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Dear Henry, I must congatulate

August 31, 2004

robinhood.jpgDear Henry,

I must congatulate you on another excellent short essay, How University Betrays Students. I read The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion quite some time ago and have witnessed the carrying out of this evil programme. The control of the university system and of the mass media has blocked my own historical work because it reveals the true identity of the legendary Robin Hood, his tremendous Faith in God and his struggle to overcome the evil men of his day. His true character creates certain problems for the humanist agenda and history as taught in the university system.

I did not realise to what extent the controllers would go to suppress the book that I co-authored with my brother, but we gradually discovered that powerful Freemasons in the UK were not pleased with our findings and used every means to counter our discoveries by closing off access to the mass media and universities, going so far as to commission television programmes about Robin Hood that effectively maintained the illusion that his true identity cannot be discovered and has to remain a mystery. The original publisher we approached, NWP of Glasgow, was very enthusiastic after his initial reading of our manuscript, believing that he had a commercial success on his hands, but changed his attitude very suddenly and dramatically, and could give us no coherant reason for his decision to drop the book. I soon discovered one of the key reasons. A series of books that have presented a pseudo history, beginning with The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, a series designed to create scepticism regarding the death and ressurection of Christ and which pursues the themes of the Rosicrucians, had incorporated in one of the later books, The Hiram Key, the suggestion that Sir William Wallace, (the real Robin Hood) was in fact a Knight Templar.

Our work had blown such a suggestion apart, and Freemasonry is not pleased. Whereas our time and effort to produce a work that is both informative and entertaining should have rewarded us with the fruits of commercial success, I am instead eking out a daily existence working as a newspaper delivery van driver. I feel that you may understand that I am not suffering from a paranoid condition, something that the Illuminati would wish us to believe of ourselves.

Yours affectionately,

Tony Cooper

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at