Satanists Seduce Women With Wicca
November 8, 2010
Are you aware of the close connection between feminism, lesbianism, wicca, and goddess-worship? It is rampant and getting worse by the minute.
Vast numbers of women today have been seduced into the occult, satanism, and various forms of witchcraft and wicca by the evil spirits behind those movements and feminism. This is readily documented on the internet. Here is part one of a five-part documentary on "women and their secrets."
Here is Part Two. The documentary is called "The Occult"
And why would wicca, witchcraft, and goddess-worship be evil? Anyone who has ANY respect for biblical truth knows why: the spirit behind it is pure seductive evil that repudiates every single major truth surrounding Jesus Christ and His redemptive word and purposes. - If THAT isn't evil, I certainly don't know what could be worse.
Consider these insights from a Christian researcher who has investigated these very disturbing developments among modern-day feminists:
The Spirits Behind Pagan gods and goddesses: "Much of what is currently published under the guise of New Age "enlightenment", is nothing less than Old Age doctrines of nefarious invisible hosts. As in antiquity, so in modern times, those who practice paganism are guilty of worshipping "devils"...
The Sophia Circle and Isis: "Queen of Heaven"
Throughout history, various forms of goddess worship has played a significant role in our world's religious and cultural makeup. Today, goddess veneration is still very much alive and well, and images of the goddess-in various forms-can be identified in every state and province. Satan has tirelessly thrust the deities of ancient Egypt upon mankind for thousands of years. Ultimately though, it doesn't really matter if "she" is called Sophia, Isis, Diana, Virtus, Cybele, Rhea, or Mother Mary, the concept is always the same:the lifting up of a pagan goddess as a replacement for the true God.
Feminism and The Christian God
The infiltration of radical feminism into the church, loudly and gratingly proclaims the superiority of the feminine and the inferiority of the masculine and demands a new female-centered theology. Radical feminists, not only reject historic Christian orthodoxy in favor of neo-paganism and goddess worship, but realizing that in order to change a civilization built on the Bible, the very Bible must be changed.
Much of the problems stem from the doctrine of male headship... one of the most controversial subjects in the Scripture. Feminists are quite convinced that Headship = domination and Subordination = inferiority and denigration.
Unfortunately both feminists and an altogether too large a number of traditional church leaders have myopically focused on what they think is Scripture's treatment of, and instructions regarding, the sexes, with complete disregard for what the Scriptures actually reveal. What is certain is that the Biblical concept of male headship has all too often been twisted to generate horrible evil.
Also See
The Labyrinth.. a Return to the goddess?
Canon Dr. Lauren Artress, priest at the New-Age-friendly Grace Episcopal Cathedral in San Francisco takes women on a Dream Quest which involves walking the labyrinth and encountering pagan goddesses. So did this idea originate in the dark recesses of Lauren Artress's mind, or can we look further back in history for clues to this the whole goddess abomination. Chartres Cathedral is known as the Virgin Mary's Seat on Earth... certainly the focus of the Cathedral is Mary, or more accurately the Black Madonna...
There's a lot more that could be said about this subject but please let me summarize briefly: radical feminism, lesbianism, occultism, wicca-witchcraft and goddess-worship are all from the same satanic source of seducing spirits that oppose the ancient biblical Hebrew-Christian Truth that GOD is (in essence) masculine-active and is FATHER-GOD over all of creation.
He is also THE MORAL CENTER of the Universe. He has placed men, fathers, and elders in designated place of leadership and authority. Satan has always looked to undermine this primary-relationship. Wicca and witchcraft and luciferianism have always been a major means of deception and seduction AWAY FROM GOD and His Government and Kingdom. Tell me: what could be more disastrous than that?
Len Hummel is a writer, internet researcher, and Christian missionary to Asia and America.
Related- Wimmin, Wicca and Goddess Worship by Allan Turner
Fahad said (November 10, 2010):
The Quran denounces the "Divine Feminine" as a Satanic concept. It tells us that anyone invoked/called upon instead of God is female(which tells us that God is active-masculine, and those invoked INSTEAD OF GOD are passive-feminine, i.e. the passive-feminines are OTHER THAN GOD.) It goes on to say that invoking females(or the "Divine Feminines") ultimately invokes the Shaitaan/Satan.
The Quran 4/117: For certain, they invoke in His stead only females; and for certain they invoke only Satan, a rebel.
This of course does not mean that The Quran is equating the feminine with the Satan. Femininity is passive/yielding/receptive, while God is active/assertive(masculine). And by invoking the passive(which can neither benefit nor harm them) deities instead of the active(God), people invoke only Satan, the one behind the female-passive deities, or the "Divine" Feminines.
The masculine acts/asserts upon the feminine. Masculinity is compared in The Quran to a (active/assertive)farmer/worker, while femininity is compared to the (passive/receptive)tilth/cultivation:
The Quran 2/223: Your wives are a tilth for you. So go to your tilth as you will,....
So there is only the Divine Masculine. There can be no Divine Feminine since no one acts/asserts upon God and He is not passive/yielding.