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Dear Dr. Makow, Thank you

August 15, 2004

Dear Dr. Makow,

Thank you for helping me to better understand the moral decline that has become so apparent to so few. I have always been deeply suspicious of our customary preoccupation with wealth, especially at the expense of spiritual health. Greed has become a virtue, and fear a philosophy. The willful blindness of our society is very dire, indeed. It's quite a power that we're up against, at least in the physical. The survival of the human soul is really what's at stake, not just oppression by the ruling elite.

I encourage you to continue the good fight. Awareness is dawning on the few, and some people are still close to God. We have to stick together in these last times, and suffer the Earthly consequences of preserving faith. I appreciate your example, and I'll do my best to spread the word. God bless you sir, and good luck!


Michael, Kentucky

Hi Henry,

thanks for the latest posting re WW 3. Just one point I'd like to contribute which you may want to research and it is as follows: Our world presently hosts three Satanic Orders (on the left-hand path), and seven Mystical/Occult Orders (on the right-hand path).

The VooDoo are the oldest satanic order, followed by the Thules, and finally the Illuminati. All three are housed on islands, and all are in the northern hemisphere. The VooDoo used to be headquartered in Madagascar but were forced to leave. Meanwhile, northern hemisphere wisdom moved south ((and evil moved north!). The VooDoo now reside in the Phillipines.

Thulists live on the Isle of Thule, a spot you'll battle to find on recent maps but if you go way, way back, you'll find it up near the Arctic circle.

The Illuminati are housed in England. If you take a look at any good world map, you'll see that most problems in the world are in your hemisphere, and they are created and managed from there also. Have you thought of moving south, lately?

Adolf was a Thulist as were his henchmen. On a one-to-one basis, he was more powerful than his three Illuminati enemies, but once they joined forces, he was defeated.

A seed has been planted in your mind.

May you be well in Cda as we are in Rsa.(South Africa)


Here again I have read your news concerning Persia and Israel. Barry Chamish once commented about the War of Gog and Magog, where Russia with Iran and the Arabs strike down against Israel. There is talk of Zion Oil and Gas, and how Israle will soon strike oil fields that will rival Arabia. If Israel strikes Persia's nuke facilities, what won't stop Russia from stepping in? Damascus too is predicted to be blasted by a nuke from Israel in the book of Isaia. There are many countries that will be furious with Israel. The whole world already condemns that country as it is. What worries me is that we here may be struck down with force since Russia and the Muslim hordes will need a chance to attack Israel. You believe the Illuminists are preparing for WW3, to draw in all nations of the world, just as ancient predictions tell of how Antichristos (the 'king-despot of the blood of Zion' fame) on his throne in Jerusalem will draw ALL the world to fight against Jerusalem only to have the true Messia Yeshua appear at the last minute and save the earth. Truly uncanny.



I wondered if you were familiar with the plans of Share International, Benjamin Creme and lord maitreya. This seems to be the means by which the one world govt. and the one world religion will be implemented. I believe that lord maitreya is the antichrist.


Dear Melinda, I think you are right. haven't got around to studying these people. Don't have the stomach for it yet.

Dr. Makow,

I imagine you receive many letters which are derogatory toward you. This is not one of those letters. My name is TukloNashoba, which in the language of my father is translated to "TwoWolf" I am of Choctaw/Comanche/Norse descent. I agree with most of what you have to say when I read articles you have written on I guess you can say this is a letter from a bonafied shaman from southern Oklahoma which is encouraging you to continue speaking your mind. Incidentally, Christianity is the official religion of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, replete with an official tribal chaplain, Reverand Bertrum Bob. In closing, I would like to thank you for speaking your mind so succinctly.

Most respectfully,

TukloNashoba ala


I eagerly await your next article. I've got a group of friends all hooked on your articles. I met most of them when I was doing my undergrad at Johns Hopkins. I think you're being read in circles you perhaps may not know the full implications of.

Most of them are PHD's from LSE (London School of Economics) including one professor. H, the Chief Strategist for my company, thinks you're the only one out there who has "nailed" it spot on, in terms of all of the issues, and how they relate to one another. I agree with him. In the world of alternative political theories, its easy to get lost in the ocean of disinformation and wacko UFO chasers.



I believe that you have summed up the situation pretty well. Now what ? How do we stop it ? It appears to me that we either have a Middle East war that could easily lead to an International conflagration or an American Civil war ...

I don't think the American Military can actually fight anything less than a nuclear war once the war exceeds the current enemy, Iraq. The troop withdrawals announced yesterday, from Germany and So. Korea, only admit to mismanagement in the Gulf and raise the possibility of a nuclear incident in Korea.

I am of the opinion that Iran and Iraq were never as embittered as the press and the leadership of those two countries projected. The Arabs know that they are all subject to attack and takeover, which will unify them.

We have allowed some real criminals to take over America ... and it doesn't appear that there exists much opposition in D.C.


Dear Henry,

I became aware of Pike's 3 world war program over 35 years
ago when I read "Pawns in the Game" by Carr. But, your brilliant article
brings into focus the game plan with its current players. Only the
possessed could be the prime movers in this "game". How sick!


Dear Henry

I find your world's sociopolitical analysis and conclusions perfectly true.
My own considerations lead me to the same results.

But I can only go back to the known origins of the present and I get stuck
to the beginning of our time. Should I say "Suitably known?"

I feel that all our social phenomenon: Religions, Masonry, Illuminati and
all the rest just popped-up out of nowhere while I am sure that they must have started and evolved for the interests and convenience of some entity, not limited by a human life span, that is guiding us by a program put in place for a reason that escape our understanding and we cannot avoid.

I am not religious nor mystic I just try to find an acceptable logical
explanation and I feel that it is no possible unless we find the zero point
or at least we accept it's reality and necessity to find it.

My very best regards

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at