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Henry re. ley lines: These

March 15, 2004


re. ley lines: These lines have nothing to do with witches, warlocks
or the devil. They are simply energy meridians on the
earth, much the same as the human body has meridians
which traditional chinese doctors use with
acupuncture. The problem is when people with negative
intentions understand these energy lines, and use them
to furthur their own evil cause. In fact, I believe
all over the world natural power places on earth are
circumvented by those in power to continue
destabilizing the earth. If these powerpoints could
be accessed by healers, the resulting earth healing
would be profound, much the same as when an
acupuncturist heals the body by focusing on the
specific points on the body.


I wish to God I did not believe what you wrote in "Americans are Rothschild
Patsies," but I do. I regret to say we are a nation of sapheads, and will no
doubt get what we have coming, and get it, as Mencken said, good and hard.


i am a 25 years old man from Romania,Europe.I have read this page and i would like to say that you are one of the greatest minds of present days.i personaly thank you for this words.great tells the truth.

may God bless you.


Dr. Makow,

Either you are reading my mind or I'm reading yours or we're contemporaneous
thinkers. I've just finished a short book that is very political. I must
self-publish because it would be construed as too anti-Semitic, so the first
request for bids--to book manufacturers--went out today. Here is a paragraph
related to your latest:

"The way I see it is this. The undeclared, uncrowned, behind the scenes,
so-called King of the Jews is the leading male in the House of Rothschild,
which is far and away the wealthiest family in the world--100 trillion
dollars and possibly as much as five percent of the world's above ground
gold. The Jews--his people--are a disparate tribe making up a total of about
20 million persons worldwide and about 6 million in the United States.

Based on family tradition and recent architectural design choices in Jerusalem, we see the King is a Talmudic-Cabalistic Jew, rather than a Jew of the Torah,
which means that he despises Gentiles. The King very likely, secretly stands
at the center of Illuminism and Freemasonry. After decades of revolution and
war, and support and encouragement from the Rothschilds, the state of Israel
was founded, and from there the tentacles of Zion reach, not for peace and
the betterment of mankind but for the enslavement of all nations under one
nation under one family under one man."

Scary, isn't it?


Oh, Henry!

Just earlier today, before I read your article, I was
writing to a friend about my memories of a JEWISH
conspiracy. I have addressed this issue previously,
with two of my closest (I will call them) advisors and
I was advised that if I chose to write about this
aspect I would have to be careful so as not to be
labeled an anti-semite.

Today in my email to advisor, I was recalling memories
from my childhood as to this theory, but I was unable
to access where they would operate from. I knew there
would be a place from where all of their business
would be conducted. A capital, if you will. Your
article has enlightened me. Thank you!!

It is amazing how our society has been brainwashed
from "cradle to grave" to believe that a mere mention
of a wrongdoing by a JEW or two brands one as a "jew

The facts are the facts, Henry. The truth is the
truth. If you take away all of my prejudices, if I am
of no opinion, no perception, no judgement, just
stating facts that may involve an ethnic group, it is
not I who would be prejudice. It is not I who would
be a conspiracy theorist. It is not I who would have
contempt for those of other nationalities or ethnic
background. It would be those men and those women of
whatever religious faith who are plotting and planning
together that I would deem to hold prejudice against
those who do not assemble into their BELIEFS, their
religion, their ethnicity, their heritage, their
roots, their agenda. It is they who do not include
others. Not I.

In this way, our society is "brainwashed" from birth
until death, as well, to believe that if we implicate
the CIA as a part of the "rogue" element within our
government who are responsible for crimes upon
humanity, which have conveniently become conspiracies
due to their suppression of evidence, cover-up of
their crimes through the commissions they appoint to
investigate them and the murder of any and all who
dare try to expose them, then I and others are labeled
as "paranoid."

We are now faced with an opportunity to "unbrainwash"
a nation. To "unbrainwash" a world. America is
awaking to the criminals who masquerade as our leaders
pretending to protect us from some unknown danger that
lurks around every corner when, in fact, these men are
the reason the American people now have new enemies.
When, in fact, these men are the enemy. They are the
reason that we are not safe from further terrorist
attacks. They have "pissed off" so many that we, the
people of this country, have become "sitting ducks."
We are the target of terrorist attacks that are meant
to (1) wake up the world and (2) remove the criminals
in America and elsewhere from power.

My opinion of 9/11 is that it was a STANDDOWN. There
were four jumbo jets flying off course with lost
communication over American cities and as stated by a
spokesperson for the Bush Administration, there was
not ONE fighter jet, not ONE fighter pilot available. is typical NORAD procedure and it does not
require Presidential approval to scramble our air
force to send up a fighter pilot at any time during
the year when a jet has veered off-course. They can
wink their wings, they can attempt to force them to
land, they can shoot them down.

The skies of America were left unprotected on 9/11.
Our President was in Florida. Who was calling the
shots that day? Who ordered the STANDDOWN? All
branches of military and government were working in
concert with one another to affect this action. Or,
inaction, I should say.

There is no other reason, Henry. America, the
mightiest military force in the world could not
protect her own people on that fateful day. This
seems an impossible scenario, but one the American
people have been asked to believe.

Blue Angel

Just read your Lifting the Curtain essay on Internet. My comment:

I, freely, admit that I am in shock, however--not by the content of your writing, but by the fact that it was written by a member of the literati. This is contrary to all I have ever known during my too many years of higher education.

You are wonderful. My thanks for making your words available. I will pass them on.

Houston TX

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at