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Henry, Good Article. I

October 13, 2003



Good Article. I have been talking with some of my friends for years (18) trying to make them see what is going on in the world. It is finally paying off. I showed them the picture of Arnold and Warren Buffet getting off a helicopter and crossing the lawn of the [Jacob] Rothschild estate in England, this was in Aug. I told them then, that Arnold would become governor of Mexifornia. When I saw the most powerful Illuminati family had thrown its weight behind SSchwarzenegger, I knew then his election was assured.I have taught classes on the Occult, Satanism, the "New Age" religion and secret societies. My associates are beginning to look past the smoke screen and no longer think I am a conspiracy nut. They can read it and see it for themselves in the media, it's just a case of knowing what you're really hearing and seeing. Thank you for the article it might help open the eyes of others.
I will pick up a copy of this gentleman's book.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at