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Films Can Render or Distort Reality

July 16, 2005

By Henry Makow Ph.D. (from July 2005)

Last week
I saw two films, a new one that captures truth, and an old one which distorts it. Both depict romantic relationships between Jews and Gentiles. The first is "Heights," (2005) which shows how the homosexual vogue is impacting heterosexuals as a young woman struggles to save her marriage.

The second, "The Way We Were" (1973) depicts a love affair between Katie Morosky played by Barbara Streisand, an Emma Goldman-like Jewish Communist dupe, and an "all-American" Gentile, Hubbell Gardner played by Robert Redford.

It treats US Communism as though it was a benign force, and eulogizes the traitorous behavior of misguided Jewish idealists. This weird cultural artifact exemplifies how traitorous Hollywood has hoodwinked America. I'll start with that.

With the perspective of time, it is painful to watch this propaganda, put over on unsuspecting Americans as a classic romance.

In the movie, the Redford and Streisand characters were classmates in Class of 1937. Streisand was a Jewish Communist activist and Redford a goyish athlete with writing talent. Later during the war she finds her classmate, now a dashing naval officer, in a bar stone drunk. She takes him home for "coffee." When he passes out in her bed, she strips and seduces/rapes him.

Don't kid yourself; this was a deliberate assault on the sensibilities and values of Americans at the height of the media-induced "sexual revolution." Movies define what is socially acceptable. What was it telling young women? What if a male did the same thing to a female in that condition?

The sponsorship of Communism by the Rockefellers and the Anglo American elite is exposed by the fact that it was treated as just another political party entitled to participation in the democratic system it sought to destroy.

EmmaThere is a particularly creepy scene where Katie addresses a political rally and forces the mostly Gentile student body to repeat in unison "I will not go to war for my country." Of course, five years later, the USA is saving the Stalin's bacon, and Katie is working for the war propaganda department.

The American Communist party was completely funded and controlled by Moscow. Yet the movie depicts American conservatives and patriots as witch hunters, anti-Semites and fascists. This has not abated. The movie "Mona Lisa Smile" (2004) starring Julia Roberts presents the family of a girl who upholds traditional marriage as anti-Semitic.

Stalin murdered at least 20 million people, mostly Christians. Yet Katie has a big poster of Uncle Joe in her apartment. Yes, the Soviets were U.S allies during World War Two. Nevertheless this benign attitude to Communism has been pushed by Hollywood ever since and is bearing fruit as totalitarianism in 2005.

Never mentioning the "J" word, the film depicts a cultural divide between Jews and Christians who are portrayed as well heeled Republican rubes who gather around the piano to sing and tell inane jokes.

angry"Is everything a joke for you people?" Katie rails when Hubbell's friends fail to mourn FDR's death. Their sin is to enjoy life and not want to "change the world" which really means advancing the agenda of the Satanic sect, the Illuminati.

To the movie's credit, Hubbell calls her self-centered, inconsiderate, too serious and yes "pushy." Characteristically Katie doesn't listen, learn or change. "Behave," he tells her."I won't" she answers. Hubbell divorces her but inexplicably retains an affection for her.

As Professor Kevin McDonald explains in his Culture of Critique, Liberal, Socialist and especially Communist Jews have been on the vanguard of the disintegration of Christian culture, family, race and nationhood.

These Jews have been dupes and pawns of central bankers intent on creating a one-world dictatorship. Their "secular humanism" is really Luciferianism, the deification of human "reason" and appetite; and the rejection of moral absolutes and the natural order. In the NWO, man and not God defines reality. This means the central bankers who fund the Hollywood studios will continue to use the mass media to deceive and corrupt us.


Heights Featuring an ensemble cast, Heights focuses on an attractive young New York City couple, the cool waspy Isabel and the the intense Jew Jonathan, who plan to marry in a month.

Isabel, played by Elizabeth banks, is torn between her career as a photographer and the demands of her impending marriage. An old boyfriend hopes to rekindle their affair by landing her a career-making assignment in Eastern Europe with The New York Times magazine.

