Should Married Men be Allowed to Cheat?
May 23, 2013

James raises the problem of boredom in marriage.
He says men are programmed to seek variety, and should be allowed some slack. I welcome reader feedback and will give my own later.
by James
Agree with all you say here, about marriage and the man-woman bond.
The trouble with marriage is that after some time boredom sets in. It seems unavoidable, in most marriages. Have never seen this discussed here, though. The fact that man is naturally polygamous seems to have something to do with it. And isn't it God who made us that way?

Yet our cultural "leaders" have carefully crafted movies and TV shows of happy marriages, in which one little misstep or fling by the husband with another woman becomes fodder for the most terrible of dramas and tantrums by the wife that inevitably must lead to divorce and family break-up. That has developed into something of a subversive standard formula the TV Jews have foisted on people (with a litany of other family destroying machinations).
Why not be a little more forgiving with men who have a romp in the hay out of the house? Most men still love their wives and family and would never think of abandoning them. Mankind has been like that for millions of years and it hasn't changed yet since we became "civilized". We can either be honest about it or sweep it under the rug.
I know the purists will be outraged about this but never mind their torpedoes and accusations of promoting Sodom and Gomorrah. This is meant to honestly explore whether - absent the artificial formula of the TV b*stards - it could save families that (almost unnecessarily?) break up.
It went like this: You live in a tribe with a strong and good leader, clearly the best man. You have to choose to have kids from one of the regular guys in the tribe and have him all for yourself. Or you could be one of the wives of the leader and have kids from him. But you share him with other women. He is not exclusively yours.
I expected some kind of contest between the two positions. Surprise, not one woman wanted to have kids from a regular guy who is not the best. They all wanted kids from the strong leader, even when they had to share him with other women.
Makow Comment- Fidelity is essential to a marriage. If men sow their wild oats before marriage, they will know that infidelity isn't the answer to marital boredom. I posted James' comment because it is provocative and would enlist interesting reactions.
Linda said (May 26, 2013):
After I finished laughing, sorry the premise of the article is silly (marriage is so much more than sex), I thought of the verse in Scripture that appears in both the the Old and New Testament:
Genesis 2:24; Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Matthew 19:5; For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh...
I don't see the man joining himself to more than one flesh...a godly and Christ-centered marriage is between one man and one woman and it is an honorable, challenging, and worthwhile endeavor. This article is written by someone who only cares to please his own flesh...I can not imagine being married to such a man and I am thankful to God I am not.