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Over the last 15 years

September 6, 2004

briefcasewoman.gifOver the last 15 years I have learned and taught how the families of the New World Order take control of societies at the microcosm by systematically detaching women from men and empowering them through the State.

I call it the feminization of power at the level of the underclass... The nature of the game is that the New World Order creates a legal and regulatory environment in which men are offered a deal that is pretty easy to refuse. If you take this woman you will have responsibility for her and her offspring (and make no mistake they will be considered her offspring by society if the relationship becomes unglued) without authority.

It is a fools bargain. And of course men accept it because of excessive testosterone, and a sexual repression that started when their cells were bathed in that hormone, that leads them overly idealize the "mysterious" opposite sex, as romantic love when they finally get satisfaction. But when the reality of the deal that they signed onto hits them, they develop a very loose commitment to it.

Love and sex are two completely different archetypes. Love has nothing to do with romantic nonsense. It's archetype is simply giving, feeding life without any hope of a return, sort of like Mother Teresa.

Sex on the other hand is the urge to merge and it is a very selfish, naturally obsessive and deeply instinctual force in no way inferior to love. Sex is all about ambition, for the continuation of the species. It is about idealizing that which we are not, and there for feel we need to incorporate within ourselves to be whole.

It is always an illusion. It can be pictured by the symbol of infinity, two discreet wholes touching at a single point (copulation). It is in Jungian terms the number two. While sexual attraction may be based on an illusion, what comes of it is the creative product, the number three or new life, your son.

The sexuality of men and women is very different at a primitive level. Men seek to seed whatever catches their eye. .. Women on the other hand typically have one child at a time. For each woman reproduction is a rifle shot not a shot gun blast. And that one child is everything to her. The man who seeds her must be as close to an alpha male as she feels she is capable of getting. So the sexual act in and of itself, even when pleasurable, means little to nothing to women.

Sexually ignorant and repressed Western men don't know this, but even orgasming means little to women, except for very young ones getting one for the first time. If she sees you as her alpha male just touching her hand will mean more to her than the orgasms of a man she doesn't (love in her terms) see as her true man.

Because of this (like Penelope of old) women are capable of doing without sex for very long periods of time while they wait for their true alpha male to appear. But as Freud discovered they can't do it forever without developing weird warps and twists within their psychology. I call women like that "psycho bitches". Clint Eastwood defined them in his film "Play Misty for Me".

The point of this for the New World Order is that when women dominate at the level of the underclass they don't rebel. Women only fight with their men. They make no revolutions. At the macro level women don't seek to change power structures, only to adapt to them.

The mechanism of the new World Order at the microcosm is to exchange eroticism for consumerism. The State is exchanged for the Alpha male (the Alpha State?). Women are taught to distrust men and place their trust in the metaphor of the New World Order, which is the Trans National Corporate State, which will take the wealth away from left brained men who create it, and give it to right brained women, so that they can be unleashed at the mall with credit cards in hand and drive production.

And men castrated by a legal and regulatory environment that makes their testosterone as illegal as possible, and separates them from what was once their "portion", their wives and children, (even in the days of the absolute power of kings), have little to live for except their place in the corporate pecking order and their next purchase of consumer garbage.

Once women are castrated, men are as well. It takes two to mate. Angry men who cannot be defined as men by either their women or children are dangerous overly aggressive creatures, the male analogue of the female "psycho bitch". They are easily pointed to Somalians. Iraqis or who ever, as the obstacles they need to conquer to show to all the world that they are indeed men.

You know a New World Order society because it will always have shattered families and a huge percentage of households with only one person in it. Isolated people, cut off from, what in healthy societies would be their loved ones, as well as their traditions and values are easy prey for the New World Order's controlled media (conditioning).

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at