"Luther" Movie is Inspiration in Our Trouble
November 28, 2004

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
A movie about Martin Luther to be released this week on DVD speaks to us in our current peril.
It describes how one man had the courage to defy the corrupt Power Elite of his day and actually succeeded.
Starring Joseph Fiennes, "Luther" was a box office hit in Germany in 2003. It had a limited release in the US where it went largely unnoticed, thanks to our ever-vigilant mass media.
Intelligent, tasteful and truthful, "Luther" is a reminder of what movies can be when Hollywood is not involved.
"Thrivent," a German-based non-profit Lutheran financial services corporation financed the lavish $25 million production. It is directed by Eric Till and also stars Alfred Molina and Sir Peter Ustinov.
The movie vividly recreates the story of how Martin Luther (1483-1546) spearheaded long overdue reform that led to the Protestant Reformation and the growth of nation states.
Specifically Luther challenged the Catholic practice of selling "indulgences" or forgiveness for sins. This included onerous payments so that deceased loved ones would not go to hell. The money was used to finance wars.
I am aware that he was used by Freemasonry to undermine Catholicism but that is not depicted in this movie. Rather I am focusing on the parallels with our own times which are striking. A satanic criminal NWO cabal controls the government which, thanks to the mass media, masquerades as the arbiter of reality.
To save us from "hell" (i.e. the "terrorists") we have to forfeit our civil rights and money. Our sons and daughters are shipped off to Iraq to slaughter people who are opposed to NWO occupation. Thousands are killed and maimed. We are all implicated morally because we pay for it in taxes.
The head of Turkey's parliamentary human rights group recently accused Washington of genocide in Iraq and behaving worse than Adolph Hitler.
"The occupation has turned into barbarism," Reuters quoted Mehmet Elkatmis, head of parliament's human rights commission, as saying in Friday's Yeni Safak newspaper.
"The U.S. administration is committing genocide...in Iraq. Never in human history have such genocide and cruelty been witnessed...This occupation has entirely imperialist aims," he told the human rights commission on Thursday.
We are in the position of Germans during the Hitler era. One day we could be asked, "What did you do to prevent this?"
We are taught that we have entered an enlightened era, that the world no longer needs principled acts of defiance and self-sacrifice.
Our minds are trivialized so we can't even conceive issues of this magnitude. Morally we are being prepared for our own destruction because morally we are complicit in this atrocity unfolding daily.
At the very least, we are facing enslavement. But like sheep grazing in the shade of a rising abattoir, we remain in denial.
How can we declare that we are vehemently against the Iraq War and the NWO?
Our first impulse is to keep out heads down. To remain silent. To hide. To find individual solutions. To play along.
Why are we so cowardly?
Marin Luther was summoned before the Diet of Worms in 1521. He was told to renounce his writings on pain of heresy and death. He did not flinch.
"Is it not manifest that the Popes...entangle, vex and distress the consciences of the faithful? The endless extortions of Rome engulf the property and wealth of Christendom..."
By recanting, he would "strengthen this tyranny and open a wider door to so many and flagrant impieties."
Luckily Luther had powerful friends among the German Princes who wished to rebel against the Roman yoke.
Powerful friends or not, we must take a principled stand. We must speak out publicly, organize and act.
At the very least, we must do what is within our power to oppose the NWO.
For example I found out this week that my bank the CIBC here in Canada funds the homosexual lobby group "Egale." It is a bother but I must change banks and let them know why. We must demand to know the political activities of all the companies we deal with.
The Canadian Broadcasting Commission, the publicly funded propaganda outlet of the New World Order has been championing the pro-NATO elements in Ukraine. It is a bother but I must let the CBC know I am disgusted by their bias.
The Canadian government is integrating our security forces with that of the US. It is a bother but I must help organize Canadians to oppose this step.
Wherever we live, we need to speak up. It is time to stop giving Satanists a free ride.
Send me your ideas. Or join a new forum www.clubconspiracy.com and meet likeminded people.
Ultimately the New World Order is a cosmic conspiracy against God. Satan and God have a wager. Satan believes that man is not made in the image of God but is a selfish perverse animal.
Cattle are bred or slaughtered.
On a moral level, we need to act to prove we are men. This is not only about saving our butts. It's about saving our souls.
"Luther" is available Nov. 30 at amazon.com, Blockbuster, Hollywood and Best Buy.
See also Mary Starrett "Where's the Outrage?"