Why They Hate Islam
February 22, 2013

There is only one Creator. Christianity and Islam teach obedience to God's design.
The satanist Illuminati are pitting Christianity against Islam - divide and conquer.
That's why they blamed their 9-11 attacks on Muslims. Let's not be duped by them.
Let's embrace true Islam as an ally against the Illuminati Jews & Freemasons who control the world.
True Islam, not "Islamists" who are Illuminati creations via the Masonic "Muslim Brotherhood."
Here, Hakeem Khan, a young American Muslim, affirms his faith.
"Today, marriage and the family unit are under constant attack. Islam clearly defines the natural roles of both men and women and thereby truly liberates and empowers them both."
by Hakeem Khan
(Hakeem Khan is a 27-year old American born and living in Chicago.)
The perfection of God is beyond our comprehension.
Sometimes what you think is bad for you ends up being a huge blessing in disguise. I worked in sales for a large telecom company for five years before quitting because the corporate culture was too dehumanizing.
Being unemployed was the best thing that could've happened to me because it freed up precious time for me to think deeply and seek the truth.
Although I was born Muslim, I only began practicing after this process. Through my discoveries, it became quite evident that the Illuminati were trying to systematically remove God from our lives and play god themselves.
"He promises them and entices them; what the devil promises is no more than an illusion."(Quran 4:120)
It became clear to me that God was the solution.
The Arabic word Islam simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. In a religious context, Islam means complete submission to the will of God. "[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving." (Quran, 67:2).
This life is all a test. We have the choice of either submitting to the will of God or not (the Satanist "do what thou wilt...").
"And hold fast, altogether, by the rope Which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves." (Qur'an 3:103) (Note: Allah is Arabic for "The One God.")
God wants us to be united and has always sent humanity the same religion. Satan wants to divide and conquer : just look at all the sects within the same religion (including Islam).
There's a very subtle and damaging affect to religious sects. When there are divisions in something as sacred as religion, you start to doubt the very existence of God and the legitimacy of religion. The result : agnosticism, atheism, and hedonism leading to debauchery and corruption.
The Quran was the final revelation of God and the only one not to have been tampered.
"We have without doubt, sent down the message and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption.)" (Quran 15:9) It was memorized by thousands of people during the lifetime of Muhammad and then this memorization was passed down from teacher to student for generation after generation from one nation to another.
There are millions of Muslims today who have memorized the entire Quran and can recite the entire Quran in Arabic just as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did 14 centuries ago, even though most of them aren't Arabs. If all the religious scriptures somehow vanished, the Quran would be the only one that would easily come back in it's entirety. This is only one of the miracles of the Quran.
Illuminati vs Islam = Material Deception vs Spiritual Truth.
The reason they want to destroy Islam is because they want to the truth; so they discredit, distort, and demonize it.
Just look at how all the Prophets of God were treated throughout history. Islam is monotheism in it's truest and purest form. Worship only God and worship Him directly. Obeying God's commandments brings only benefit : physical, mental and spiritual.
Islam is not only a religion, but a complete way of life. That's why, even despite the media's portrayal, Islam remains the fastest growing religion in the world and it's important to note that a majority of the converts are women.
Today, marriage and the family unit are under constant attack. Islam clearly defines the natural roles of both men and women and thereby truly liberates and empowers them both.
Muhammad said : " Paradise is at the feet of the mother." ; "The best of you is he who is best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family" ; and "Marriage is the basis for blessings and children are an abundance of mercy."
I conclude with a few words from Malcolm X's letter from Makkah when he performed the holy pilgrimage (Hajj-the 5th pillar of Islam) and transitioned from Nation of Islam to true Islam.
"Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this Ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad and all the other Prophets of the Holy Scriptures....America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem....."
Please check out the entire letter.
Thanks for reading. I hope you do some more research on what Malcolm X called "the spiritual path of truth". Peace.
Miracles of the Quran : http://www.quranmiracles.com/
"The Purpose of Life" by Khalid Yasin : http://www.youtube.com/watch?
"The Coca Cola Muslim Generation" by Abdur Raheem Green : http://www.youtube.com/watch?
"How the Bible Led Me to Islam" by Joshua Evans : http://www.youtube.com/watch?
"Islam and Ego" by Nouman Ali Khan : http://www.youtube.com/watch?
"Antichrist & the New World Order" by Hamza Yusuf : http://www.youtube.com/watch?
B said (February 24, 2013):
I couldn't agree more with Hakem's article on why they hate Islam.
After 4 years living in Oman, a Muslim country here is what I observed:
- family is the top priority, it always comes before work.
- God is constantly on everybody's mind, in the vocabulary we use, with the 5 calls for prayer per day, even when we go shopping a guy is reading the Quran over the radio and it bring a sens of calm and serenity around us.
- Nobody believes in Darwin here, we are a divine creation, not some kind of evolved ape.
-most people don't believe in democracy, the Omanies love their leader and see this soft autocracy as the best system .
-nobody here believes in 9/11 , as a matter of fact, many expat pilots I fly with don't believe about it neither...
- In 4 years, We haven't seen any pornography in the gas station or intoxicated people in the street or any nudity exposed anywhere. This place is heaven to raise kids away from the NWO...