Project Spade is the name of an international investigation involving the making and selling of videos and images over the internet involving minors (below the age of 18). The police announced Nov. 14 the arrest of almost 350 people and the rescue of over 400 children. The international network of child porn producers and distributors was directed by the International Jewish mob. The key protagonists in this particular case are Markus Roth of Germany and Brian Way of Canada. Brian Way's mom, Sandra Waslov was also involved in setting up the joint operation with her son running and managing operations. She has been indicted and is currently a fugitive on the run.
How did Way come into the police radar? Well, another fellow Jew by the name of David Eisenlohr, similarly involved in pederasty complained to the US Patent and Trademark office that Brian aka Steve Way was stealing and selling his videos on the Internet.

Other Jewish characters like Markus Roth exploited poor and vulnerable young boys from villages in Romania under the guise of giving martial arts classes. He coerced/manipulated them into engaging in sexual acts. In August 201o, Mr. Roth was sentenced to three years of prison for taking more than 100 pornographic films of children. Authorities said the films were sold to Canada at $1,000 a piece.
He carried out such activities with former KGB Soviet Ukrainian Jewish spy Igor Rusanov, left, who was arrested in 2011. Rusanov is said to have had sex with many of the boys. Rusanov is suspected of having links to the Russian-Israeli Mafia. Their company (Azovfilm) client list resulted in many arrests.
Other Jews caught in the sweep include the pederast Dr. Mark Shaffer. Shaffer was arrested after U.S. Postal Inspectors knocked on the door of his home in Aurora, Ohio, about 40 kilometres southeast of Cleveland, looking for films purchased from the Canadian site.
Also arrested was David Goldberg, who wrote an article entitled "I Pedophile" on The Atlantic suggesting that pedophiles need help instead of prison. "No one who is a pedophile wants to get caught and have their horrifying secret revealed to the world," David Goldberg, a respected Montreal community newspaper editor and a popular former minor baseball coach, wrote in an astonishingly frank confession in the American magazine.
"For almost 20 years, I spent virtually every night of my life in the same manner: Sitting in front of my computer . . . trawling the Internet for child pornography," Goldberg wrote in the August edition of the Atlantic. "Nothing would stop me from continuing this perverse pursuit."
But something did: His arrest, in June 2012, as part of Project Spade. He insisted that "the majority of pedophiles do not molest but instead spend hours looking at child pornography" and asked: "Will the day ever come when we, as a society, reach out and offer them the help they so desperately need?"
For two decades, Dr. Richard Keller was the medical director at Philips Academy in Andover MA, one of the most prestigious private high schools in the United States, attended by both G.W. Bush and his father. Keller was also a volunteer at
Jewish Big Brothers of Greater Boston.
He had also been trying, and failing, to control his urge to look at child pornography. Legal documents filed in his case said he had a "long-standing sexual interest in adolescents since the early 1970s."
As an alleged customer of Azovfilms, Keller was arrested by U.S. Postal Inspectors as part of Project Spade. He was charged with possession and receipt of child pornography.
According to legal documents filed with U.S. District Court in Massachusetts, Keller spent $2,695 on 50 separate titles, bought on 19 different occasions. The affidavit of an investigator describes one of the films he purchased: "we . . . bring you . . . action-packed discs of ooey-gooey slippery goodness."
During a search of his home, police found 500 images, printed on high-gloss paper, as well as another 60 DVDs of child pornography. As part of the plea agreement, Keller admitted he had a "long-standing sexual interest in adolescents since the early 1970s. Keller admits to viewing child pornography on the Internet, and that he has previously tried to stop, but failed to do so."

Dr. Mark Shaffer, 80, caught by Project Spade.) There seems to be a strange fascination by some members of the Jewish community - both on an elite and mainstream level with the sexual exploitation of minors - especially boys (but also girls). The Talmud has directives on molesting babies and toddlers. Rabbis routinely engage in oral suction during circumcision. That can also be classified as a form of sexually deviant behavior with minors that often lead to sexually transmitted infections (STI).
