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Hello Dr. Makow: I

November 13, 2004

booksHi Henry! I read Phillips'/O'Brien's "Transformation of America" about ten years ago and was deeply troubled by it's content and accusations, although I understand and am convinced of the very "dark" sinister intent of the "Illuminati" and their attempt at a fascist/globalist/corporate world order.

Over the decade since, I've noted that the accounts of the various self-proclaimed "de-programmed" MK-Ultra "survivors" frequently conflict. Sometimes they contradict each other. This raises the question of how much of their deprogrammed "memories" are a result of "confabulation", or false memories, rather than truth. Psychologists and Psychiatrists are very aware of the dangers of automatically believing hypnotically recovered memories. Too many fathers have been accused of childhood sexual abuse, supposedly uncovered in hypnotic regression during "therapy", that didn't in fact occur. As a one time professional hypnotist, using regression techniques, I've seen much confabulation, or spontaneous false memories. I must question some of the assertions made in "Transformation of America".

I've read accounts elsewhere, by particpants in seminars conducted by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien that she still seems to be tightly controlled by Mark Phillips. I can only wonder what their intent is...perhaps to debunk the MK Ultra program by making it appear ridiculous and improbable?

With that said, I no longer practice hypnosis because I've long since discovered that most people are already in various stages of trance and need to be DE hypnotised. One of the regular experiences of people returning from a trance state is their belief that they weren't hypnotised. Hypnosis is a focus of attention and a passive, less critical (more accepting) mind set, which is exactly what TV viewers are in front of the TV. Hypnosis can be very, very subtly induced. Contrary to popular belief, it can be used against one's will. Television is a hypnotic device...try to walk through a room without looking at the program..and realize that most of our cultural attitudes and beliefs are hypnotically induced. TV has changed and is changing our culture. Also note that one often can't consciously remember the advertiser right after the ad leaves the screen. The message is in the subconscious mind no doubt! TURN THE TUBE OFF!! "We The Sheeple" are, for the most part, sleepwalking toward our slaughter, while believing we are wide awake.



Hello Henry,

I have contacted you beforehand and you have been good enough to be prompt in your reply, which, of course, is always appreciated.

I am emailing you and other websites for advice on locating the best book or other source that will give me sound advice as to what to do when the NWO really strikes.

What do we do when martial law is in place? What do we do when the gun sweeps start? Should we buy land in an isolated part of the US to escape? Should we go to Mexico or South America?

I am not asking that you answer these questions for me, but rather I am simply asking whether you know a good book or website or SOMETHING that takes these questions head on as I am having trouble finding information that addresses these questions directly.

I look forward to your new articles so keep 'em coming!



A new website is being contemplated where people can exchange this kind of information. I will provide more details as they become available. In the meantime, if readers can respond, please do. henry

Hey Henry,

I might have mentioned it before, but two other fascinating books to add to your collection on Monarch would be 'A Nation Betrayed,' by Carol Rutz and 'Unshackled,' by Kathleen Sullivan. Also, Mark Phillips and Cathy O'brien have a new book out titled 'Access Denied.' It contains a fuller account of their escape from the CIA.

Sullivan's book has some really interesting data in the footnotes, but she disguises all the names to protect herself.

Rutz has a ton of data on Joseph Mengele, one of her principal programmers. Mengele did a lot of his experiments at Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal with the notorious Dr. Ewen Cameron. Cameron's assistant at the time was Dimitri Pivnicki, Mila Mulroney's father. It would have been impossible for Pivnicki to have missed the presence of the 'Angel of Death' at the institute. I wrote to Pivnicki a few years ago (he's still alive and living in Montreal) asking for more data on his association with Mengele, but I never heard back from him. Mostly, I just wanted him to know that someone was on to him.

As far as I can ascertain, Mengele died in Midland, Michigan in 1998 and is buried there. He was followed a year later by his wife Valentine.

best regards,


Another pertinent book is The Franklin Cover-Up (2nd Edition 1996) by John W. DeCamp which describes how the elite used boys from orphanages in Omaha for their purposes.-Henry

Hello Dr. Makow:

I have Sue Ford's (Brice Taylor) book, 'Thanks For the Memories', and that she convinced me that her impossible to believe story was real. I have read quite a bit on the Illuminati, and as disgusting as it always is nothing that they do any longer surprises me. In fact, it's better than any mystery, suspense or sci-fi fiction that I can think of.

I do not know you, but will make the leap of trust and take you up on your request to suggest things that we may do for the long-term benefit of humanity. None of these are unique or original, but are all logical outflows of thinking about this 'unbelievable' reality that has been revealed. You no doubt have already determined them and more.

1. Pass the word to everyone you know on a personal level. If you have credibility with those relatives, friends, acquaintances, they will not completely discount your thoughts.

2. Keep after those mentioned in #1. The hope here is that they are more aware of where their sons and daughters lives may be squandered in military service. After many years this may result in a revival of interest in political affairs.

