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Clickbait is Wrecking Journalism

March 12, 2025


We need a return to journalistic standards.

I was a newspaper reporter during the 1970's.  I learned that the essence of the story should be in the first paragraph. W-5  Who, what, where, why, when.

Now that more people are watching videos than reading, this principle has been lost. At least half the time, the title is clickbait. The subject of the title is not addressed until deep into the video if at all. Instead of clickbait, the title should reveal the content.

Newspaper headlines are like a quiz. Guess what? Guess Who? When? Where? Why? 

The Daily Mail Online is the worst offender.

Here are examples of clickbait.


Just say what it is. Give the content in the title. People will keep watching instead of giving up in frustration.


BREAKING! Stunning New Details in Trump Assassination Plot Exposed | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Guess Who's Pushing for Peace



BlackRock's Next Plans Will SHOCK THE WORLD" - Whitney Webb's LATEST LARRY FINK EXPOSE


Urgent! This explains everything. Please share.

Often the video is a lie. Citizen journalists are replacing the MSM which is now propaganda. But many of these citizen journalists are just trying to get clicks which means money. Often the claim in the title is FALSE. I.e Secret service director resigns. Well she hasn't yet.  Or - Chinese Troops At Ukraine Border   Lies. 

Whether it's an article or a video, people act like they're paid by the word (or click.)

If you can say it in five minutes, don't take ten. And say it right away. Writing is for communication, not self-aggrandizement.

 YouTube has been overrun by carpetbaggers.

The Key to Good Writing
(Updated from July 22, 2024)
By Henry Makow PhD

The key to good writing is to consider your audience.

Recently a feminist sent me a long angry diatribe.

I replied: "Why would I read this once I figured out it wasn't praise?"

People expect you to read their thoughts just because they took the trouble to write them down.

Communication is not the same as self-expression. If you need to express yourself, keep a diary. 

In communication, your reader must want to read your work! You must have something original to say.  You must write in an inviting and compelling way. 

Put yourself in the reader's position. He doesn't have much time or patience. He's looking for something that will inform, empower or uplift him.

You must pique his interest immediately and convey your message quickly. State your argument in the first paragraph!

The most common mistake is over-writing due to insecurity and the mistaken notion that articles must be long. 

Keep it short!  Weed out unnecessary words.  

The Internet is a very competitive environment. There is a plethora of good, free material. To compete, you must be as quick, easy and engaging as possible.

George Bernard Shaw said. "Have something original to say and say it in the shortest, most candid, straight-forward way possible."

If you're guileless, there is no reason to be nervous. 

Ideally, you'll be passionate about your information and your sincerity will be felt.


Clear writing requires clear thinking. If your message isn't clear to you, it won't be clear to your reader.

State your argument and give a few proofs. Don't cite a lot of evidence and expect your reader to discover your point.

(The reader wants your conclusions; he doesn't need your thought process. He will either accept or reject your views.)

Ideally, convey your message in the title and first paragraph so the reader can decide whether to read your piece.  Write in a linear way, one-thought-per sentence.

Never repeat yourself, (as I am doing now!)

Good writing requires rewriting.

If you can, put the work away and look at it again over a few days.

None of this will stop the New World Order but it will enable us to communicate effectively.  


Related: George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language"

 First Comment by EB

"They don't want you to know this". "The secrets he took to his grave now revealed". "What we always suspected..." 

I agree drives me nuts so I never open them now.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Clickbait is Wrecking Journalism"

AF said (July 23, 2024):

I'm Jewish and agree with you. Thank you!

Just wanted to tell you I'm grateful I found you. You speak my heart.

Pad in Australia said (June 1, 2006):

Thanks Henry.

A mate just sent a link to your piece on “The Key to Good Writing”.

I suffer from the cursed gift of Algenon from the play about Ernest and his Importance.

It means I don’t write in accuracy and emit style instead.

Your piece will help me to do both.

So again … Thanks

Sonia said (May 29, 2006):

If your rules were followed, there would be no newspapers, junk mags, etc.
As usual, good article! If only more would follow your advice!
Further, if only conversational sentences/comments were not organized around "wow" "like" "cool"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One hears it everywhere, endorsed by the boobtube!
AAARGH! I remember one of Jeff's guests who had written a book about the English language and how years ago a sign of an "adult" was their language; now the adults ape their teens!!! Shows the immaturity that abounds in the US!!!!!
As we watch foreign-language TV, BBC, etc., nowhere does the man on the street sound so illiterate as here in the US. Ah, like, ah, ah, like, ah, ah, ah, ah like.....
Even soccer players when interviewed in So. Amer. can form sentences speaking their mind with no hesitation ----- and believe me, they are not university or even HS grads!!!!!

Mary said (May 29, 2006):

Thanks for the tips on writing--will use them! Just completed a Master's (with a Certificate in Holistic Health). Would like to write some workshops (with Handouts, of course) geared toward those who wonder if 'Holistic Health' is some kind of new 'Reality' sitcom, HMO, or diet bar. New at this and don't have a lot of years to learn it quickly (54 years old now), nor luxury or inclination to simply 'dabble.' Thanks! Mary

djd said (May 29, 2006):

Yours is one model used for arranging ideas for conveyance to others in writing. It is mechanical and thus involves the reworking of already known info into an acceptable format. Consider those who speak or write at the same speed as they intuit the ideas. They unravel fresh ideas and format without consciously doing more than opening oneself to the world
of inspiration.Nothing matters at this time except the exploration of the ideas that the attention has locked into.

Inspired writers care more for expressing what comes in via intuition than for pleasing the ego or accomodating the shortness of attention
spans. The message matters most and built into it is clarity,logic(linear, reticulate or otherwise), relevance, simplicity etc. The
reader(who must want to know)is then given a journey in which his soul is exhilarated and lifted. He is not the same afterwards. He was
enlightened, a bit at a time.

Tony said (May 28, 2006):

I have found the most effective way to do that is the way the schools -
with the help of such as Sesame Street - have indoctrinated the students for several generations now. Facts and the backup to facts - even reason, or maybe especially reason - is pretty much a waste of effort on the writer's part. What today's young have been "taught" (indoctrinated too) is short sloganeering with a strong emotional pull. The slogan can
be actually senseless when thought through but the politically savvy writer doesn't care as he knows it will trigger the particular emotional
response he is after. This occurs in advertisements constantly, of course. But, perhaps a bit more subtly, it is used even more in politics. Most have noticed that politicians give "non responses" in answer to most questions. But few note that these "non responses" are loaded with emotional hype. It's true that you can't get a "straight
answer" from a smart politician. He is going to get HIS emotional jog in, he doesn't care a whit what the question was.

Note how Bush's speech writers made his treasonous sabotage of the U.S. southern border invasion ring out to the naive as, at last, he's going to do something about the illegals. The real, now universally recognizable term for such speechifying is the simple word "bullshit."

Point is, "good writing" today may have several definitions so as to fit the targeted reader ability to discern the message. Sad perhaps, but
I'm afraid it's too true. I wish more writers on the side of right would see this and write to the mental abilities of their would be
audience. Short, strong emotional tugs will work for right as well as for wrong. In fact, when the message is right it rings more true, even to those whose mental processes have been made purposely fuzzy by the "educators" agenda of planned ignorance.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at