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Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves?

December 13, 2011

world_2.jpg(left, one of a series of 12 Smirnoff ads taunting the sheep)

The Illuminati reveal their domination by placing their symbols on our currency, ID cards, civic and corporate logos. Their monuments, architecture, hand signs and signals are in music videos, movies and ads. Why do they proclaim their presence instead of maintaining secrecy?

"The Illuminati have characterized themselves as wolves among sheep. They are proud of this self-description and they hold to it. Predators stalk their prey. They do not simply move in and take the kill."

by Aspen

Why do the Illuminati reveal themselves such as in the new German ID cards? Let's begin by reviewing some of the "obvious" answers.

1. "The Illuminati permit exposure because they can get away with announcing their influence."

Analysis:  True enough. There are no arrest warrants -- that I'm aware of -- waiting to be served upon Illuminati members. There is no law against them. Besides which, the general public has not been convinced that the Illuminati exist, or constitute a clear and present danger.

2. "Illuminati self-announcement is a gleeful taunt, against both those who would oppose them, and those who have no idea what is going on. They just can't help themselves: they have to throw it in our faces."

Analysis:  While this quite possibly fits with their psychological and emotional profile, as an explanation it leads nowhere.

3. "The Illuminati present a consistent routine of symbolic exposure in order to accustom the population to their increasing influence."

Analysis:  The RFID chip in the new German ID cards is far more potent as an Illuminati symbol than a swastika or an image of Baphomet. ID card RFID chips are the precursor to biologically implanted chips.

That bespeaks Illuminati planning. RFID chips are a symbol. Yet, people generally do not see such items as RFID chips as "symbols".

People mentally categorize RFID cards, and related items, as tools of technology. As a consequence, the significance of this sort of "symbol" passes the general population by. The Illuminati announce their presence in much deeper ways than static visual symbols, and we would be wise to point our attention to symbols and themes of more profound influence.

Back to the basic question:  Why expose themselves? Why not operate in complete secrecy, performing the coup de grace from behind a curtain, leading up to a final and totally unforeseen blow, culminating in total assumption of power?

The answer is partly to be found in Portisch's article about German ID's:  to "make the people afraid" (but NOT to "impress them").

The Illuminati have characterized themselves as wolves among sheep. They are proud of this self-description and they hold to it.

wolves.jpgPredators stalk their prey. They do not simply move in and take the kill.

Whiffs of the scent of the stalker are permitted. Shades, shadows, unnerving shifts of position...the prey gets spooked.

The generation of adrenalin overpowers reason. The prey can sense the oncoming attack. Panic besets the prey, during the moments of final approach. Defensive tactics are forgotten, as panic takes over. The prey makes a wild race for the exit, but the predators have already encircled every possible exit.

The Illuminati see themselves as wolves stalking the sheep. They let out whiffs of their scent, generate shadows, perform deceptive motions, and generally aim to spook the prey. The kill has yet to come.


There is another reason.

The core Illuminati group have, for at least two thousand years, felt themselves engaged in a bitter vendetta amounting essentially to a blood-feud.

The Illuminati do not see themselves merely as assuming power, but taking BACK what they consider their rightful place and their natural property:  being in control of Human Destiny. In their minds, Human history is, and long has been, an issue of war.

The unexpected emergence of Christianity foisted -- or at least very seriously delayed -- a number of Illuminati plans. The accession of Christianity as a major social and political force spiraled out of control so rapidly that the comparatively small numbers of the ancient Illuminati were driven into hiding and secrecy. From this, the blood-feud -- the Vendetta -- emerged.

When the Illuminati publish their presence, it is not so that "normal" people can detect the symbols and formulate what most would see as spectacular conspiracy theories. It is an announcement of expectations of victory, in the manner of a vendetta.

When the Illuminati announce their influence, it is meant to be the voicing of a threat to their enemies and their prey. "We have established yet another foothold. We are coming for you, in due time."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves? "

Marcio said (December 15, 2011):

Yes, the Illuminati wolves manipulate people through fear: it is a satanic strategy to move people through their weaknesses.
Their symbols are the wolves' cry. They cannot show their faces now or else they will be unmasked and repelled.
The Spartans used to say that the foundation of freedom is the contempt for death.
So we would rather not be afraid and face them.
We are all going to die one day; all we need is a good ideal to live and to die for: that is how you measure a man.

Who teaches such fearlessness, such aversion to Illuminati heresies and satanism? Christianity, of course!

It is clear Cristianity is an Illuminati enemy. Attempts to condemn it is an Illuminati speech.

There is a Christian teaching that, in the end of times, Christ's body (i.e., Christianity, described as His mother, the Church) would have the same sufferings and sorrows His head (Christ Himself) had: they would be persecuted by Jews, tortured by gentiles who followed the Sinedrin determinations (western useful idiots and others), killed and buried. But His body would ressurect when everybody was trembling with fear after the Jews party (their apparent victory - NWO and other satanism at their peak).

On the other way, some comments cathegorize Cristianity as satanism (no evidence, only statements, as always).
It smells like new age, Illuminati, satanic work. We had better watch them...
Great article!

Mike said (December 15, 2011):

JB's comments seem to hit the nail on the head. Public consent to being dominated is by now an established fact.

The rather sloppy way of pulling off 911. having building #7 fall down all by itself, etc. is a perfect example. Yet instead of noting the obvious the sheeple go along with the official story, then with the wars, then bank bailouts, and new police state laws, all the while re-electing the same compromised representatives who are leading them.

