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Henry, The only thing which

October 6, 2003


The only thing which induces mental paralysis in Christians when faced with accusations of "hate" is their being internally cowed by their false belief in the Holocaust, which is the only effective unspoken tool in the psychological armamentarium the NWO crowd have.

Without the big lie of the H no NWO. As simple as that.



You are correct. It is not inevitable that the elite win. I think they will, but not because it is inevitable - rather because good people will do nothing, as the warning goes. What fighters should concentrate on is the FACT that those who think to run our lives are a very tiny group helpless to activate their agenda without help from those they are in the process of enslaving. They know, for instance, that if the people throughout the world understood their criminal misuse of banking control of money issue as loans of bank debt they would all be killed in less than a month. It would be simple justice.

Note: It's very true that Muslims are devout. But they devoutly consider Christians to be infidels and believe infidels should all be killed. That's the official religious stance anyway. Does not necessarily carry through with individual Muslims.
Note 2: You are correct also that Arabs were not responsible for 9/11.
It was, as you write, a faction of the US military that is controlled by the Bush/neocon types, but also Israeli military was used as the grunts who actually set the explosives and set them off remotely.
And probably guided the planes into the buildings remotely. Remember those "movers" and "art students" turned out to be Israeli military explosive and communications experts all. And all were here on "vacation" from their military. Pretty transparent. Yet all were sent on their way, back to Israel.

Besides the theft of Iraqi oil and consolidation of the American Police State, "Greater Israel" figures in on 9/11.



There is an answer to the problem of the NWO and all of the other things facing us today and that was given by Our Lady in 1917 at Fatima. It is so simple that it is totally discounted by all but a very few Catholics. That is the rosary. It has nearly unlimited power to affect change in all the right ways.

When I was a teenager, I picketed factories for polluting waterways and joined environmental organizations that supported "population reduction". When I was a young mother, with my family, I. having converted back to the religion I was born into, picketed abortion mills and risked incarceration or worse. I had no peace of heart, mind or soul and was always upset over these issues. Activism is dangerous because there is always the temptation to think that we can change things ourselves. We can't. Those people at the prophecy talk were right in a way. Things in the world will continue to go south until enough people convert their hearts to God. That is the answer, not political activism. It is tempting for the worldly mind to see reliance on prayer as weakness or "hiding" or fooling yourself that you are really doing something. It is not. More is accomplished by the good monasteries and convents than by all of the politicians, armies and activists put together. In fact I sometimes think that they are incapable of doing good.

By the way, congratulations are your many, many good articles. I have agreed with 99.99% of what I have read. Excepting the bit about pre-marital sex being ok. I am a traditionlal RC and it is a objectively a mortal sin.

God bless you with the grace to convert to Catholicism,



Always enjoy your articles. Even though I am a born again -Christian, It seems like I am in the minority of Christians who get what's really going on in our political environment. It seems like the relgious right traditionally has voted "republican" thinking that somehow this is the politiacl party that is close to God and the bible than those evil "democrats". It's always been my feeling that if you want to see the truth you can't tow a party line because one will be fooled. I'm glad to see you and a few others recognize that George W. is no born again Christian but a satan worshipping one world order puppet for the global elite. It seems most of the truths on this subject are on secular websites, and not ones that proclaim to be Christian. The so called "Christian websites still defend and promote george W. like he's the second coming himself. It seems the global elite have this world under thier spell like the owner of WCW Wrestling. They have their perceived "good guy vs bad guy" scenerio working to perfection and the nation plays along like wrestling fans rooting for Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin. I'm sure the "democrats" who arre tired of the current republican agenda are more likely to get behind a guy like John kerry not realizing he is a skull and bonesman just like his perceived enemy George W. No one seems to realize they are the same people with the same agenda making money for the same elite controllers. I enjoy your articles and always look forward to them.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at