Young Englishman Despairs for His Generation
December 10, 2010

The NWO is waging war on marriage and the family unit. The family passes on tradition, so it must be destroyed to bring in a global government. Assistant U.S. Secretary of State William Benton said at a UNESCO meeting in 1946:
'As long as a child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism.'
We often think of warfare as bombs and tanks, blood and guts. But war really means the creation of chaos. The Free Online Dictionary elucidates:
'The chaos of war is reflected in the semantic history of the word war. War can be traced back to the Indo-European root *wers-, "to confuse, mix up".'
The warring party creates chaos to bring 'order out of chaos.' If the war on the family is real, it follows that I will see sexual chaos in my own generation (I am 22 and live in the UK).
Allow me to tell you what I see.
The Girls
Three girls I know posted this quote by Marilyn Monroe on Facebook as if it is some profound truth.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
This is the mantra of most girls my age. Out of control or deviant behaviour are a sign of strength.
I will start with a close friend. She is beautiful, kind-hearted and works as a home-care provider. She is also the biggest druggie I know. Recently, she was frustrated that LSD and ketamine weren't legalized. She has nice Christian parents. Her ambition is to live on a canal boat with her boyfriend, another drug user with dreadlocks. She has just had a chip implanted in her arm that makes her infertile for 3 years.
Across the road is a girl a few years younger than me. She told me a year ago she has slept with 17 guys already. She has had sex in public quite a few times: the most exciting in an empty train carriage. She has been with her current boyfriend for one year and he doesn't mind her having lesbian sex with a few of her girlfriends. After all, it isn't like normal cheating is it?
I recently spoke to a pretty blonde girl from my former university. She has been feeling low recently as she can't afford to go out. So she stayed indoors and cut her long hair to two inches with kitchen scissors in no discernible style. She tells me she only dates foreign men. Currently, she is dating a nice Anglo-Turkish man, but is frustrated at having to constantly remind him to not to take the relationship seriously. The problem with aliens is that they get too attached.
Mental instability is a stock in trade in girls here. I am reminded of a beautiful girl from my high school. She used to do deviant sexual acts at weekend parties but would play the clarinet every Sunday morning in church in front of her staunch Catholic mother. She must have felt like Dr.Jekyll fighting Mr.Hyde. I remember her crying virtually every day in school for no obvious reason. She is a damaged child of a schizoid society.
These may seem like extreme examples but most girls of my age I know possess a quality that would make me consider them un-marriageable.
They might be somewhat bearable if they were as attractive as Marilyn Monroe. Alas, they're not.
The Boys
Most of the guys I know are in a state of arrested developed.
The lack of psychic aggression shocked me growing up. I remember being out with two friends one Friday night when we were 17. Not much was going on, so they wanted to turn home. On the way back my friend announced he wanted to be home before 10pm because, 'Mum will make me warm milk before bed.'
This maybe a shocking example but so many guys really are that docile.
What girl is attracted to docile men? They can't be a leader, the man of the house, because they're too domesticated.
In the UK masculinity is channeled in absurd ways, into sport or the perceived daring of telling taboo jokes (which terrify nicer girls). The most prominent for guys of my age is a Viking attitude towards drinking. You prove your manliness by drinking loads of booze very quickly. At my university, a boy died drinking a whole bottle of vodka at once.
Traditionally binge drinking is the behaviour of a bum, and obviously undesirable in a long-term mate.
Porn pollutes many of my friends minds. Recently, two friends of mine broke up. He is an unattractive guy with little personality who spends most of his free time playing computer games. She is a decent looking, kind-hearted girl who wants to start getting serious. So he broke up with her.
People say he's crazy; no one else wants to date him. His dismissive attitude towards her confused me for a while. Maybe she irritates him but she is likely to be the only source of sexual activity he gets in a very long time. Then it hit me: in the past men had to stick with women to get sex, but he can just open up his laptop and see the most beautiful women in the world doing all kinds of deviant sexual acts. It isn't perfect, but porn is a sexual substitute.
An American friend recently showed me his 'sex list:' all the different types of girls he wants to try at least once. All the colours of the rainbow, all different ages. It's like he's trying to find the holy grail through sex. No doubt, this is porn-inspired. He now wants to hear an English accent during sex and asked my advice on finding a local slut.
He isn't considered deviant by those who know him. He is normal.
The Fall Out = Mixed-Race Relationships
One of the fall-puts of this chaos is the rise of mixed-race couples.
Last week I went to the supermarket and saw two English boys with Chinese girlfriends. Recently, out in a city centre, I saw three young, beautiful English girls with ethnic boyfriends. No one asks why young people are increasingly rejecting relationships with fellow natives.
On this issue I feel split. Obviously, mixed race couples erode Western tradition and culture, but on the other hand people have the right to lead satisfying personal lives. I myself have dated a foreign girl with traditional values, and it can be like walking in from a pouring rain to a warm fire.
My country is under attack and I'm the only one I know who can see it. It feels like Britain has been suspended in time. A bomb has hit but people are living their lives blissfully unaware before the explosion kicks in.
Experiencing the sexual chaos of my generation I feel a mix of disgust and desire. Part of me wants to get some cheap thrills, but emotionally and intellectually I find them repulsive.
Personally, I can't get on with out of control girls. It's one thing to desire them, but when I am around them I can't act the way you need to. I can't sweet talk them and ply them with drinks. Acting bores me. I've got a big mouth and say what I think, so I'm rude to them.
More than the promiscuity, it is the baseness that upsets me about this culture. There is so much more to relationships than the mindless vulgarity predominantly exhibited in the UK.
Intuitively I've always been attracted to kind-hearted girls. Instinctively I want to be nice to girls, so I feel offended if that warmth is reciprocated.
I remember as a teenager been really taken by a girl. One day we walked home together from college and something amazing started the happen. The chemistry between us was dizzying, like a rush of blood to the head. We felt perfectly joyful and calm together. Everything made sense to me. The natural extension of our love would be to marry and have children. To build a family together.
England seems doomed but I won't go down with her. I will realize my romantic ideal.
STINE said (December 12, 2010):
As a loyal follower of your wonderful, enlightening way of thinking I was so happy to read the article you posted yesterday, the one written by the young British man, David Richards. His words spoke to me in a manner that I rarely experience in these days of drugs, casual, meaningless sex and pseudo-science. I myself am a Danish woman, 21 years old, studying theology with a dream to revolutionize the Christian church and I have been watching the sad and destructive development of the Danish youth over the years, Denmark being the capital of binging and fucking whoever is available that night. I am therefore working on a project to expose this crazy mentality, hoping that newspaper will pay it its rightful attention and the readers will experience the same profound "aha"-moment as I did.