The Root Problem: Jews or Illuminati?
August 4, 2006
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Israel's demonic assault on innocent Lebanese civilians naturally has increased anti-Jewish feeling. There have been sporadic attacks on Jewish institutions and the usual voices again have denounced "the Jews."
"There is coming a time soon in which we shall have to fight Jews because they are Jews and because we are not," J.B. Campbell proclaimed in "Jewish Rule" posted on " They will leave us with no other choice, just as they left the Russians and the Palestinians and the Hungarians and now the Lebanese with no other choice but fight or die a nasty death after captivity and thirst and starvation and torture."
John Kaminski writes, " The Illuminati is wholly Jewish, started by a Jew turned Catholic, operated by the Jews who control the money. Now used, as a convenient myth by Jewish writers to say the problem is not really Jewish."
Kaminski is referring to me. He has called me a "Zionist mole." The epithet "Illuminati mole" could be hurled back except I believe his error is sincere. People like Kaminski unwittingly serve the Illuminati agenda by making Jews the scapegoat for the Illuminati. They increase division and focus hostility on Jewish pawns and dupes. As we shall see, the Illuminati is not "wholly Jewish" by a long shot. You could get rid of every Jew and the problem would remain. (Of course this does not absolve of guilt Jewish Illuminati and their Jewish dupes/agents i.e. Zionists, Communists, Feminists, Liberals, Socialists, Neo Cohns etc.)
I refer Kaminski and his ilk to Fritz Springmeier, an unsung hero of humanity, now an American political prisoner, who has debriefed dozens of Illuminati defectors. A respected authority on the Illuminati, he says the problem is a lot bigger than "the Jews". It is anti-religious (as in satanic) not racial.
"To call the conspiracy Jewish is misleading. The father of it all is Satan. It is Satanic and it will use anyone it can." (Bloodlines of the Illuminati, p.126)
It's the nightmare that's still there after we wake up.
It reads like a horror movie script:
The trusted and respected leaders of society secretly belong to a satanic cult and are gradually turning humanity into their mind-controlled slaves. The process is designed to appear "natural." Wars, including the Cold War and War on Terror are based on hoaxes.
Humanity has a terminal disease. We are in a state of collective denial.
Every facet of Western society, not just organized Jewry, has been subverted. This includes business, education, military, mass media, government and all religions. The elite, Jews and non-Jews alike, are either dupes or agents. That is a condition for advancement.
The Illuminati control current events and determine human history according to their "Plan.". What we call "secular humanism" is nothing but a facade for Luciferianism. "Modernism" is the substitution of their occult vision disguised as "reason" for Moral Order and Objective Truth i.e. God. Our modern world is a fraud dedicated to enthroning Satan as ruler of this planet..
The word "Illuminati" sounds incredible but it's real. It's plans and correspondence
were seized in 1784. Defectors testified at public hearings.
The relationship of Zionists to the Illuminati mirrors that of Freemasonry, which the Illuminati also control. Most are pawns and dupes. "The Lodge shall be our nursery garden," Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt wrote."All those who are not suited to the work shall remain in the Masonic Lodge and advance in that without knowing anything of the further system." (Webster, /Secret Societies/, p.210)
Humanity owes a debt of gratitude to Fritz Springmeier for exposing the
Illuminati and its methods in a half dozen major works on line.
His videos are also available on line.
His definitive work is "Be Wise as Serpents" (1991) and "Bloodlines
of the Illuminati" (1999). At the back he lists hundreds of names of
members of the Illuminati organizations like the Pilgrim Society,
Bohemia Grove and the Skull and Bones and related fraternities. The
names reflect the American establishment yesterday and today. They are
not exclusively Jewish.