Another threat to their marriage is Jonathon's sexual ambivalence. He is afraid that Isabel will reject him if she learns of an episode from his past. Isabel's mother, Dianna, a famous actress played by Glenn Close, eventually learns of it. Can the couple overcome this obstacle?

Jonathan, an assimilated Jew, is a sincere and likable character but his sexual ambivalence is seen by his failure to take possession of his future wife. In post- Feminist America, men are afraid of women.

Heights offers a detached portrait of the contemporary NYC cultural scene. Career advancement seems to depend on putting out sexually. People are plagued by an emptiness they try to assuage with sex. The New York scene is portrayed as decadent and cutthroat.

Even in this urban cesspool, Isabel salvages her vision of marriage and finds the old-fashioned masculinity women naturally require.

The fact that Isabel is not Jewish is a minor factor in the story. Jonathan's rabbi, played by George Segal, asks him one question: "Why are you breaking your mother's heart by marrying a shiksa?... Just kidding." There is an amusing scene where Segal administers a quiz for inter-religious couples to Jonathan and Isabel. Clearly religion means little to either of them.


There is a dire shortage of honest movies about our lives, as if we are being deliberately denied the perspective and spiritual sustenance art provides.

As you know, most movies today are about crime, sex and catastrophe. Where once movies were based on novels, now they are based on comic books(Spiderman etc.). Most would have been banned as obscene as recently as 30 years ago. Our culture is seeking the lowest common denominator instead of the highest one.

That's why increasingly rare movies like "Heights" that accurately reflect our precarious world must be seen and discussed.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Films Can Render or Distort Reality"

John said (July 22, 2005):

Hi; I am repeatedly drawn to read your columns. The information you share about the invisible government is overwhelming at times but like one lady you quote said "the truth never goes away". Someone said "Every snowflake in an avalanche pleads guilty."

We are certainly in an avalanche of immorality today and I am grateful for a few snowflakes that are resisting the fall.

Karl from Germany said (July 22, 2005):

You are absolutely right. But this is not a new discovery:

Hollywood is nothing else then Orwells "Ministry of Truth". I think that Hollywood* doesn't show => the world how it is, but Hollywood shows
=> the world how it should be.
Because I don't want to exaggerate, we have to be aware of the fact that there are also movies with no specific political agenda (take "Scarry Movie" as an example, although psychologists may find something worth to be criticized).
But some have one: whether we are talking about the acceptance of homosexuals, blacks in high positions, jews as genious and eloquent hotshots**-it is to create a new thinking within the majority about minorities.

*) Every movie which is produced by the big companies (e.g. Warner, Universal), has gone its way through a thousand of checks regarding economical or political chances or risks (e.g. reaction of the audience). There are no mistakes or lapses: Movies either produced to make money, or to achieve political objectives (as agreed in the discussions with politicians, financiers, think tanks, and so on), or both.
**) Success makes people sexy. The rest is yours...

Check also

Tim said (July 21, 2005):

Henry, By the way, McDonald’s recently ran a charity promotion at its Hong Kong stores to raise funds for children’s vaccines. For each HK$2 donation (about US$0.25) you would receive a coloured wristband with a slogan. Each different color of wristband carried a different slogan. (All pretty much inane sayings). The promotion was co-sponsored by UNICEF. The part that grabbed me was that the hand sign used by the cartoon character promoting the campaign was the sign of the goat. Weird stuff. I’m trying to find a picture to send you, but I haven’t been successful so far.

Richard said (July 19, 2005):

Re: "Sin City"

It was so bad...I cannot describe it, except
to say that people were walking out,
up to about an hour into it.

The first to walk out was a mother,
father and their pre-teen son. Then
a couple of teen-age girls walked out.
And maybe 4 or 5 more people left.

I go to movies to evaluate them. It
was a mind-molesting experience
for me and my wife, who thinks the
way I do. We had had quite a
discussion afterwards.

"Mind-molesters" is the term I use to
identify Hollywood types who act in
and/or produce and direct such fare.



Regarding FM rock stations: Weeknights,
during the week, many stations carry
what's called "Love Line," which is a
couple of guys (one is a physician, I
think) who give advice on sexuality and

That, too, is hard to describe, except to
say those two guys are RAUNCHY
pornographers infecting teens with their
mental disease.