3. Keep after the politicians, particularly the local ones. Things do get bumped up the ladder. Going to the top most often results in mere form letter answers, being put on lists (although the local politicians may do that too), etc.

4. Gradually cultivate the police and military away from the Illuminati and back into thinking of Nation, Community, and Neighborhoods, where their loyalties should be.

5. Encourage everyone to read (think) rather than listen to radio and TV news bits.

6. Encourage everyone to consume local products whenever possible (cheat the multi-nationals that are mostly owned by the cabal).

7. Be ever vigilant for what is behind what is in front of you.

We have years of work done by highly disturbed, but very adept folks to reverse in the areas of education, society, culture, government, etc. As you state, it isn't going to be easy. It may be very costly, and we may lose. But, we must try.

I will continue to do all of the above, as I have been for several years. Henry, please let me know if there is anything that comes to mind where I could be more effective. Thank you again for you bravery and wonderful insight into this horror.


Hi Dr.Makow,

Your last few articles have been excellent as always. I just read the article "Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture" .It is all 100% true. I was actually going to write you about it. My contact actually referred me to the book "Thank you for the Memories". It is a excellent book on exposing the NWO.You beat me to the punch. Excellent work ,your research is right on the mark.

Yours for truth,


It's also my opinion, that illuminists understand that the public is conditioned to take seriously only those writers and spokesmen that have been presented through the mainstream channels of media. The public has been conditioned to judge spokesmen through the fallacious reasoning of, "if you're so smart, how come you ain't rich and famous?" *

My opinion is, that the satanists understand the control of public opinion very well. We are 'allowed' the internet as an outlet for 'freedom of speech', which is affordable to anyone. They allow this as a way to encourage dissidents to speak their thoughts or knowlege publicly, and harmlessly--since they know that the public will ignore any of it which is not 'picked up' by the mainstream media outlets. It also gives them an opportunity to monitor both whom the dissidents are, and gauge potential public reaction to real information.

* The logic of the public has been subverted during a long process. My grandmother used to speak of 'common sense', and my grandfather used to speak of 'snow jobs' to confuse public common sense.



All drug dealing gangs and organised crime are financed and controlled at their highest levels by big business...particularly the banking and finance sector. They do the dirty work for big business when reqired as well. Also, high level Police Officers serve these Masters. Anyone on the street knows this. I'm quite serious. It's a TOTALLY OPEN SECRET on the street. Everyone knows it. As a copper said to me one day..."everyones taking it so why should I waste my time trying to control it. The people want it! Enforcing the laws are a waste of time, i'll be putting my own kids in jail".

It's going to take a disaster to wake up the masses. They are like children who have just been told their parents are murder's...they refuse to believe it. Most people are hopelessly dependant on the system and to acknowledge the lie means the whole house of cards must come crashing down. Your whole life becomes a lie and based on deciet and the denial of reality. This is a big ask of the average peasant eaking out their existence on a souless landscape. Fate may well wake them up regardless.

B (Australia)

Mr.Makow... I have earlier written to you, to sharply admonish you for the stand you took...(in my mind) putting most of the responsibility and blame onto women. I don't retract any of that. BUT....I have to salute your courage in putting this out for all to read. I cannot imagine what those women and others of such ilk must have gone through. I even contemplated sending this message to my 2 daughters... (one is a policewoman and the other works in intellectual disabilities...) But.. I have decided they wouldn't believe either YOU or ME. My mind can hardly absorb any of this, and we are supposed to be civilised ??. My heart goes out to each of them, and all children whom these gutter-ones have abused.. We might say BESTIALITY.. ,but the beasts I know never act in this manner. May the GREAT GOD soon confine them to the pit.


hi henry. I enjoy reading your stuff. It's a bit more
coherent than some of the other stuff out there.
Anyway, I've read about these women on your site and
others. Anyone who does not believe their story should
look back at a women like marylin monroe, who was
obviously used, abused, and then tossed out. As far as
why they are still alive, i can think of two reasons.
The first being that they use the publics disbelief of
these two women as justification for what they are
doing. Hey, if we leave them evidence and they still
do not see it, then they deserve to be controlled.

Secondly, they like to leave clues all over the place.
I'm not sure if its arrogance or what. Just look at
the all seeing eye on American money. They probably
laugh at the fact that they left a calling card on
something which we see all day everyday and yet we are
still none the wiser. Just as the Rothschilds (German
for red shield) convinced the salvation army to use
their logo. Other than that, i was wondering if you or
anybody else have any ideas on how to approach people
with these kinds of things. So far, i've injected the
fact that the Federal Reserve is privately owned into
a couple of conversations. Then if someone comes back
and tells me that i was right after they researched
it, i'll go a little deeper. i've found it best to not
overwhelm people. I just try to get them thinking and
questioning things little by little. Sorry about all
the contractions, i realize as an english professor
you hate them. Anyway, keep up the good work.

Henry, One thing we as individuals can do on a personal level is STOP Supporting anything that has to do with the Illuminati and it`s twisted ways. Simply drop out of their damn system in every way possible - It saves money to! And try to wake others up. LEN

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at