Until recently, law enforcement had been bribed or pressured in the past by the B'nai Brith/ADL to either not prosecute the offenders or give light sentences to them. I strongly suspect that the Mi-6 and Scotland Yard are protecting them while they are still alive as publicizing their names would result in many more individuals with Jewish ancestry being exposed. Perfect examples would be Crypto-Jews ("Catholic Jews") like Jimmy Savile (who was of Jewish descent). My personal hunch is that Jewish bankers based in the City of London, have an important role to play in propping up, facilitating, operating, covering up, and protecting child porn rings often under the direct supervision of the security establishment.
So far, 108 people in Canada, 76 in the United States and 164 in other countries during the investigation have been arrested and charged. The strange thing is that, nobody from the United Kingdom has faced prosecution as of yet despite the fact that it is a hub of international child prostitution, pederasty, and pedophilia!
Once again, a hat tip to the Canadian police for their efforts in busting the world's greatest child porn ring. One of the greatest things about mainstream Western culture is its abhorrence for the exploitation of minors. The Canadian police, in conjunction with others, have done a commendable job for once.
I hope the last great bastion of child sexual exploitation (the United Kingdom) is also taken down.
Makow comment- Self criticism is not self-hatred. Jews need to be critical of other Jews who are perverts or they will be tarred by the same brush.
First Comment from Dan:
It's a routine 'cosmetic' raid. Child sex trafficking involves millions of victims. Taboo-felony sex rings are the stock in trade for grooming politicians that get the big PAC money for promotion straight to the top. I learned this from somebody who I knew in DC 35 years ago. For ZOG it's strictly business - the ultimate blackmail racket.
Your Markus Roth's or Brian Way's are small fry.
The closest the whole thing came to being properly exposed was during the 1980's - MKULTRA, Col. Aquino - charged twice, in TWO different pedophile ring cases (Presidio, and Franklin case in Omaha).
HUNDREDS of victims - testimony dismissed when the Supreme Court ruled a minor's testimony was inadmissible - PLUS the court acceptance of "False Memory Syndrome" do that no SRA, or MKULTRA victim's testimony can ever be used in court.
Pedophile charges have thus become an instrument for ruining targeted people, while connected, favoured perps are untouchable.
Comment by Stephen Coleman:
Pedophilia can be treated and cured, but meanwhile keep them locked up where they can't hurt anybody. The jails and prisons are still in the dark ages as far as helping inmates with mental disorders. In fact most prisons do little or nothing to help and usually make matters worse.
People are still in the dark ages that want to lash out and punish. Punishing may feel good for a day or two, but it can't cure mental disorders and when they leave prison they still have the problem with more trauma piled on top. The dangerous mentally ill should not be released from custody until they are healthy, period.
Victims can be easily helped and get rid of the trauma, there is no need to continue to suffer for decades.
The laws of requiring professionals and clergy to report abuse to law authorities actually does more harm than good. Victims don't want to be dragged through courts and publicly recount their traumas and abusers that want help cannot get help without going to prison or worse.
I have worked with cases where the trauma of courts and police dealing with a child victim was worse than the actual crime.
I have come to the conclusion that the legal system is not about honesty, rehabilitation nor justice. Its just about money.
Stephen Coleman
David said (January 7, 2014):
Only in recent years have I become aware of how pervasive these international pedophile rings are. Exposure of this evil also gives us a window into the kind of people who seek political office and positions of authority in the modern world.
Just finished the first volume of British author Jeffrey Archer's prison memoirs, which includes the revelations of a fellow inmate who -- from the age of 13 -- was pimped out to (quote) "judges, schoolmasters, police officers, politicians and other upstanding citizens who are the backbone of our country" (end quote).
Archer notes this inmate's story is by no means isolated. Prisons in the Western world are filled with casualties like this, systematically abused by prominent people who then use their influence and networking to keep this all hidden. Until now.
If you pick up the book, A Prison Diary, ISBN 978 0312 321 864, start reading from p. 221. You'll understand the rage Archer felt after he heard "Fletch's" story and why he was determined to publish it for the world to know.