JB said (December 14, 2011):

I think there is one other reason - It has to do with making victims into "lawful prey" - If the elite reveal themselves then they are justified because the public consented to their dominion. And their victims are not truly innocent victims because they chose willful ignorance. Someone may object and say - but the public really does not understand that they exist - but the sole reason for that is a moment of decision that occurs each time someone tries to speak out and then people scoff, ignore them, etc. 911 Truthers encounter this every day.

Which is probably the most occult aspect of the 911 drama - the elite are revealing to "truthers" what the elite knew all along - that
truther's friends, family, etc, really have no axe to grind in terms
of what is right and wrong if it falls outside their little sphere-
they only want to be safe and comfortable. And this is in fact the
true reason we are all slaves. "Getting the word out" was a red
herring from the start. The 911 truther vs community schism is a
microcosm/archetype of the drama that is "slave planet earth" - the elite have intentionally revealed 911 truth through their agents , which is a demonic wink to the truthers against the background scenery of this pathetic vignette.

It does no harm to the elite - in the end it can only demoralize and neutralize the truthers as well as alienate them from society and perhaps shake their belief in the basic goodness of their fellow man.

Max said (December 14, 2011):

This piece by Aspen offers little insight into the topic at hand. The question to ask is not why the rotten tomatoes reveal themselves now. The right question to ask is why they still haven’t been able to conquer the whole world and microchip every single sheep/goy on the face of the earth after more than two thousand years of incessant work with all their advanced technology. What's the answer?

Surely, the Illuminati are not God. They think they are but that’s precisely their weakness. They will crumble again because of their arrogance, as pointed out quite rightly by Svali, who once worked as a mind programmer for the cult.

The Illuminati’s mind is schizophrenic. As they are of their father, the Devil, they instantiate what total insanity can possibly be like. The way they show themselves speaks of their way of communication: they want us to be in a schizophrenic state too. Back off. Why spend our precious time trying to figure out what crazy guys scribbled on the wall?

Have no fear. Doesn’t the Devil live on your fear?

Aspen is quite right on one point. The unexpected emergence of Christianity, or to be precise, the surprising advent of Yashua (Jesus) gave the Illuminati plan a painful major setback. Announcement of a vendetta? But wait. HE will come again like a thief during the night and this time will drive the soulless “self-enlightened jerks” to perdition. After all, haven’t we been in spiritual war for thousands and thousands of years?

Edward said (December 14, 2011):

I disagree with one of your points in your article about the Illuminati revealing themselves. In my opinion, the Illuminati created Christianity as a trap. They wrote, or Satan wrote, the Bible. It is just another version of the "God program" as David Icke calls it. All religions were created by the syndicate as a way of fooling the sheep into thinking they are following the path of salvation. Christianity is just another branch of Satanism, worshiping an image of a Godhead either divine or demoniac.

Rick said (December 14, 2011):

Michael Hoffman II expounds here on how we become doubly-enslaved mind control victims. :

Revelation of the Method concerns mind control in the last stages and at a high level. When you tell someone what you are doing to them - murder, mayhem, kidnap, rape, you name it - and they do nothing to stop you or protect themselves, you have created a doubly enslaved subject. "

Their tactics are a diabolical game of chess played in multiple dimensions, it is pure evil.
We are in a spiritual battle that is ever-widening . I feel that soon it will be so that one will not be able to choose sides.

"So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth."-Revelation 3:16

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

Malcolm said (December 14, 2011):

The unexpected emergence of Christianity foisted -- or at least very seriously delayed -- a number of Illuminati plans. The accession of Christianity as a major social and political force spiraled out of control so rapidly that the comparatively small numbers of the ancient Illuminati were driven into hiding and secrecy. From this, the blood-feud -- the Vendetta -- emerged.

Wittingly or not, Aspen has already admitted as to why the illuminati mostly skulk. Certainly they are biding their time, but to this is to admit that their god has to work to a Bundy clock of someone else’s design. Even Aspen possibly understands that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost will soon catch that last train for the coast - the day the music dies.

Yes their reign of terror is coming but God is already laughing at their plans “against the LORD and against his anointed”

10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear
and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

Psalm 2

Hell is not going to be anywhere near as much fun as the illuminati have been told.

Gord said (December 13, 2011):

Why do they proclaim their presence instead of maintaining secrecy?

Michael Hoffman II calls this syndrome "the revelation of the method" ... years after the fact, carefully giving out bits of truth, gloating in "the perfect crime" as a way of further humiliating outsiders into accepting 'resistance is futile' ... advertising their power so as to amplify it I think that Stephen Knight was used for this end, in his book, "The Brotherhood"

this was the first book published post WW II to shed much light in to the Brotherhood of FreeMasonry. He goes in to the overwhelming evidence that the FreeMasons were involved in the Jack the Ripper murders. After the book came out, there was a major to do in England, in which all police officers had to declare if they were a FreeMason. That book was the first place I'd seen mentioned the fact that the Masonic phrase "the Juwes are the ones who can't be blamed" was scrawled on the brick wall beside one of the bodies.

a century later, somehow, Stephen Knight got hold of enough tantalizing detail so as to 'reveal the method' this was the first book published post WW II to shed much light in to the Brotherhood of FreeMasonry. He goes in to the overwhelming evidence that the FreeMasons were involved in the Jack the Ripper murders. After the book came out, there was a major to do in England, in which all police officers had to declare if they were a FreeMason

that book was the first place I'd seen mentioned the fact that the Masonic phrase "the Juwes are the ones who can't be blamed" was scrawled on the brick wall beside one of the bodies

a century later, somehow, Stephen Knight got hold of enough tantalizing detail so as to 'reveal the method'

like so many, he died young

in his book "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" Michael Hoffman does an excellent job of explaining his term "revelation of the method." Like so many, he died young

in his book "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" Michael Hoffman does an excellent job of explaining his term "revelation of the method"

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at