Goldbugs Can Expect More Losses
April 8, 2013

"If the "collapse" takes several years to unfold, that should be long enough to destroy what wealth and sanity the naive patriots have left. This, of course, is all part of the plan, and is why I am convinced that much of the "patriot" media is compromised." -THOM BEECHAM
(Editor's Note - We are not providing investment counsel but rather presenting one investor's unconventional view. Make up your own mind.)
Beecham is a self-employed investor and trader with 17-years trading and investing experience.
The New World Order does not want us owning assets outside its satanic tracking system. It will eventually consume everything, so gold and silver are in the globalists' cross hairs.
The contrived economic collapse of 2008 allowed the globalists to assume control of all the financial markets. Prior to this, the markets were more free and subject to natural forces. One could use economic principals and simple deductive reasoning to formulate investment theses.
Since 2008, a brand new set of synthetic economic and financial laws have arisen. Now success in investing and trading relies primarily on a person's ability to anticipate and interpret official intervention in the marketplace.
In order to get the New World financial dictatorship implemented, all major players and nations need to be on board and operate with one mind. Countries like China, Russia, and India are working with the US Federal Reserve and European Central Bank to bring this financial tyranny to fruition.
Of course, it will bankrupt the global populace. Keep in mind that a compliant and bankrupt population is much easier to exploit and control.
Those who own precious metals and firearms are not welcome to join the NWO.
Ever since the central banks and governments went off the gold standard, there has been no legitimate reason to confiscate gold. However, in order to bring forth the NWO, the central banks now have two primary jobs. 1) Do whatever it takes to keep interest rates low while countries spend themselves into bankruptcy. 2) Manage the price of gold.
With this in mind it now seems apparent that gold and silver were purposely allowed to rise from 2002-2011, in preparation for a collapse in prices that would trap most people in their "investments."
The globalists anticipated years that as more people looked for avenues to escape financially, they would have to create confusion and obfuscation in key markets, especially in precious metals.
Under such a scenario, the globalists slowly let the prices of gold and silver rise over an extended period of time (2002-2011). By the time a person overcomes his inertia and is driven by fear to buy gold and silver, both metals are already trading much higher than they otherwise would have been, and can thus be managed in a downward fashion, much to the bewilderment of the unwashed linear thinkers who are now trapped with losses.
The major governments around the world are depreciating their currencies in a very controlled and coordinated manner. Though there is talk of "currency wars," there are no currency wars. Moreover, as long as any money "printing" does not go directly to the end user - you and me, there will not be any hyperinflation.
The real beneficiaries of money printing are the globalists, their banks (which replenish their balance sheets), and the globalist-controlled governments, especially the US Federal government. Governments will continue to become more expansive and paranoid as they consolidate their power over the population. Indeed, as our personal balance sheets continue to purposely bleed red ink, these deflationary forces will offset the inflation caused by money printing. Do you see any accelerating inflation? I certainly do not. It is all part of the plan to bankrupt and enslave the population....
Ask yourself why the business channels interview people like Jim Rogers and Marc Faber over and over again. They are hardly ever right, but their messages resonate with a certain sector of the population that listens to the controlled patriot media. Everyone is an expert when it comes to religion and economics, yet they are unprincipled and broke.
I continually state that gold and silver prices were allowed to run up by the globalists over an extended period of time, so that when the predicted next stage of serious money printing was kicked into high gear they would be able to manage their prices much more easily. In addition, tracking stocks (ETFs) like GLD and SLV were instituted as vehicles in the price management scheme. When these types of ETFs started trading around 9-10 years ago, they helped boost the demand for the metals and got prices rising. Now they provide an ample supply of metal in which the globalists can dump on to the market to suppress and manage prices.
The US Treasury had high level meetings with the US Fed and senior senators back in 2002, discussing ways to keep interest rates low when the level of debt became untenable. Until a couple years ago, the findings of these meetings were actually published on the US Treasury's web site. I read them myself. They are now employing the methods discussed in these meetings. One of the objectives was to manage the price of gold. This agenda goes back a long way.
Joel Skousen is probably the most astute man I have come across regarding the New World Order. I agree with his assessment that this financial Ponzi scheme can be maintained for at least another 3-4 years, and war will be averted until the end of the decade. This will be the war that will provide the US Treasury with its force majeure to cancel debt.
Can you maintain your patience that long? Can your assets hold out that long? Can you survive $15-20 silver and $1,200 gold? Do you need these assets to live? I am not saying it will get that bad, but it could. I know it will get a lot worse over the next several years. The worst aspect of all this will be the globalist-controlled media "gas-lighting" those who understand the truth, trying to get you to lose your sanity and convince you that the law of gravity has been repealed.
So, if the "collapse" takes several years to unfold, that should be long enough to destroy a lot of wealth and sanity the naive patriots have left. This, of course, is all part of the plan, and is why I am convinced that much of the "patriot" media is compromised. Who really writes for Zerohedge? If one invested according to them they would have been broke already.
The buyers of silver do not understand that the globalists can easily drop the price to below $20. It was selling for $6-7 as recently as Hurricane Katrina. The primary consumers are the corporations. They don't speculate in its price and will wait for delivery. The globalists control the boards of directors of all the publicly traded corporations in the S&P 500, and these companies will certainly not complain if "paper" silver drops into the teens.
As bad as gold is performing it is still much better than silver. If one is to get money out of the system, he should gradually buy gold. Forget silver, and somehow hedge it, so that if and when the globalists collapse the price or confiscate it, he has not lost money.
To many this monetary system is irrational, and that's because it is a very satanic system. It is the vehicle the globalists are employing to get their one-world financial dictatorship in place. Once the grid is clamped down on us, they will burn the bridge and build a new and even more satanic system. We need to overcome our subjectivity and recognize the fact we are all enslaved under a system that is so evil, it is "perfect."
I thank God there is the King James Bible, The one bible not copyrighted by the corporate beast system. Give it a chance as it is a surprisingly easy read. The Bible gives me discernment, teaches me not to look to government for answers, and to not accept lies - especially the Big Lie.
The Big Lie will strip most people of their souls in the last days. This end time system traffics in men's souls. Do not let them take your one prized possession away - your birthright, your shot at redemption. Don't be given to their contrived fear. Fear is the worst motivator in investing. It guarantees losses.
About the Author:
Beecham has an undergrad background in Math and Economics, with an MBA in Economics and Finance. He worked and lived in Manhattan for about 14 years. His last job was with Nasdaq in New York, and what he uncovered there was sobering. He personally witnessed the Trade Center collapse and lost several friends that day. However, he was still thoroughly unwashed, and his awakening did not occur for another couple years. He is in his mid-40's, reads the Bible daily, and regards it as the best psychology textbook ever written.
also by Thom Beecham
What is Ailing Gold?
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Thomas said (April 10, 2013):
Regarding Mr. Beecham’s latest article. Gold and silver would have to be physically taken from those who have it.
Paper is as worthless as they want it to be. Holdings in the digital domain can be erased as simply as those Cypriot bank accounts. My investments are motivated by fear like everyone else’s, including Mr. Beecham’s.
Think about it. Why grow your money at all? Unless you “fear†God will not provide for you in the future.