Gaza - Israel's Longtime Policy of "Provocation & Revenge"
August 27, 2024

Moshe Dayan May 1955"The state.... must see the sword as the main if not the only instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may -- no it MUST -- invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation and revenge.... And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space." (41)
In June-July 1954 an Israeli terrorist squad blew up many British and American institutions in Cairo in an attempt to sour relations between the Arabs and the West. Dubbed the "Lavon Affair," this was a precursor to the attack on the World Trade Centre and the current era of false flag terror.
From the point of view of "covert aggression", if false flag terrorism didn't exist, Israel would have to create it."
By Henry Makow PhD
Until about 2002, I accepted Israel's self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of bloodthirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous.
But what if, unknown to most people, Israel were a linchpin in the Illuminati's plan for New World Order?
What if Israel's role were to colonize the Middle East, and the West, and to become a seat of the world government & religion?
"Israel's Sacred Terrorism" (1980) by Livia Rokach, a 63-page online monograph suggests that this bizarre scenario may be true.
(left, Moshe Sharrett, 1894-1965)
Rokach's monograph is based on revelations from the personal diary of Moshe Sharett, Israeli's first Foreign Minister from 1948-1956, and Prime Minister from 1954-1956.
According to this diary which the Israelis tried to suppress, Israel's image of vulnerability was a ruse. Israel has always planned to become the dominant power in the region, and "invented dangers" in order to provoke wars and dupe its citizens into fighting them.
In his diary, Sharett quotes a conversation with Army Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan in May 1955:
"We face no danger at all of an Arab advantage of force for the next 8-10 years...Reprisal actions which we couldn't carry out if we were tied to a security pact are our vital lymph...they make it possible for us to maintain a high level of tension in our population and in the army. Without these actions we would have ceased to be a combative people... "Sharett concludes: "The state.... must see the sword as the main if not the only instrument with which to keep its morale high and to retain its moral tension. Toward this end it may -- no it MUST -- invent dangers, and to do this it must adopt the method of provocation and revenge.... And above all, let us hope for a new war with the Arab countries so that we may finally get rid of our troubles and acquire our space." (41)
This policy of "reprisals" or "provocation and revenge" was also called "covert aggression." The series of false flag terror events we are experiencing is a continuation of it. Essentially it involves disguising a policy of aggression as retaliation for sham provocations. (Except now the aggression takes the form of "anti terror" policies to justify a police state, and war against a manufactured enemy "Islamic terrorism.")

For example, Israeli patrols would cross the border to attack Jordanians or Egyptians, and then claim the actions were attacks on Israel. Once "attacked," the army had to pursue the "aggressors" into enemy territory and wreaked havoc. Ariel Sharon was the leader of a squad ("Unit 101") that specialized in these murderous forays. His 1953 raid on the Jordanian village of Kibiyah killed dozens of civilians. (p.30)
In March 1954, an Israeli bus traveling between Eilat and Beersheba was attacked and 10 passengers were killed. The UN armistice Commissioner, a Col. Henderson said, "from the testimonies of the survivors, it is not proved that all the murderers were Arabs." He attributed the attack to "terrorists intent on increasing the tensions in the area." (28) Thereupon the Israelis left the Armistice Commission in protest.
In June-July 1954 an Israeli terrorist squad blew up many British and American institutions in Cairo in an attempt to sour relations between the Arabs and the West. Dubbed the "Lavon Affair," this was a precursor to the attack on the World Trade Centre and the current era of false flag terror.
From the point of view of "covert aggression", if false flag terrorism didn't exist, Israel would have to create it.
Israeli commentators lament that Israel is not a democracy. They say the security establishment has hijacked the country. One pundit remarked, "Israel is not a state with an army, but an army with an affiliated state." They also lament that a culture of corruption, brutality and immorality pervades the army. See Ran Ha-Cohen, "Israeli Elections. So What"
The Illuminati has always used anti-Semitism to trick Jews into advancing its nefarious goals.
