Zionists Regard Jews as Sacrifices
November 18, 2024

Just as feminism does not represent women, Zionism does not represent Jews. "Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. "It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon." The "far-reaching plan" is the satanic enslavement of humanity.
(Updated "Compulsory Suicide for Jews" from Nov 2023)
On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the "Patria," exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

The Zionist "Haganah" [army] claimed the passengers blew up the ship, Masada style, to protest British refusal to let them land. Years later, the Haganah admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius, they blew up the vessel for its propaganda value.
"Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many," Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at Patra memorial service in 1958. 252 people murdered by the people they trusted. How's that for fanatical? But the Zionists have the blood of many more Jews on their hands.
During the Holocaust, Jewish life had no value unless it promoted the Zionist cause. "One goat in Israel is worth more than the whole Diaspora," Yitzhak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency's "Rescue Committee," said.
Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld accuses the Zionists of collaborating in the Nazi slaughter of European Jewry directly and indirectly.
The charges are contained in his book, "Holocaust Victims Accuse" (1977) which is on line.
Rabbi Shonfeld calls the Zionists "war criminals" who usurped the leadership of the Jewish people, betrayed their trust and, after their annihilation, reaped the moral capital.
Shonfeld states: "The Zionist approach that Jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheels of the Jewish state is not a thing of the past. It remains operable to this very day."
Other books on this theme by Jews include Edwin Black, "The Transfer Agreement"; Ben Hecht, "Perfidy," M.J. Nurenberger "The Scared and the Damned"; Joel Brand, "Satan and the Soul"; Chaim Lazar, "Destruction and Rebellion"; and Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weismandel "From the Depth."
The implication, which I will explore later, is that Zionism, at the top, is not a Jewish movement. In the words of veteran Israeli politician Eliezar Livneh, "The Zionist heritage had in it something flawed to begin with."
- While European Jews were hostage to the Nazis, Zionist leaders in America deliberately provoked and enraged Hitler. They began in 1933 by initiating a worldwide boycott of Nazi goods. Dieter von Wissliczeny, Adolph Eichmann's lieutenant, told Rabbi Weissmandl that in 1941 Hitler flew into a rage when U.S. Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise, in the name of the entire Jewish people, "declared war on Germany". Hitler fell on the floor, bit the carpet and vowed: "Now I'll destroy them. Now I'll destroy them." In Jan. 1942, he convened the "Wannsee Conference" where the "final solution" took shape.
- Rabbi Shonfeld says the Nazis chose Zionist activists to run the "Judenrats" and to be Jewish police or Kapos. "The Nazis found in these 'elders' what they hoped for, loyal and obedient servants who because of their lust for money and power, led the masses to their destruction." The Zionists were often intellectuals who were often "more cruel than the Nazis" and kept the trains' final destination a secret. In contrast to secular Zionists, Shonfeld says Orthodox Jewish Rabbis refused to collaborate and tended their beleaguered flocks to the end.
- Rabbi Shonfeld cites numerous instances where Zionists sabotaged attempts to organize resistance, ransom, and relief. They undermined an effort by Vladimir Jabotinsky to arm Jews before the war. They stopped a program by American orthodox Jews to send food parcels to the ghettos (where child mortality was 60%) saying it violated the boycott. They thwarted a British parliamentary initiative to send refugees to Mauritius, demanding they go to Palestine instead. They blocked a similar initiative in the US Congress. At the same time, they rescued young Zionists. Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist Chief and later first President of Israel said: "Every nation has its dead in its fight for its homeland. The suffering under Hitler are our dead." He said they "were moral and economic dust in a cruel world."
- Rabbi Weismandel, who was in Slovakia, provided maps of Auschwitz and begged Jewish leaders to pressure the Allies to bomb the tracks and crematoriums. The leaders didn't press the Allies because the secret policy was to annihilate non-Zionist Jews. The Nazis came to understand that death trains and camps would be safe from attack and actually concentrated industry there. (See also, William Perl, "The Holocaust Conspiracy.')
None of the above is intended to absolve the Nazis of responsibility. However, the Holocaust could have been prevented or at least alleviated had the Zionist leadership behaved honorably. It is outrageous that Israel claims to represent the Jewish people, and even more outrageous that many Jews fall for this subterfuge.
This subject is exhaustively covered in Garaudy - Founding Myths of Israeli Politics - The Myth of Anti-Fascism p. 26 ff
Also Related - "In the 1960s the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt was slandered and ostracized when she concluded that "almost without exception, the Jewish leadership cooperated with the Nazis." Zionists Sacrificed Non-Zionist Jews
Mark Weber- Zionism and the Third Reich
Robert Sepehr - Secret Satanism is at the Heart of the Illuminati and Forbidden Religion which describes the Sabbateans and their founder Sabbatai Zvi.
Makow - Nazi Jews (Sabbateans) Were Responsible for the Holocaust
-----------Zionists Sacrificed Jews to the Holocaust
-----------The Holocaust as Mental Paradigm
---------- The Zionist Protection Racket
-----------Hitler Was a Godsend for Israel
--------- Zionist Made a Deal with the Devil
---------- Zionism - A Conspiracy Against Jews
First Comment from Twitter- Finally a Jew who gets it
"As a person of non-Satanist Jewish heritage, I completely agree with this statement and applaud you for your discernment in such matters. This is a nuanced issue and not all Jews are part of the Synagogue Of Satan but those who are expose the rest of us to atrocities by design."
CS said (November 5, 2023):
Yes, but you are missing the point, Henry.
Judaism is not - in any form - Jewish.
Judaism is witchcraft (kabbalah) ad the basphemous doctrines of men (Talmud). It has nothing whatsoever to do with what Moses said. In fact, it is everything Moses warned against.
Moses said that when He came, the people were to obey Messiah.
And Messiah came: 2,000 years ago, at the exact time stated in Daniel 9.
And after 40 years of the then desolate House of Judah wandering in the spiritual wilderness - when they were still being given tine to repent - the end came in 70AD. Since then, it has been physically impossible for anyone to obey the old covenant. And as Moses said, anyone who failed to obey what he said was cursed.
Do Christians obey Moses? Yes. Because they obey Messiah.
Those who rejected the New Covenant of Messiah were cut out of the Israel of God, just as John the Baptist (the voice crying in the wilderness) had warned.
Anyone who calls himself a Jew but denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is Messiah is a member of the synagogue of Satan and is assisting the Devil.
Jewish = (genuine) Christianity. i.e that excludes the Noahide cults that are Roman Catholicism, Christian Zionism Mormonism, the SDA movement, the JWs etc., all of which ere created by the kabbalists in their new role as the little horn of Daniel (Amalek of the Messianic Era), and in accordance with their instruction manual, the Zohar - i.e. the curse of Zechariah 5.
The only route to reconciliation with the Lord God Almighty is obedience to the New Covenant.