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September 1, 2007


"Any opposition party that supports the continuation of Canada as a sovereign nation, "a
true North strong and free", must join in a motion this Fall on the resumption of
Parliament to end the implementation of the SPP/NAU process immediately.

The motion should demand the dissolution of the Competitiveness Council and their working groups as being unconstitutional, an overreach of the power of the executive branch of government, and an abuse of the office of the Prime Minister. If the PM refuses to do this, then the opposition, if it is honest, if it is loyal to Canada, must bring this minority government down on a motion of non- confidence. ...

No one can accuse Harper of "secrecy" nor "lack of transparency" on his institutionalization of corporate rulers as his right hand men and women,
violating citizen right to democratic accountable government. Yet, in all these months, not one party in opposition has called for a non-confidence motion on this issue, or even
tried to clip the wings of the working groups operating under the Competitiveness Council by cutting off their funding from our tax dollars".....Connie Fogal

August 31, 2007 Message from Connie Fogal,
Leader, CAP/PAC "On the Distinction Between
the Political Line of CAP v.s. That of the
Liberals, NDP, Bloq Quebecois, the Greens, and
the Council of Canadians Respecting the Integration of North America"


Respecting the corporate world attack on Canadian nationhood and sovereignty, and the even worse insidious attack on the value of the person, deeply concerned Canadians have been exercising various significant initiatives to inform themselves and others. They call for
de-integration of North America. They demand restoration and protection of sovereign, free nations. They want to save their country, to have a country, to be a country. They recognize their own power and worth as a human being.

What has been missing in our line of defence is a recognition that globalization is being promoted from "below" as well as "above". We all know who forms the "above" group. They are the corporate financial elite who believe the world is their oyster with a pearl obstructed or blocked by nationhood and sovereignty. What we have failed to identify and discuss is who or what constitutes the "below" group. It is those who believe globalization or the unification of North America is inevitable, but seek to humanize
it. They are the unwitting dupes of the globalists, or the complicit cooperators.

These "below" players come from the realm of "civil society", or non governmental
organizations (NGOs), and some political parties.They participated with the "above" group in Canada for the FTA and NAFTA developments. They were "at the table" and succeeded in carving out side agreements on labour and environmental standards to make NAFTA "socially sustainable".

It is my understanding that both Maude Barlow for the Council of Canadians (COC) and Elizabeth May for an environmental group were active participants at the NAFTA and/or other globalization agreements like the FTAA and the WTO representing "civil society".

Laura MacDonald is a Canadian academic from Carleton University who in an article called Civil Society and North American Integration identified Canadian civil society "below" group players to include the Council of Canadians, environmentalists,and labour unions. MacDonald delivered her paper on Civil Society and North American Integration to a 2002 conference called "Toward A North American Community" (not Robert
Pastor's book of the same title which came out in 2001). This conference focused on social and ideological aspects in creating a North American Union describing ways to counter the obstacles of nationalism and sovereignty.
(Once the article comes up click on the word "link" to find MacDonald's article at bottom of page)

MacDonald wrote," ...civil society has become a driver of a different form of integration based on 'globalization from below' ". She explains that civil society played an important part under NAFTA as a "social shock absorber" functioning to help people adapt to the new economic environment. She identifies an important role for civil society in establishing a North American Union. She wrote, "...civil society actors do play an important role in making integration socially sustainable....allowing individuals and groups left out of the benefits of integration to survive and adapt...."

NAFTA was the beginning of the institutional, administrative restructuring of three nations
into a North American Union. MacDonald explains that NAFTA constitutes "a new form of 'supranational constitutionalism' since it establishes norms which 'control government
behaviour even though they are not part of the domestic constitution' " She writes that the
labour and environmental side agreements within NAFTA created some "new supranational architecture"; that the labour side agreement, called The North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation, institutionalized monitoring of labour legislation within each country, but failed to improve labour standards of North America due to ineffective
government enforcement of domestic labour laws; and that the environmental side agreement enjoys considerable support from environmental NGOs.

The leadership of the COC and some other NGO's, though not registered political parties, see NGO's as a form of representation of the people, despite the fact that they are unelected by, unaccountable to, and unrepresentative of all Canadians, just as are the members of the corporate Competitiveness Council. The value of the COC and, for example, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, lies in their excellent
research and public information dissemination on national issues, and, for the COC,
their capacity to muster numerous citizens in meaningful education exercise and advocacy,
and for labour, in their capacity to mobilize the public to powerful dissent when the leadership has the will. Contrary to their assertions, the COC leadership does exercise political partisan practice, including efforts to control and manage public dissent.

The COC calls for discussion and debate on the SPP, and, by its influence on the opposition parties, the COC defines and limits their strategy and action to a demand for
"transparency" in the SPP process. Barlow is more honest and open than the opposition parties about her support for an integrated North America driven by civil society. Listen carefully to her words. She calls for a "different model" of a North American entity than is presented in the SPP. She does not call for an outright immediate end to integration, or a resumption of an independent, sovereign, democratic, free nation. She wants an integration model that is sustainable and just. Barlow defines three prongs
of power in the world- corporations (who have all the power), governments, (who no longer have any power), and civil society who are now the representatives of the people exercising the real power for the people.

She is wrong. "Civil society " or "NGO's" have an important role to play in a democracy-
lobbying, researching, disseminating information. But they cannot perform a democratic
form of rule over the people, by the people, of the people, for the people. They must not permit themselves to be exploited by the globalists. More importantly, citizens must not allow NGOs to usurp the role of democratic government.

