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Dear Henry Great site and

November 9, 2003

Dear Henry

Great site and great articles.

re. "Is the Conspiracy Jewish ?," two quick points :

1) "British aristocracy" is a misnomer. The authentic British aristocracy that survived the battle of Hastings was deliberately goaded into hopeless rebellion (and annihilated on this pretext) or into exile by William the Bastard as a matter of state policy. Since then, Britain has had an oligarchy only, albeit, one with pretentions.

Further : in the later 1600s, wealthy Jews in England began marrying their daughters to the sons (heirs) of titled Britons who had fallen into arrears on loans contracted with them, as a matter of policy (the Golden Rule in practice : the man with the gold makes the rules). Whether this was the brainchild of Manasseh ben Israel of Amsterdam, or only an implimentation of the earlier "pretend you're assimilating" strategy of the Prince of the Diaspora I am unable to say. By the eighteenth century such intermarriage had become pandemic ; it was to this that Lord Acton's bon mot that the men of his aquaintence paid more attention to the breeding of their horses than to the breeding of their children has reference.

On the principle that the offspring of a Jewess are de facto Jews, the British oligarchy was almost 100 % "Judaized" by the 1940s - a fact made much of by National Socialist advocates in those days. This assimilative strategy succeeded where the earlier one (of operating at arm's length through the Vatican and King) had failed. Much followed in consequence, from the abandonment of the Septuagint scriptures for the Masoretic (Hebrew) text by the church to the institution of all but mandatory membership in London-centered "Scottish" freemasonry (watered-down, second hand Cabala) under George III, but its roots run back in time to this.

2) As might be expected, no effort was spared, from the Resoration on, to set "the tone" of English "society" as one of profligate debauchery. The debts consequently incurred played into the hands of the (if not "conspirators," at least) manipulators. Manners, morals and financial integrity all reached historic lows under Charles II, against which the English themselves struggled unsuccessfully.

When the matter had come to a head the first time, the oligarchy had been English in spirit, with the result that Edward II (behind whom had been the Vatican-Venetian alliance) had been easily enough dealt-with. With the co-option of the oligarchy (albeit under duress in many cases), critical mass could not be acheived. Since then, the City of London has been in the driver's seat.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at