I'll just list a few: Astor;Ball, Bennett; Bundy; Grace; Hammer;
Kennedy; Brady; Acheson; Rockefeller; Dulles; Bedell Smith; Carnegie;
Cowles; Dupont; Harriman; Schiff; Roosa; Brezinski; Kissinger; Forbes;
Donovan; Javits; Mellon; Turner; Coffin; Heinz; MacLeish; Stanley;
Pinchot; Whitney; Walker; Steadman; Taft...etc.
A similar membership analysis could be made of other Illuminati fronts
such as the Bilderbergs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral
Commission and the Club of Rome.
Yes it is probable that Jewish Sabbatean heretics like the Rothschilds
are the mainspring behind the Illuminati but there is no shortage of non-Jews who want a piece of the Satanic action.
Did you know Doonesbury's Gary Trudeau is Skull and Bones?
Ned Lamont who is seeking Joe Lieberman's Senate seat is the great
grandson of Thomas Lamont, the Chairman of J.P. Morgan, who financed the
American Communists. These guys run the show. We get to choose which
satanist we want.
It's frustrating that people like Kaminski can only see the Jews and not the gentiles. Then they blame all Jews regardless of their guilt and let guilty goyim off the hook. They seem to need a simple black-and-white solution to the world's problems. They can't face the
betrayal of their own ethnic leaders. Easier to despise Jews than confront the powerful rich. I invite Kaminski et al to read Fritz Springmeier and step up to the next level.
For exposing the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier was framed for a 1997
bank robbery and sentenced to nine years in jail in 2003. If you want to
do something positive, write to him.
They tried to make Springmeier out to be a Ted Kaczynski Unabomber. Read
this interview with Springmeier and see how intelligent he is and how evil they are.
Here are some excerpts:
Who are the Illuminati?
"The Illuminati are the movers and shakers of the world. They are an
elite group of bloodlines - I call these tribes or families - there are
13 major bloodlines. They are what are called "generational satanists".
That means that they have practiced their secret witchcraft for many
centuries and they have passed their religion down from one generation
to the next. They lead double lives. They have one life that the world
sees and then they have a hidden life that the world doesn't see. There
have been very few people that have been able to break through the
"The top 13 bloodlines are the Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman,
Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefellers, Rothschild, Reynolds, Krupp, Russell
... then there is a 13th bloodline which is the Merovingian bloodline. I
just simple call it the 13th and then there is the Van Duyn Illuminati
bloodline. The 13th bloodline, the Merovingian, is extremely important.
It includes the royal families of Europe."
What is their goal?
"Ultimately [their goal is] to bring in what people have termed the New
World Order with a man who will hold the world's attention and carry the
title 'The Antichrist.' That's the ultimate goal and I am not trying to
wax religious on people but that's just the simple fact. When you get
into deprogramming people you will see that a lot of the things they
have been programmed to do tie in with a very sophisticated plan to
unify the world under the reign of the Antichrist."
"[Princeton historian] James Billington (/Fire in the Minds of Men/)
traces how all the revolutions were started by this occult elite. The
term revolution came from the occult idea that we were going to revolve
ourselves back to the Golden Age. There is this great quest for the
Golden Age, this millenialism. That's what communism is about. If you
look at the early founders of communism - they were trying to revolve
us back through revolution to the Golden Age that had been lost.'s
always for a socialistic, communistic type utopia, [a cross between]
/1984/ and /Animal Farm./"
Why do they use trauma-based mind control on their own family members?
"It's really essential. If you are going to participate in the
Illuminati secret life, being a programmed multiple [personality] is
basic. There are a few in the Illuminati who aren't programmed
multiples, but considering what one has to participate in. You've got a
number of standard rituals involved - St. Weinbald, St. Agnes, Grand
Climax, Walpurgis, Beltane, all your solstices and equinoxes, Lamas, All
Hallow's Eve, High Grand Climax -- all of these standard rituals. /These
rituals are very horrific. They involved human sacrifice. Sacrifices of
babies on the High Grand Climax. On various Sabbats you've got a young
female or a male being sacrificed.