Each of us must decide what kind of a social order we want for ourselves, our children, and our community. Do we want to be "masters of our own ship" , "captains of our own soul", or are we willing to settle for band-aids and crumbs.

The Canadian Action Party says globalization and integration of North America are not inevitable. Nations and sovereignty matter. They are the only way to ensure all people are valued. All we need is a mass of socially conscious citizens marching
together asserting our right to be in control via our accountable representatives chosen from amongst ourselves preserving nationhood and sovereignty. With that in mind, I raise the following points for your consideration.

Many of our tawdry political leaders are now being thrust kicking and screaming by their
supporters to the front line. The best of them continue to wriggle, weak and uncertain, as
they face the deliberate destruction of Canada by the continentalist agenda of the North
American elite. Others deceive.Those who have good intention, who wish to be on the right path, require the vigilant, disciplined clarity of their informed supporters.

In the weeks leading up to the "three amigos" meeting in Montebello Que., Canada, in August of 2007, all mainstream opposition parties stopped denying that the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement exists, and acknowledged that a North American implementation process of some kind was ongoing.

As elected and unelected leaders of political parties and civil society move up to the bat,
watch and listen for key words both written and spoken that reveal an unclear, or weak, or deceitful, or harmful, still hidden agenda. Look for key words like an "unless" or "until"
(jusqu'à ce que) or "different model" or "North America" or "just and sustainable North America" which reveal a probable deception, or a direction not in sync with yours. Do not acquiesce to it if it is not what you want. Keep the pressure on your favorite leaders and
politicians to perform and deliver honestly on your behalf, to fight for your right to be
Canadian, and your right to be a sovereign, valuable individual citizen with guaranteed
liberties. If that is what you want! Think for yourself. Analyze. Question.

All of the NDP, the Liberals, the Bloq Quebecois and the Council of Canadians fail to call for an absolute cessation of the administrative integrating process of the unification of North America. They demand only a suspension of the process UNTIL there is debate and discussion on the SPP, or on a different model of integration, and a vote in Parliament . The "until" means that the NDP, and Liberals, and BQ,and the COC will
facilitate the integration of Canada into a North American entity as long as they have opportunity to talk about it and have input into its shape. Their complaint is they have not been included in the process to make it "sustainable " and "just". CAP is diametrically opposed to that direction. This period of our history slaps us with an either/ or situation- sovereign nations or an administered North American feudalism.

...Working from material he obtained under Freedom of Information applications, Dr Jerome Corsi sets out at page 81 in his book The Late Great USA, The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada the Organizational Chart for the operation in the USA of the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement .This shows the institutionalized restructured apparatus within the executive branch of the U.S. government. He has provided to me the organizational chart for the Canadian
apparatus which is attached to this e mail. I expect both the COC and the NDP have had this chart for some time as both have been referring to the numerous working groups functioning in Canada. Each of these sections functions with officials from government and industry paid by our tax dollar working together with their U.S. and Mexican counterparts integrating and harmonizing and uniting the operations of the administration of Canada, the USA, and Mexico, i.e., uniting the executive arm of the three governments.

Our Parliamentarians must do more than "ooh" and "ahh" about this. What is mandatory is to sweep out this apparatus and restore an independent Canadian civil service with sworn allegiance to all Canadian citizens and Canada as a nation.

The unanimous trumpeting by the opposition parties and the COC for debate and transparency is an unleashing of the spin doctors to get the public on side, fool them into thinking their nationhood is intact so long as someone is "talking" Canadian- never mind that it is "double speak". Any opposition party that supports the existence of Canada as a sovereign nation, "a true North strong and free", must join in a motion this fall on the resumption of Parliament to end the implementation of the SPP/NAU process immediately.

The motion should demand the dissolution of the Competitiveness Council and their working groups as being unconstitutional, an overreach of the power of the executive branch of government, and an abuse of the office of the Prime Minister. If the PM refuses to do this, then the opposition, if it is honest, if it is loyal to Canada, must
bring this minority government down on a motion of non- confidence.

In early 2007.Harper published the names of the10 Canadian corporations advising
Not one member of Parliament publicly acknowledged the harm of this entity or its open
installation of corporate rule in Canada violating the rights of Canadians to a
democratic government. No one can accuse Harper of "secrecy" nor "lack of transparency" on his institutionalization of corporate rulers as his right hand men and women, violating citizen right to democratic accountable government. Yet, in all
these months, not one party in opposition has called for a non-confidence motion on this issue, or even tried to clip the wings of the working groups operating under the
Competitiveness Council by cutting off their funding from our tax dollars.

If Canada is to be restored to an independent, sovereign and democratic nation, if that is what you want, then your political leaders must take back control of our rules and procedures immediately into the hands of a democratic parliament. They must act immediately to move the control of our government out of the hands of a cabinet apparatus and a bureaucracy that have abandoned their duty to the citizens and to the
public good, and they must disembowel the corporate rule.

It is in your control and power to demand that your M.P. act in your interest to protect your sovereignty as a Canadian; to demand he/she bring this government down on a motion of non confidence; to demand that he/she clearly define the road back to independent, free nationhood. It is in your control and power to act and to vote in your own interest.

CAP's position is that there should be no debate or discussion on whether or not any flavor of treason or sedition is to be considered in our Parliament. We are not interested in discussing or measuring the details or the hows and whys of our death as an independent, sovereign nation. What part of NO do they not understand??
We want a distinct, autonomous, sovereign nation. WE ARE CANADIANS.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at