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"Fluoride" From "The Brotherhood

July 19, 2004

water.jpg "Fluoride" From "The Brotherhood (Freemasonry) and the Manipulation of Society"

The apathy of the public towards their manipulation has also been influenced very deliberately by the addition of chemicals to food and water supplies. For example, this happened when sodium fluoride was introduced into our water supply and the majority of our tooth-pastes, supposedly to prevent dental caries in the under twelve-year-olds.

What they did not tell the public was that sodium fluoride is a highly toxic by-product of the aluminium manufacturing process and the refining of phosphate rock (see Further Examples of Manipulation - The BSE Case) which was once used as rat poison and also pollutes the atmosphere and water environment due to overuse of the aerosol propellants Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

Fluorine is a major component of most of today's major sedative drugs and even new supposedly less addictive drugs such as Prozac (Fluoxetine) and its derivatives. (Prozac also contains benzene which is, according to the World Health Organisation, 'a known carcinogen with no known safe level'. Prozac is currently the world's most popular anti-depressant despite having documented side-effects such as: suicidal ideation, violent behaviour, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, anorexia and sexual dysfunction!)

The following statement is extracted from 'Address in Reply to the Government's Speech to Parliament', as recorded in Victorian Hansard of 12 August 1987, by Mr Harley Rivers Dickinson, Liberal Party Member of the Victorian Parliament for South Barwon. Hence the title.

At the end of the Second World War, the United States Government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast Farben chemical plants in Germany.

While there he was told by the German chemists of a scheme which had been worked out by them during the war and adopted by the German General Staff.

This was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.

Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.

Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile.'

After the war, I.G. Farben was dismantled but later emerged in the many guises of the companies with whom they had signed cartel agreements including Procter and Gamble, the company who domesticated the word fluoride with official encouragement in 1958 with the 'Crest' fluoridated toothpaste campaign. Moreover, an adviser to the US Government on hypnotism and psychological behaviour control, Dr. George Estabrooks, later became Chairman, Department of Psychology, Colgate University. Internationally, Colgate was and remains the most ardent producer and advocate for the fluoridation of toothpaste.

Fluoride is active in parts per million and acts as a potentiator for other drugs, i.e. it increases their effect. In 1954, Charles Elliot Perkins, scientist and author stated:

'The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty' and, 'I can say this in all earnestness and sincerity as a scientist who has spent nearly twenty years research into the chemistry, bio-chemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine: any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically'.

Interestingly, the chemical industry now has a mass market for a once hard to dispose of toxic waste material and the Illuminati have a sedated and more easily controlled population.

A Reader Responds

I was reading your article on manipulation of people through adding
chemicals to food and no doubt modifications to foodstuffs.

Analyse a normal conversation between two people and check the amount of
errrs and errms that present themselves. Also check the number of words
pronounced incorrectly almost as if the mouth has spasmed at that point or
is too lazy to say the word correctly. People struggle to hold a decent
conversation with one another about life and the real issues surrounding
them but when it comes to the distracting issues like work ,football and
sex, folk can rabbit on for days.

I personally witness alot more people struggling with their speech today
than I did say 10 years ago. People stutter all over the place but most have
no history of speech impediments or disabilities. A people who cannot
communicate properly and efficiently are easy pickings for the elite who
will just forward thier agenda as nobody would be capable of telling them

Keep up the good work Henry, great stuff.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at