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December 1, 2004

prophesyYou, me, and every one of your readers could take a stand, voice our opinions, and be labeled, at least in this country, as non-patriotic. We'll either find ourselves in jail, or like Luther and many other martyrs, dead. My voice has no power against a stealth bomber, unless of course, God directly comes to me and tells me to march up the steps of Washington D.C. and say, "thus saith the Lord."

The arguments that Americans get in to over Republicans vs. Democrats is ridiculous. It's one party working towards the same agenda. And regardless, no matter who is there, that person could not be there if God didn't allow them to be. God has his man of the hour in power to bring about His word exactly as it is written.

What most people don't seem to realize is God is in complete control. And yes, there is a negative aspect to God's overall plan for mankind. Time and time again throughout the Old Testament God allowed heathen nations to destroy His people because they turned their backs on him.

Do you not think Canada, the U.S. and every other country on this planet have turned their backs on God? There's an elect that hasn't, but the majority has. Did Joseph go to Egypt kicking and screaming? NO. He remained a humble servant of God and ended up being second in command over all of Egypt. What about Daniel? Did he fight against Babylon? NO. He remained true to God and also ended up second in command.

When the Israelites were prophesied to be taken captive to Babylon, were they told to stand up, voice your opinion, and fight the evil government coming against you? NO. They were told to go, live peaceably, plant your vineyards, build your homes and have children. But what about those who did fight against Babylon? Go to the Old Testament and find out for yourself. They were destroyed. They went against God's plan.

Scream all you want, march up the White House steps if you'd like, but if what you are suggesting we do goes against God's word, you will destroy yourself and those who follow such advice. What I read in God's word is that the NWO is coming, deception will engulf the planet, and Satan will take the throne portraying himself as God for a short time. NOTHING can stop it, and those who try will be destroyed.

Your job and mine is to be aware, to prepare, to set our minds on Jesus and none other and not allow ourselves to worship the fake Christ that will soon rule planet earth. Knowing all these things that you put on your web site is the first step in that process, being awakened to what's going on in the world.

Secondly, but far more important is remaining in His word and seeking the truth from our Father and not some hireling behind the pulpit spewing out the precepts of men and not God's word!

Please, keep up the good work, and continue to warn the people on what's really happening in our world. But instead of asking people to place themselves in harm's way, guide them to the Truth, the only Truth that will set them free. A couple of good places for them to start is a verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter Bible study on either or

May the Lord Bless you in bringing to light the deception that rules our planet.

Reply from A

Hello Henry,

I was just reading the article you posted from Barry (one of your readers). Barry completely misunderstands divine preordainment. In all three of the monotheistic religions, preordainment has two equally important parts: ACT and then TRUST in God's decree. God fearing people of any faith are supposed to be God's warriors and we are supposed to fight with every weapon we have (intelligence, money, strength etc.) against Satan and his evil followers. God does not tell us to sit around and do nothing and just watch the world implode. We have to take some action (every little step counts) and then we have to TRUST that the result of our actions are part of a divine decree.

Henry, I think that you already agree with me on this but i felt that I just had to say this because i hate it when people suggest that we all just do nothing. Satan would just love that. sorry if i am rambling, I have just moved and I rarely get any sleep.


I do not have the answers but I know the answers lie with us humans and not with the returning Jesus. If the Kingdom of God will be destiny on earth, it is ourselves who will have to manifest such destiny. Not a 'mythman'. We can look to the skies on our knees until the cows come home, I am sure all we will see is a very big finger pointing (to use Ivan Fraser's words) right at us.It will take much more than prayer to usher in the ever so long awaited Kingdom of God.

Thank you for the good work you are doing. You are a very brave man and I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. A lot of us are not doing a very small fraction of what you do.

Would appreciate if you publish this on your site.

Thanks a million.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at