Circumcision is Mother/Child Trauma Brainwashing
May 6, 2013

Circumcision ("torture mutilation") is designed to destroy
the bond between mother and son, and "freeze the mother's heart."
"The idea that a parallel intention of child mutilation is to freeze up the emotional powers of the mother with feelings of failure and guilt, came to me from my mother, sadly, after she had passed. This theory has been affirmed by every mother with whom I've discussed the technology. It's not accidental that the Illuminati use lies, violence and trauma to freeze up the feminine heart, and stifle its powers with feelings of rejection, failure and guilt."
(Editor's Note: While reserving judgment, I present this unconventional argument for your consideration.)
by Molecule
In his letter, [slave holder] Willie Lynch describes [the use of torture], by which slaveholders could "freeze" the hearts of the otherwise strong and caring mothers of future African slaves.
When she becomes a mother, each female experiences a DEEP intuitive desire to nurse and protect her young. This is a deep and structural kind of "bodily knowledge." It may even run deeper than her desire for survival. This characteristic protective desire of the feminine principle is one of the most powerful forces in nature. The Illuminati and their forces of darkness have been unable to eradicate it, even after 350 million years of evolution.
The Willie Lynch's of the world are ceaselessly searching for new technologies of oppression. They know that if a mother's evolutionary knowledge and deep sense of duty to protect can be somehow perverted, say by ritualistic brutal and violent humiliation, then this powerful force of nature can be "frozen out" and the process of evolution itself can be diverted for the benefit of the slave holder.
If the emotional system of the mother can be traumatized and frozen, she can then easily be infused with deep feelings of guilt and shame, and unnatural helplessness. The powers of a mother can then be easily controlled for purposes of stopping or even reversing evolution. The Willie Lynches of this world need only invite the young slave mother to violate the pre-verbal knowledge that resides deep within her bosom. The feelings of guilt will begin to set in, by which she can then be controlled. In order for this to work, the mother must never be allowed to talk about how SHE felt, about how she felt violated, about how HER HEART became frozen, as she was forced to witness the violent torture mutilation of her husband, father, or infant child (or any infant child for that matter).
What I will say next will not be easily understood by many readers. The primary goal of infant male genital torture mutilation (politely known as male circumcision) is to attack and freeze the heart of the young mother. Her heart is attacked so as to gain control of her for religious and political mind control purposes.
With a frozen heart, she is controlled by the silent feelings of guilt that inevitably creep in. It may seem paradoxical, but SHE, or actually the protective force of nature that beats within her bosom, is the actual target.
All of you cut-men out there, ask your mothers before they pass from this window of life, how THEY felt immediately after the torture mutilation of their child. Ask her what were you like before torture mutilation, and what changes did she observe. Would you look her in the eye? Did you refuse her breast? How did she feel about that?
It's also helpful to know when (how old you were) and where the operation was performed. Also ask her what the doctor said and did just before he took you from your mother's arms, and if he prevented her from being a witness. (The operation is bloody, painful and noisy, and once heard, the screams of a helpless infant child being tortured would given any mother nightmares ... they are never to be forgotten.)
Listen carefully and warmly, with total love and forgiveness in your heart. You will be witness as the memories of pain that have been frozen in her heart for all these years slowly begin to thaw out, right in front of you. That silence of your mother, was a suffering of your mother's heart. The pain that you have long forgotten was nothing compared to the pain that had been hiding, "frozen" within her young mother's heart, all these years.)
It's a medical fact that after this painful "ritual," the infant child is returned to its mother in a neuro-chemically frozen, or "catatonic," state. For months, the levels of cortisol (the hormone of death) will be at 1.5 times over pre-torture baseline in the limbic brain stem, and in the left trunk of the sympathetic nerve system, which covers the digestive system and the heart. After studies of MK-Ultra, it is now fully documented that the traumatized infant child will refuse to trust its parents.
The Bible calls this distrust, "circumcision of the infant's heart." The distrust is deep and pre-verbal, i.e. at "pre-formative" levels. It is not an accidental side effect of the intentional trauma. The child will also refuse to look its mother in the eye, potentially forever. Before its torture mutilation, it loved to trust its mother, and gaze into her beautiful symmetrical face, forming images at the deepest formative levels, all the while beaming pure innocence and joy.
The Willie Lynch treatment puts an end to that. The traumatized child will also refuse to attach to and nurse its mother, often for periods up to 6 to 18 months. The modern versions of Willie Lynch, aka our medical doctors, know that this refusal to nurse will produce a deep sense of guilt in the mother. For many, the rejection shuts down her breast feeding system totally, and she is forced to bottle feed. The medical Willie Lynches know without breast milk, the development of the child's immune system becomes stunted.
Life being what it is, the child eventually digests the trauma, and the cortisols re-establish at a new baseline. However, the guilt and shame in the mother's heart are silent. They can never fully heal until she learns to break free and fully honor her maternal instincts.
Unfortunately, in our modern medicated slave society, she will never be allowed to talk freely about how SHE too was traumatized. This emotional "freezing out" of the mother's heart is the real and actual target of the modern Willie-Lynch treatment that mothers and infant children receive in the maternity wards of modern American (Pentagon-controlled) hospitals.
Yes, doctors of Illuminati medicine will bark and quack in unison ... "there are 'other purposes' for torture mutilation of an infant child." However, none of them make any damn sense, and ALL of them are PURE EVIL.
Further Study-
Thought Crime Radio: Voices for the Human Rights of Babies (thoughtcrimeradio.blogspot.
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child ( has references to modern research, including classic summary reports by Dr. Paul M. Fleiss, MD.
Related --
Clifford Shack - Circumcision intended to stymie sexual activity
David Richards - Circumcision should be stopped
James said (May 11, 2013):
Bill Gates' foundation recently supported massive circumcision in Africa to help prevent AIDS, this is of course, quackery at it's worst, removal of
protective skin will not prevent an STD such as AIDS, nor will it cure the disease or confer immunity (they're advertising it as a prophylactic, which is ludicrous as it has nothing to do with the virulence of that particular disease, abstinence is what will reduce
the infection rates.) this is taking advantage of the native population's ignorance on the subject, and promoting a sick talmudist practice that irreversibly damages an individual. Anything saying to remove Healthy and Hygienic foreskin from a person is biased, and I'd
even go so far as to say it is so biased to conform to the mechanations of the Zionist devil worshipers, given the bizarre "support" in the medical cabal for such, despite lack of solid
evidence. Circumcision has no health benefit. (see: )