Preview of World War Three
September 1, 2006
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In coming days and weeks, sock-puppets like George Bush will jawbone about stopping Iran's "nuclear enrichment program."
If you understand the big picture you can tune all that out. If it weren't nuclear enrichment, he'd find some another excuse to menace Iran. Here's why:
The London-based Illuminati central bankers want to complete their Masonic world dictatorship by extending their power over Russia and China. (The Illuminati is an occult society that controls Freemasonry, the largest secret society in the world. That's their emblem on the US dollar.)
In "The Grand Chessboard" (1997) Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said control of the Middle East and Central Asia, including Afghanistan and the Caspian oil fields was a prerequisite to controlling Russia and China.
To justify the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Illuminati engineered Sept. 11 (Yes, the Bush Administration, Federal Reserve, CFR, CIA MI-6 and Mossad were behind it.) As Brzezinski wrote: "the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization." (p.35)
(See Michael Ruppert, "A War in the Planning for Four Years: How Stupid do they Think We Are?" )
In 2001, Russia and China together with four Central Asian states set up the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" to expel the US from the region.
Iran, Pakistan and India were granted observer status. Iran was regarded as the linchpin to the whole region. In other words, under no circumstances will Russia and China let Iran be defeated. The same applies to the Taliban in Afghanistan. World War Three will pit West against East, NATO against the SCO.
Why is it fine if Pakistan has nuclear weapons but not Iran? Ostensibly, Pakistan is an Illuminati puppet-state. In other words, only Illuminati-run states are allowed nuclear weapons. However Pakistan is drawing closer to China and is assisting the Taliban.
Why doesn't Bush go after North Korea's nuclear arsenal? It's under Chinese protection, has no oil and isn't the linchpin of Central Asia.
So when Glenn Beck intones on CNN that Iran "is out to destroy our way of life" recognize a cheap whore soliciting your fathers and sons for NWO cannon fodder.
And when Israelis squeal about being under attack, give them a slap on the head. They are the aggressors and high tech terrorists. Their gratuitous destruction of Lebanon had nothing to do with a threat because there was none. It was intended as an object lesson for Iran. However the Israelis were taught the lesson. If only they would learn it.
I'll spell it out. Iran already has nuclear weapons and the backing of Russia and China. If Iran is attacked, Israel will be destroyed. Better for Israel to make peace with its neighbors and make restitution for its crimes against Lebanon and the Palestinians.
Iran President Ahmadinejad said recently Iran's neighbors, including Israel, have nothing to fear from Iran. The same cannot be said for Israel.
Unfortunately we are on Illuminati conveyor belt, moving inexorably toward annihilation and acting as if it were a hayride. What is the timeline? There are still alot of preparations (money) to be made. I am guessing about five years. Until then, the proxy wars will continue.
Our political "leaders" are Satanists, criminals and traitors. Our religious and cultural leaders mostly are cowards and/or degenerates. The mass media engages in lies and mind control.
We must stop colluding in our own moral degradation, enslavement and ultimate destruction. We must reject war.
Must Read: "The Next Phase of the Mid East War" by Michel Chossudovksy
Glenn said (September 5, 2006):
just read your East Vs West article and I couldn't agree more, we must reject war.
I do, however, tend to think the illuminati controls both the East and the West. My understanding is that Mao was a Grand Orient Freemason, and the Russian Revolution was fully funded from the US/England.
I don't think things have changed.