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Hello, Just wanted to thank

October 30, 2004


Just wanted to thank you for your great writing on such important topics. I also wanted to share something I saw on TV yesterday. I was watching footage of John Kerry campaigning. He was out greeting people and was about to turn towards another part of the crowd, when his eyes suddenly got bigger and he moved back towards someone in the crowd, smiled and made the 'Horned God' or 'Horned hand' sign. reference:

I wish I recorded it or could even remember which channel it was on..I think it was MSNBC.

Anyway, I was curious as to why the media would be so blatant about highlighting this and why is Kerry obviously unconcerned about making such an odd gesture in public? Also do you think that this was an intentional message being broadcast? If so, for whom?

Sincerely, M

Personally I think it's mind games. Note how OBL in the video goes on about Bush putzing around in the Florida classroom. I believe, as do a few others, that it's a way to shut people's mouths about it. If John Q. Public points out how Bush putzed around, the neo-cons would scream, "You agree with bin Laden! You're a terrorist!"

That's just what I got out of it. Bin Laden is bashing Bush. Bin Laden is endorsing Kerry (sorta). People don't like bin Laden; therefore they will vote for Bush.

That's just a possible scenario. Also take a look at the timing of this little October Surprise.

As for me, I'm voting for Michael Peroutka. A relative of mine says that Bush is doing some fearmongering for votes and that she'll celebratee by getting drunk if Bush loses.


Hello Henry

I think you are wrong about the effect the video is going to have on the Skull and Bones 2004 election. The video is already giving Bush a boost in the polls and approval ratings. It is reverse psychology at its best. I think the video is a fake! Bin Laden is most likely to be dead unless a government is keeping him alive. The person in the video is probably a CIA agent or employee who put make up on. You know like the Nutty proffesser. It is that easy these days. If you look at his beard it looks fake, his eyes look very deep in the orbit & he has not aged at all. He looks almost as good as he did in his younger days. In the last video of him in 2001 he looked like could have died while making the video. It is just Bush propoganda at its best! Go to these URL'S to read about the fraud of this video and fear mongering.
Bush takes a six-point lead after new bin Laden tape
Scary how fear is being used to keep us in line


Obviously the American and British people are even more stupid and blind than I gave them credit for. Their Masters have realized they are so dumb and will believe absolutely anything they are told by that all-knowing never-lying box in the corner of their living rooms, that they can now pull any stunt they want, no matter how transparent and the sheep will suck it up without even questioning.

The future that is coming to the fat greedy mindless populations of the West is well-deserved, I feel no pity for them. But I have to take issue with your belief that this video is the Illuminati method of discrediting Bush. It seems to me more likely that this will have the opposite effect.

That it is intended as reverse psychology. After all if you are some all-american patriot in the Heartland of America and all of a sudden America's hated Arch-Nemesis appears on TV basically slandering Bush and urging Americans to get rid of him, isn't that more likely to get your back up?

"How dare that Amerkin hatin' Raghead tell me not to vote for Bush, now I'm definitely gonna vote for Bush". In my mind its simple reverse-psychology. Either way I don't suppose it matters, the people of the West are equally screwed no matter what 'face' occupies the White-House or Downing-street.


Michael, You might be right about the tape backfiring but I think the purpose was definitely pro-Kerry. He says your (Bush's) incompetence assisted us. Thanks for writing. Henry,

Now Bin laden has just entered the stage on cue as the public pys-ops play, plays on. It is a well-established fact that Osama is nothing more than a tool of the elitist and there is more than enough evidence to prove the fact. From the Muslim brotherhood to the MI-6 , CIA, to the Bush family ties that go way back, to the Taliban having business meetings with Unocal and Co. in Texas in the years and months leading up to 9/11/01.

To put this appearance in perspective, lets juxtapose it along side Senator Dayton (I believe it was) getting a warning and leaving D.C. with his whole staff in tow, the inside information on an ex-intelligence officer leaving the country saying that "they got something big planned for this fall" that is going to make 9-11 look like a cake walk, to quote freely, and all the other "terror" warnings coming from the FBI and such other agencies.

All this is just primer for this next terror attack that the globalist got in the planning, to use the "Pearl Harbour" mentality, as the revolution in military affairs protocols go, to start this next excursion into Iran or Syria, maybe South east Asia, depending on who they say is now "harbouring Bin Laden", which is going to eventually escalate into the next world war.

World war 3 being the final act as they reshape the world for the ushering in of the completion of their 5th objective and establishing the new world "order, out of all the chaos" they have created. By then they will usher on the stage the anti- christ lord maitreya having the final "solution" to all the problems these wicked fools have created. AJ


This article is superb. It's going out to all my e-friends. You've simply done it so well. Didn't say I totally agreed, but, . . .

BTW, I met Daniel Hopsicker in Venice, FL, at Huffman Aviation. He agreed to meet there, but didn't wish to hang around long. Great researcher, just a little nervous around Atta's flight instructors. Personally, I'd vote for another decade. *Is* there a decade left?

Regards, JG

I think your analysis of bin laden endorsing Kerry is off. This is clearly a win for Bush. The only issue he kills Kerry in, is terrorism. Now all the coverage for the last four day will be about that subject. I did an article about this here:

Anthony Wade

Thanks, will post. You may be right about the outcome, but it's the thought that counts! -Henry

Dear Dr. Makow,

Osama died long ago (his existence would threaten too many people).
We're watching a digital image on TV.

Kerry will win, but only after weeks of recounts, a crashed stock
market, and a wounded dollar. The next election will be a national one
(with a national ID of course).

Bush gets to return to his true loves of drinking and whore chasing.

Iraqi oil must be the most expensive in the world right now. Who would
want it? Halliburton is making its money off the US taxpayer, not the
oil wells.

Just my 2 cents. Sean

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at