That radio program is out of L.A., I
believe, and can be heard all across the
U.S. to infect kids of all ages with
liberals' mindset on sexuality: fun, fun,

Lloyd said (July 19, 2005):

I went to filmschool yearsago. My favorite film was Blow-Up.Modernism as a dead end. You spend your life trying to be something other people project on you.

A friend returned home after being away while his sister died at 16 and his brother at 41. He had the hollywood bug. On his return his mother died and his father a few years later.
On his return home he made a film in his local town which he couldn't make in L.A. and won an award. No children,no wife, no grand kids, nothing but an empty dream you'd find in a bargin bin.

Film is product for most people. Capitalism or mass comsumption in the end creates endless waste of resources. The western man sees the writing on the wall. In the end less is more.

Most of my single male friends, at least 50 have no interest in marriage or a live in.
Most of the young guys think about money or career. The whole idea of spending your freetime hanging around in the back yard of your brother in law who you have no interest in sends chills up the spine of most of the males I know who are single.

The media gives you the biblecode, christ and his wife, ufos and hospitals that kill people. Presidents that should be doing time and people doing time that shouldn't.

The fact is being on the this planet is like being in hell. 45000 a year die in car accidents and no one says anything.
They just talk more on their cell phones. Big Brother is coming and god help us all.

Mark said (July 17, 2005):

Dear Henry,
I was too young to realize the content in "The Way We Were", and as a child, seeing the world thru the eyes of blissful unawareness, I figured the movie as benign as the song. I've since come to know Barbara more for the "Was she is"...repulsive to American Democracy actually.
I didn't bother to see "Mona Lisa Smiles", because I cannot stand Julia Roberts and 10 seconds of the trailor told me what it was all about...more brainwashing young women.

These Illuminists are relentless....relentless. Its an avalanche of deception comeing at a torrential rate now, leaving no doubt that Satan is truly a powerful being, capable of manipulating weak minded individuals all over the world.

Hollywood is a cesspool of deception.
But get ready for the Mother of All Whopping Lies.....due out May 19th next year "WORLDWIDE" according to Sony. They've gotten dear old Tom Hanks to do the movie with little Richie Cunningham....not how could America's sweet boys tell us anything less than the truth? "The Da Vinci Code" is coming out, and that its being released on the same day worldwide. I'm sure to those who follow Illuminist numerical symbols, the 05-19-06 probably means something, too.

As if the vicious lies and complete mockery made in Dan Brown's book aren't enough...the second grade level reading in it, is an insult to the intelligence....but since our moviegoing moronic society is so lulled to sleep, they're sure to suck this movie up. I'm sure young girls will quit going to Church in droves, and question if there ever was a Christ.

I will never again watch a Tom Hanks film, or a Ron Howard film. Not after their connection to this Illuminist propaganda.

"Rick" said (July 17, 2005):

Occasionally you get responses from women (like "T" recently) that makes me feel better about the world. Chaste, well-adjusted women who know their value, and who are also fun to love, they are the true forces of human nature. My woman, she's very traditional (yet stylish - takes good care of herself outside too), and boy does she have a wicked sense of humor. She can give and take with the best of them, yet has a deep, unmistakable feminine grace. No, this doesn't mean she does my laundry. This means I'm grateful to have someone who cares enough to want to do it. I reciprocate in my own ways. Sometimes my heart, mind and soul melt in her presence, but of course I don't let her know it!

She is a keeper. I'm 25, she's 22, unconsummated relationship but damn we're looking forward to the wedding night;-)

I may disagree with you on a great many things, but I think you have it spot on about the male-female dynamic. Thanks for your articles, and God bless us all.

Joe said (July 16, 2005):

Dr. Henry,

Again you have hit the nail on the head.

I think we could live very well without the

modern day Hollywood.

Keep up the good fight & have a great week-end.

Cliff said (July 16, 2005):

Those who own the worldwide Media Cartel were well aware of the fact that
the USA must first be destroyed before they could implement their communist
network for a worldwide dictatorship.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at