French Rudeness due to Occult Attack?
October 18, 2013
French "rudeness" may be due to the stress of
being disinherited, says David Masada.
He expresses the anguish and anger of a patriot
watching his country go "down the drain."
Part One: "France Fights Masonic Jewish Hegemony"
by David Masada
In general, the French are rude because as a people, we are under attack.
Most of people just reflect back the aggression they are suffering themselves.
are under an occult attack from the Masonic Jewish cabal that controls France. Although the majority of
French cannot identify this source, we are reacting to the evil we are being fed by the media, politics and culture as
a whole.
We've been uprooted as a Christian people, and the loss
of Christianity as religion, ethic, moral values, communication,
education and so on, is what's turning us into reckless maniacs.
do not know how to interact with others nicely because evil is being
forced down our throat daily. This creates a deep sense of moral discomfort and insecurity. And
when you add the constant influx of foreigners into the country, inspired by the Masonic Jewish cabal, you
end up with a people that feels (the word is not too strong) terrorized.
I believe that's this fear that generate all this rudeness and aggression. The
recent law on gay marriage is just one example among many. (Majority of
French are against it, but the law passes anyway; democracy is no
longer majority rules)...
If the French are rude, that's simply because they are suffering intensely...
economy, education system, mass media of France, are
all under the yoke of organized Jewry. As terrible and anti-Semitic as
it sounds, it is nevertheless true. The proof is that if you dare
mention it, you'll be banned forever from the media, will not work as
journalist, will not be appointed to a company's board, won't be on any political parties' list, nor run for the National
Assembly. You won't even stand a chance to compete for Miss France.
(Yes, they have their hands on that too...)(Left, Miss France 2012)
They not only want to
confiscate all levers of power from the French population, they are also
pursuing a long term plan to eradicate the native population. Hence,
the massive campaign for abortion and miscegenation conveyed
throughout the media as the latest proofs of "human progress"
and "civilization".
This obsession with the disappearance of the
white people, stripping them from power in their own country, and
forcing them to accept aliens from all over the world, is the work of
organized Jewry (B'nai Brith, Freemasonry, etc.)
The life
struggle of Jean-Marie Le Pen was to remove France from the hands of
Freemasonry. If it is now obvious he failed, but his brave endeavor has
nonetheless allowed some people to shake the veil of lies and deceit shrouding the French political circus.
the fight is no longer between left and right, but between those
abiding to the globalist agenda, ready to sell their country for the
sake of a career in politics, and those who want to liberate the country
from the grip of the enslaving globalists.
Will the Front National succeed? I tend to
think that although they express the
will of millions of French people, there is a very slim chance that it
can bring things to fruition, partly because the European institutions
won't allow it, and moreover because the debt entrenchment tied to
the Euro currency, will prevent the implementation of an independent
policy.(left, Marine Le Pen, daughter of Jean Marie, is current leader)
The strategy of interdependence on financial matter was so well planned that it's leaving nothing to chance in the political sphere.
thing is sure though, the Front National has already been infiltrated
by Freemasonry. For example, the Freemason lawyer Gilbert Collard caused a sensation recently by joining Marine Le Pen. He now sits in the
National Assembly as MP. (Although accounting for
more than 20% of vote on national level, the FNP has only 2 MPs out of 577...
that's democracy according to Freemasonry dictatorship...)
Meanwhile, more than 80% of the French jails are filled with non native... (mostly Muslims...) A generous immigration policy is designed to attract even more migrants (more than 200 000 get residency visa and nationality follow every year... ) Their children get free schooling; their parents get child support, free medical care and so on, all at the expense of the working native population that get nothing in return, except violence, hatred and crime...
We are being replaced in our own soil...the crime rate is reaching an all-time high thanks to their policy of
open border. We have now Eastern Europe mafia gang raiding jewelry store
and looting private residences in the countryside on a massive scale.
This surely should keep the police force busy, when they already have
to face drastic budget reductions...
The chaos wished by our
Supreme Masters the Freemasons is well under way... That will surely allow
some more "social change" and "anti-terrorist" prevention campaigns...
Now, I think I really understand the meaning of their motto: Ordo ab Chaos...Entire sections of France's big city suburbs are becoming no-go zones,
where migrants organize themselves forming militia to protect their drug
traffic and racket. The whole country is going down the drain, but
still the media continues to portray the Front National (which never held
power) as the cause of all trouble... That could be the subject of a
good joke if reality was not so tragic...
To sum up, the proven satanic recipe for disaster is being implemented on France:
- Mass immigration
- Ever increasing debt
- National sovereignty fettered by European institutions
- Gay marriage
those factors are now plainly visible, reaching the sight of even the
most unaware propaganda sucker, but the true perpetrators remain as
usual in the shadow... Who is brave enough to point his finger at them
knows that it can cost him his career and even his life...
Related - Herve Ryssen - Judaism is a Political Project
----------- Even France has No Patience for Gypsies
SD said (October 20, 2013):
I have a little question for David Masada.
Europe is being invaded by hordes of immigrants, which is true. It's an illuminati scheme and it seems to bother a lot the french nationalists.
But I wonder, where were those nationalists when the same Illuminati were using them(their fathers and now their sons) to pillage the very countries those immigrants come from? Is it possible to cure an ailment by attacking only the symptoms?
Had not France destroyed many of African countries(which she still does), no french nationalist would be complaining.
Is it even possible that pretty none of the so-called european truth-seekers seem to realize that those immigrants flee their countries only because of the mess french armies put them into?
No truthseeker(to my knowledge) ever complained when organised jewry was/is using european(french) companies to plunder 3rd-world countries to provide Europe with the illusion of comfort. Now all of the sudden, they think they can thwart this century-old plan only by attacking its symptoms? Frankly I do have some doubts about that.
Wonderful website anyway.