This is not something that the normal mind is going to be able to
handle. The mind control and the creation of multiple personalities
where you get a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde effect - is very crucial to this
thing continuing from generation to generation. They will be trained in
alchemy, in Indian sorcery, Druidism, Enochian magik, Gnosticism,
Hermetic magik, cabbalism, Plato, Sufism - they will know all the
different branches of occult systems."
What is the function of trauma?
"The Illuminati take a small child about two years old, and they begin
traumatizing it with the worst traumas that are imaginable so that they
can create these amnesia walls. They find these dissociated pieces of
the mind that are just like ...floppy disks, then they put in their
programming to the dissociated parts of the mind as to what they want
that part to become... [Elsewhere he says mind control was behind Josef
Mengele's experiments; that Mengele was Illuminati and continued his
work in the US after the war.]
The Illuminati can take a particular child and manipulate things from
behind the scenes and open all the right doors for this person, and they
can get them the grants and the schooling and everything they need and
adding impetus to this person's career is the mind control that is
steering them in that direction too. The end product is you end up with
somebody who is an engineer or a lawyer or a politician who is very
highly qualified for what they are doing.
A very conservative estimate - I shouldn't even say estimate because I
have computed it from about seven different angles - a conservative
figure is 2 million Americans have been programmed with trauma based
total mind control."
The Ultimate Goal?
"The whole long-range goal of this, and when I say long-range, it's not
going to take them long to get us there at the rate they are going - the
end goal of all of this is to eventually create /an entire planet of
mind controlled slaves that can be controlled by one super computer.
They are manipulating our thoughts and our attitudes, and steering us,
herding us (they consider us animals - the Illuminati consider
themselves god, god men and us to be the animals) they are herding us in
the direction they want to us to go."
Let's not fall into the Illuminati's divide-and-conquer trap. Springmeier says this is "a war against evil not race." He says that, as a virtuoso with an old violin, a "Master's hand can turn anyone into a beautiful thing." He says that many members of Illuminati families have
found Christ and broken free. Similarly many Illuminati dupes, whether Jewish or not, can be reached by a message of Truth and Love. We can all be deprogrammed.
*Note-1 Mel Gibson's* recent anti-Jewish outburst/recantation reeks of
an illuminati stunt designed to legitimize Jews at the expense of
Christians. Remember Mel Gibson is an actor. He is also a billionaire. I
doubt if there are any billionaires who aren't tied in with the
Illuminati. As many Christians recognize, /"The Passion of the Christ"/
is a Satanic film.Satanists enjoy watching Christ being flayed for 90
minutes. I suspect the ADL pretended to object in order to increase its
notoriety. We learn Mel's security guard for the last 10 years is an
Israeli. <,2933,207059,00.html> Whatever
his father's politics and religion, Mel Gibson is no Christian.
*Note-2 Svali,* an Illuminati defector, has been reported missing.
Does anyone have any information? See also "Illuminati Defector Details
Pervasive Conspiracy <>"
Also, my "Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?"
AJ said (August 12, 2006):
Surely the zionist have a lot to do with the new world order but they are only one arm on the
illuminati octopus. I don't disagree with the information that pertains to the zionist involvement
but I surely can't agree with the knit-picking and name calling that is cropping up because of
it. We need to be working together, not at each others throats. We are right one the edge of
world war 3 and this kind of division is only preventing us from stopping it. One of the only
researchers who has gone to great lengths to expose the zionist is David Icke, who doesn't
get involved in this name calling shit and that should say something about him. "But then
again he is an agent because of the reptilian thing," some would say. Most who would say
that about him haven't read his books or reasoning behind saying that and my point is that
people need to look before they leap. Get to know the guy you are pointing your finger at and
calling an agent before doing so. You might find that you really are on the same side fighting
the same enemy - your arguing over what you call the enemy is allowing the enemy to get
over on you and the rest of us
Aj. Bruno
One Heart Books
Healing The Planet of The new world order