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[See Also "Terminated! Freemasonry's Final

September 17, 2004

terminated.jpg[See Also "Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation"]

Greetings once again Henry.. I have some pictures to share with you along with a funny story.

First of all, why are these Miss America contestants all giving the skull & bones / masonic [horned goat] sign? Is / was this some sort of sick joke? [I will try to show these pics later-Henry]

Two weeks ago, I was driving down the freeway and saw a police officer helping a woman who had a flat tire. He was fat and out of shape of course and struggling to get the lugs off.. So I stopped to help. Walking up to the scene, the officer looked so pathetic that I decided he needed his balls busted.. I introduced myself of course as a bounty hunter and padre for unwed mothers as I always do with the FBI, NASA and the CIA. He was watching me loosen the lug nuts and I said really fast... "Yer a mason arent you?"

I was just teasing and I was shocked when he said " yes how did you know that?"

I said, " I have been trained since birth, or as far back as I can remember to track and hunt down masons.. I spotted you 1/2 mile away. I have been trained to see the chief cornerstone hovering over your head. It was a no brainer.. Nice training huh? Time well spent wouldnt you agree?"

The officer said, " Chief what? over my head?" I said, " Nevermind, it's not important now.. What is important is for you to know that when you and your flunkies make your move? I will be there to come down on you with a clenched fist" " Now you can tell your brothers that you have met one of us" " See you later, and remember, we are always watching"

hahahahahah He was speechless... Absolutely speechless... He had no freaking clue what I was talking about hahahahaha But I sure bet he will share that story with fellow masons hahahahaha That was so funny, I tried my best not to die laughing when I got back into my car...

I still laugh when I think about that moment.. hahahaha

Have a great day Henry..


Hi Henry,

I really appreciate your writings. I too met a freemason the other day. He had a masonic ring on and I asked him, "are you a freemason??? He said quickly, "no" and immediately moved his hand so that I could not see his ring. Obviously he thought me some kind of threat because he moved his hand and was very harsh towards me.

They are everywhere in all walks of life. They have infiltrated every church, office and company. Apart from national repentance our nation is doomed to destruction. We deserve it because of our blatant murders (abortion) and sodomy. It will be a righteous act in the sight of God to destroy us through muslims and the Chinese.


I think that some of the people who read these articles seem to have something against all masons. Well, my uncle is a mason, and he is a very decent person, always ready to give a hand, he certainly is no 'satan worshipper'. It's time to end labeling all masons as bad. Of course some no doubt are into evil things, but isn't that true of any kind of 'religion'? For example, pedophile priests and suicide bombers. Get a grip mason haters.


No one is labeling all masons as bad. We always say it is the goal and
leadership of the organization that is kept secret from the membership.
This is true of many groups, like Zionists, Feminists and even
Americans who are not told the real reason for national policies.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at