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hi henry, joey here,

August 2, 2004

hi henry,

joey here, i really enjoy your articles and promise to buy your book!

the world in a satanic grip incredible huh, all you have written maybe true plus the other sources, till they all come to pass but by then u have liberated a lot of people including me. God help us all.



Kerry isn't doing the brainwashing, the Council on Foreign Relations-run news media is. Bush's "team" operates in the same paradigm, too because they both share the same leadership, ideologies, and goals. The globalist CFR boys (and girls) had to masquerade a globalist as a Conservative in order to control both sides of the political wrestling ring.

The Presidential elections are crafted under the same format at a well-choreographed World Wrestling Entertainment headline event. Both wrestlers work for the same corporation, talk a lot of trash about each other, make pretend their fighting, then one wins and one looses. Meanwhile, the people in the box office are counting the money made from the fans that were cheering on either side.

In the end, it makes no difference between globalist A and globalist B because both Kerry and Bush share the same ideologies and goals of a Pan-American Union/World Government. The CFR news media simply has controlled the debate and disallowed us any real choice.

"No guerrilla movement can succeed without a majority of the population being favorably inclined toward it." - FM 31-21 Guerrilla Warfare and Special Operations, 1961, Department of the Army. Ch. 9, ยง150 (b) 1



In Your latest article on that rubbery figure, John (Kohn) Kerry; you mention psycologists (and by implication psychiatrists) are controlled by the Illuminati. I think the fact that the APA (American Psychiatric Association) have removed both homosexuality and pedophilia from their list of mental illnesses/disorders, proves what you are saying about the New World Order first promoting homosexuality and making THAT publicly acceptable, then pedophilia.

Homosexuality has to be an illness because it's NOT natural and normal. Gays aren't born with it as there's no "gay" gene. Men and women were physically designed to "fit" perfectly, it's so obvious. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve...


Also I think pedophilia would be relatively easy to promote as many of my friends (who are your "average blokes") have already admitted to flings with underage girls. I'm 20 years old and have personally have been approached by horny underage girls and refused. For many men, that is a fantasy. Take "statutory rape" out of the books and you might as well lock your daughters up.

Dear Henry,

Firstly, fantastic stuff, I am not alone!!!! I have almost completed
reading 80% of your articles on your website, since last Friday! You
have brilliantly described, in written words, what has been 'spinning'
in my mind for many years!



You're right about this report of yours. Despite Lyndon LaRouche's analysis and their validity, he failed to see right through the facade of Kerry. It seems that he is desperate in trying to hope that he might be able to persude Kerry to follow up on some of his own policies and recommendations but what he failed to see is that Kerry and Bush came from the same mold.

The Bush-Cheney group is a warmonger, the Kerry-Edward group is just a follow up organization from the same mold. Mr. Larouche admitted this when in his report said that Kerry is just following a "Me Too Politics" which has proven two things.

My advice is to have this particular report of yours to be printed and distributed to as many people as possible, coast to coast, then maybe we can hope for some sanity to return to our country. As for me, I will be returning again to Russia to my wife and 4 children within this year or next year before the American economy and the global economy collapses. It will be extremely difficult to get access to international travelling facilities when that happens.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at