For your info. Every Prime
September 24, 2004
For your info.
Every Prime Minister of Israel, (except Ariel Sharon) since 1948 have been a high-level Freemason. This includes Peres, Rabin, Netanyahu and Barak who have been working for peace in the Middle East. Sharon who is on the war path along with Bush is obviously not following orders from the Rothschild gang and delaying the Illuminati's plan for WW III.
The La Republica newspaper (1994) stated that there are 4,000 Israeli Freemasons, divided into 76 lodges. Most Israeli judges and religious figures are Masons. Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected an Eyptian obelisk, symbol of Freemasonry, in its courtyard.
An attempt to build the temple on the Temple Mount will commence in 2007. Moslem opposition will probably delay completion and will have to wait until the 7 year covenant is established in 2010.
Exactly one generation after King David conquered Jerusalem, Solomon's Temple was begun. Exactly one generation after Moshe Dyan conquered Jerusalem in 1967, the third temple will be started. Exactly one generation is 40 years, a complete generation is 70 years.
See also British Masons and US Fundamentalists Launch Israeli Apocalypse
The presentation on your website are so extremely important.
I support not only the Russian peoples, as preservers of good humanity, but also Torah Jews, for the same reason. Jews I know here in Santa Fe are as fearful of the world situation, as you or I. I do pick up on an accentuated paranoia, and of course they're being influenced more by Mossad propaganda directed at American Jews.
The same propaganda as for the general American public, only more intensly aimed to stroke Jewish fear. This resulted in my anti-death penalty friend choosing Bush, and she won't talk about it with me. But I see her inner conflict, always a sign of a manipulated, propagandized public.
Torah Judaism is a positive, re-affirming faith. But politics is creeping into every sanctuary now, and people are being had everywhere.
So many good people still on earth, and all of us are being factionalized to the point where people are afraid to talk with each other. Of course that's exactly what the Globalist want, and what they're so adept at agitating.
This year, Putin has become to me, one of histories great heroes. So much so, I fear for his life. He's a very brave man.
Just look at what he has had the balls to say! And Americans will never read this, or have a clue!
Hello Henry,
Your latest article does make sense. It really seems there are two factions, the Rothschild Kerry one and the Bush one....Bush himself is a secret descendant of the British Royal family, which consist of old world illuminati and no longer much of a force in Britain. Recently, Rothschild controlled British pop industry suddenly started satirizing Bush.
This is not the first time the Illuminati has had faction problems. When Lenin came to power with the help of the Rothschild Illuminati backed Trotsky faction, he emerged hero and kept the revolution for himself.....and was finally poisoned. After him came Stalin who struck back at the Rothschild operatives, killing Trotsky. Stalin was throttled by the Illuminati by using Hitler. And he agreed to purge the party of all Leninist Jews and replace them with Rothschild Illuminati Jews. However, he had a secret plan of his own and planned to kill them off after the war. But he was poisoned before that happened and the Illuminati finally gained control.
A second incident is when the Rothschilds were establishing the Federal Reserve Bank of America.......which is an incorporated private bank printing American money. They were met with opposition from old world Illuminati like the Astors. All of these were given tickets to the maiden voyage of the Titanic. According to Sherman Skolnick, the wreck of the Titanic revealed holes blasted from the inside rather than iceberg scrapes. The Titanic was built by White Star Lines owned by J.P Morgan, associates of the Rothschilds.
Don't know where the Bush-Kerry debacle will go.
Mr. Knight
Greetings, Henry!
My read is that Tim Rifat is himself an MI-6 hireling assigned to cleverly revise and perpetuate the canard that there's a power struggle between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. It's a diversion. We all need to re-read Chapter Ten of Eustace Mullin's "Murder By Injection."
It's always amused me why, as part of the Gnostic Second Coming Myth, "royalty" would want to claim descent from a peasant if Jesus was a mere mortal.
Nevertheless, the Rothschild/Pharisees, like the Blues Brothers, could successfully argue that they're on a "mission from God." They, of course, would and do put a different spin on it.
The real truth is in KJV Malachi 4:5-6. God promised to "smite the earth with a curse" if we didn't adhere to Jesus' teachings and Satan himself, as a creation and minion of God, knows that God always keeps His Word.
Thanks for making us think!
It doesn't make sense.
If the "British", in other words, the Jews, really didn't want Bush re-elected, they would go hammer and tongs after him. But they don't. Look what they did to Buchanan or Nixon. These are examples of people whose feet were held to the fire.
Does Bush get a similar treatment? No! By far not. The service record thing is far too small. His increasing lead has been stressed recently, making him already look like a winner.
Is that the media treatment the Jews dish out to someone they don't want? No!
Therefore, the Rifat info, as intriguing as it sounds, must be disinformation in aid of re-electing W.
Let Rifat go back to the drawing board and come up with something better. And let's not allow Bush propagandists to get away that cheaply. Or are we swallowing someone's line with hook and sinker?
Thanks, Mr. Makow for this interesting and alarming scenario.
What I'd like to know is how do these globalists know that things won't go completely out of control in this nuclear era and totally fowl their own nest or don't they mind living in underground bunkers for a few hundred thousand years:
It is a terrible choice, Bush/Cheney or Kerry. Personally, I'm at a point
where I don't want the slight 'reprieve' for what's coming anyway. I would
almost vote for whomever is just going to get it all over with--this third
word war, I mean.
My grandfather, born in 1894, told me as a boy that there was really only
one world war. It began under Bismark, and that it would not be done until
the One World Order Wilson talked about was final.
He said he hoped I wouldn't have it come in my lifetime, but he thought that
I probably would see it. And he added that he thanked God he wouldn't have
to see it.
Your latest article "Bush Victory Could Foil Occult Plot" seems to me being a very key article. It will help many people to understand important things such as:
- There are two globalisator clans, the british-european-israeli Rothschild lead clan and the american clan.
- These two clans are now in a serious conflict with each other.
- The reason of the conflict is somehow related to the mystic plan which involves the world supremacy of a fundamentally anti-christian group of people ("anti-christian" does not mean "jew" but rather sthg like "luciferian").
- The issue of this conflict can decide on the lives of millions, altogether non-believers, christians, jews and muslims.
Personally, I don`t think Bush administration has ever planned a NUCLEAR attack on Iran, since it could result in a similar response from the russians. Of course, the use of mini-nukes is possible but this could not be called a "nuclear" attack. In my opinion, the really important thing seems to be the following:
The recent conflict between the two clans has made public many informations (concerning the 9/11, the neo-con zionist war lobby or the Saddam`s MDW hoax for instance) for many people in America (civilians and military altogether) that point to the fact a war against the muslim world is a non-sense. Thus, I doubt even that the next US government would be able to convince the American citizens of the necessity of another war against Iran or North Korea.
In other words, the american people is not so easy to cheat as two years ago and this is a wonderful unwanted effect of the clan`s conflict. If Kerry is the potential new puppet of the Rothschilds (he probably is), he`s in a better position to notice this change in the american people than those who are trying to move the strings from London. Could it be the reason he doesn`t seem very enthusiastic to become the next puppet?
Thanks for your articles which are among those who are contributing to the positive changes in the public opinion and very best regards,