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Dear Professor Makow I am

October 25, 2004

israelisprotest.jpgDear Professor Makow

I am impressed,amazed and delighted with your website.

Only God- one single God of all Christians,Muslims and Jews inspired you to make the difference between the Truth and a Lie and unreveal the essence of this new global plot against religion-primarily Christianity and Islam.It is clear that these International Zionists-globalist bankers elite did everything to instill hatred between Muslims and Christians and now ,are trying to cause terrible and devastating conflict between Christians and Muslims in order to destroy both of these civilizations and religions.

I pray to God to bless you and help you in your historical fight for the religion, human rights and dignity of the mankind.

As a Muslim- I could say that Islam is religion of peace.Islam never inspired me to kill a human-being. We Muslims are not terrorists but we will fight for our rights and aginst these satanic Zionist New World Order.

Please help us -Muslims convince Christians that we must cooperate,reconcile and that we must not confront one another for the sake of Zionists.

We have to struggle together to avoid the clash of Islamic and Christian civilization that Zionists planned and anxiously waiting for.


Hi; You are gifted with the ability to say a lot with very few words, and you have a way of getting to the root of the problems. I probably wouldn't take your ideas seriously if I hadn't been studying these issues for several years. I have slowly come to most of the same conclusions that you believe. Truth really is stranger than fiction.

When Orson Wells broadcast WAR OF THE WORLDS, people were jumping out of windows in fear.

If aliens really did attack us today most people probably wouldn't even believe it. We have been programmed to perceive reality as fiction ,and fiction as reality. Bye for now , John

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at