In the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" the speaker confesses that they have "wiped out every kind of rule except our own." Nevertheless they allow "anti Semitic" attacks on its plan for world domination in order to foster anti Semitism. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren." (9-2)
From childhood, Jews are taught that they are disliked for no rational reason and Israel is insurance against another holocaust. This attitude dehumanizes their opponents and obviates the need for genuine self-criticism.
Traumatizing people and convincing them that irrational fiends threaten their survival is an effective form of mind control. Such people will throw morality and reason to the wind and, if necessary, become savage, mindless killers themselves. They are easily exploited and assist in their destruction.
Now the Illuminati is using this tactic on Westerners in general, with the collaboration of Zionist-controlled governments and media. The Mossad's fingerprints are all over 9-11. Apparently, Israel's Zim Container Lines moved their 200-man office out of the WTC two weeks before and no Israelis died in the attack. Seven of the 9-11 hijackers are still alive.
If Osama bin Laden didn't exist, the United States and Britain would have created him. According to the French daily Le Figaro, Bin Laden met with the CIA station chief in Dubai in July 2001. He served the purpose of inciting a bogus "clash of civilizations." Islamic extremism was initiated by Western intelligence. Islamic terror doesn't represent Muslims and is funded by the West and its allies. ISIS is widely regarded as a CIA-Mossad operation.
In conclusion, "covert aggression" has been reborn as false flag terror, and all Westerners are being put in the position of "persecuted" Jews.
See also Makow - "The Zionist Protection Racket"
-------------------- False Flag Terror Oldest Trick in Zionist Toolbag
--------------------- Zionists Betrayed Non-Z Jews to Holocaust
--------------------- The Dreyfus Affair as a Rothschild Psyop
Alex Jones - Proof Boston Marathon was a False Flag
Linda writes:
It is very good that you have taken upon yourself the personal initiative to be that "troublesome person who is not distracted from discussions of the questions of The Political" (Protocols of Zion 13.3). In order to discuss The Political, one must turn to The Protocols of Zion. This is the Modus Agendi (12.3) of the "stage-management of peoples according to a political plan" (13.6).
Since this setting forth of "the work of the genius of our guide" (10.6) now is flung to the four quarters via the www and discussed with precision by websites like your own, this may be the best incentive for people to start walking off the set before this stupid movie and the whole meshuggeneh is in the can; namely their "bogey supernational state" (Protocol 5.11) soon to premier at box offices around the world. I can guarantee now that it will be as boring as hell, if only for the singular reason that they will forbid Christ. (They cover all this in Protocol 14).
It is the gentile masonry, however, the Masonic Agentur, of "Our State" upon which my wrath abides. These people have consented to become like the cgi orcs in The Hobbit.
To all the grand worshipfuls collaborating in this project, you goyishe kophs have it straight from the director's pre-viz that you will not be around for the final wrap. Your characters meet with a very unfortunate series of events in the final take of the ordo ab chao. And your script is non-negotiable. You have the bad-guy script and your Owners will see you through it. You only option is to just walk off the set now.
"The best results in governing them [the nations of Europe and all nations of post Christian European heritage] - are attained by violence and terrorization and not academic discussions. (1:3)
But never to underestimate the power and persuasion of discussions on the subject of The Political that are based upon the real Modus Agendi. It looks like in the new year, you will have at it again, Henry. You and all your readers and correspondents may laugh together yet. I hope so.
Imran said (August 28, 2024):
Did Bibi use a false flag? He gave a speech to the UN about creating a new Middle East with Saudia Arabia. The speech is found online. Then after the speech October 7 happened. Would he sabotage his own plan and waste time at the UN? Others including the Deep State mafia in Israel and other governments certainly would have a motive to derail his plans.
Furthermore, the Deep State which pushed the "Land for Peace" process have been cooperating with foreign governments to have Bibi and his coalition removed. Do they have a gentlementary agreement with him 'We are gonna use the protests related to October 7 to have you removed'? I think they are used to blackmail Bibi and others personally rather from the looks of it.