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Is There A Place for "White Pride"?

May 18, 2011


White pride front.jpg

At Google images, under "white pride," you will find pictures of skinheads and neo Nazis.  For "black pride" you will find flags, fists and attractive ladies with Afro haircuts.

Clearly someone doesn't want people of European origin to have a sense of coherent identity.

White Pride is not White Supremicism. The article below is awkward in places but raises an important issue: Is there a place for a European racial consciousness"? Every ethnic group is allowed to organize to protect their interests. Every ethnic group but Europeans.

by Struggling White Male


Last Sunday night, as I was walking down the street with my friends from church, I observed two of the group strangely walking almost hand in hand. It took a couple hours and questioning others to figure out that the tallish, statuesque, Swedish girl and the shorter, two-thirds-her-weight East Asian man were a couple.

This was the result of several things and physical attraction was not one of them. She was able to get a very good job right after university in accounting, receiving the benefits of femalehood in both university and the job market. He comes from wealth and doesn't have to work. She is not interested in men of lesser income. And she is a leader-in-training in a very multi-cultural church and now is taking that "next step" of entering into inter-racial marriage. And he has his trophy white wife. This is the white race fading into oblivion.

The five white guys walking behind her, all struggling to make a living with neither the time nor the money to date, are out of the picture. They are men who can't compete financially and who would ask for submission anyway. But then society turns to us white dudes and points out our options. We can also marry Asian women (or from any other part of the globe)!

But I can't and all because I rejected socialism. Around 20 years ago, I had made the momentous decision to reject socialism for a number of reasons - love of country and concern for national debt, seeing what socialism did to my own family and community, and not wanting so much government control.

But more importantly, I did it for myself to build character, take personal responsibility and stay close to my God. I learned to live life without government services and therefore to live life with family in mind. No longer could I say to a family member (or to myself), "Just go to the doctor." For who was going to pay? If I didn't have the money, then those words could not come out of my mouth.


I started to understand what true maturity and "taking one's place in the community" meant. I actually started to understand many different things, especially Victorian and 19th century American culture.

What surprised me though was that with this understanding I became conscious of my own race and my responsibility to it as an extension of my family unit. I don't consider my own race superior but I do consider its members my first responsibility.

To understand this responsibility here are some questions I ask, directly or indirectly, of the people around me as indicators of racial self-esteem no matter what race they are.

1) Do you consider the opposite sex members of your race to the most beautiful/handsome in the world?

2) Are you concerned about the debt of your race (not country at this point)?

3) Are you willing to sacrifice time,money and strength for your race first?

4) Do you readily admit to the weaknesses/strengths of your race (sloth, drunkenness, physical prowess, intelligence)?

5) Do you consider the language(s) of your race to be worthy of continuation and effort (or is another language more important)?

6) Do you partake/participate in the art of your race (or do you disdain it)?

7) Do you see potential for your race (or must it merge with another race to be successful)?

8) Do you want to live in the same neighbourhood as your race (no matter what problems exist)?

9) Do you buy from your race and support its economy (or do you have more status with others' products)?

10) Do you address the same-sex peers of your race as brothers/sisters?

11) Are you disturbed if the children of your race are adopted by another race?

12) Do you keep up on the politics/cultural changes of your race?

13) If you pray, do you pray for your race first?

Those who engage in inter-racial relationships live for the moment, never considering the past or the future, totally ignoring the struggles and hardships and gains of their race and thumbing their nose at the various levels of authority that exist in every culture. Regrettably I have encouraged couples in the past to enter into such unions.


To show how far we have gone into racial oblivion, I had a strange conversation with non-European psychiatric nurse working in Toronto. She told me to my face that anyone who speaks of sacrifice and country love has mental problems. This is a person capable of making professional judgments and diagnosing people in the eyes of the law. If you had told me years ago when I lived among my own people in the west  that I would have a foreigner telling me not to love my own country and that I had psychiatric problems if I did, I would have called you a liar.

In conclusion, I dedicate this article to those men and women of sacrifice from years ago who more and more are appearing as bright shining stars in an increasingly darkening world.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Is There A Place for "White Pride"?"

Greg said (May 20, 2011):

Dee says, "This white pride stuff is every bit as much a venom to me as black pride." I disagree. I tried it Dee's way for decades and it has been a demoralizing disaster. Now, when I meet someone of another race, they are obviously proud to be a "minority" and make a point of expressing that.

My position, with my newfound Nordic pride, is that I do not care who they think they are. Their race does elevate them to a superior level by virtue of the history of their cause or what discriminations they think they have experienced. I am very white and it is almost axiomatic that the more white a man is in American, politically correct society, the more at fault a man is. I am acquainted with discrimination also. Hence, my new position creates a social balance when dealing with other races.

This great nation was created by old white guys who wore wigs. It is a work of genius. Can anyone imagine the hell hole the world would be today had American Nordics not engaged and stopped the Alpine Nordics of Nazi Germany. Nobody else could stop the Nazis. It took Nordics to stop Nordics. In stopping the Nazis and every other tyrant that has come along since, we white men have preserved the right of other races to bash and blame us.

Ironic. Craig Ventur, head of the Genome Project, at TedMed Conference in 2010 said that he and his team have found three distinct racial species on earth- Nordics, Africans, and Asians. He goes on to say that there is as much as 15% genetic difference between these three races. He says that there is only a 3% difference between apes and homo sapien sapiens as a whole. So between the three races, there is more difference than between the races and apes. At the end of this statement, Craig Ventur said, "I am relieved." What is the reason he said he is relieved? I think he is relieved because we are not all one people on earth and we do not have to be alike because we are not alike. There are three distinct species that have been discovered thus far and Ventur says there may be many more as the research progresses. Upon reviewing this data, the author Michael Tellinger said, "This research indicates that there is no such thing as a human species."

Whether you agree wit this or not, consider the following. No one race is obligated to placate to another race. That racism is intolerable is obvious so I will not go into that. I grew up with a racist. I am not a racist. I will say that I am racial. Like the young man asks in the litany of questions in his article, I can categorically say yes to all of his questions. I am an American Nordic male and proud of it. Thank you for the excellent article

Gene said (May 20, 2011):

While that one man fears the absolution of the white race, the absolution of all races is in progress, and it may be thru this unification of all races by the intermingling of marriage over time that the things that the less intellectual choose to catalog as a difference will become less apparent and less able to be used to such an end. Perhaps in time, with enough intermingling, there will be no further “Race” card to be played by those who seek to manipulate the worlds masses. Maybe they kicked themselves in the teeth with this idea of multiculturalism. Time will tell.

For myself, I call anyone brother or sister as their external appearance changes not the spirit that gives them and myself Will and motive force. (and presuming their character is alike with my own, I don’t call evil by familial names.) All things in due time.

Dee said (May 20, 2011):

I'm a melungeon of Irish, African and Indian mix on my mother's side, a mix that goes back to the 17th Century in old Tennessee. My pride is not that of a white person but an American. My great Uncle Paul Daugherty, darkly complected, died on the road to Corregidor, murdered by his Japanese captors. We honor his name to this day.

This white pride stuff is every bit as much a venom to me as black pride. I put up with its flumdiddle in the Mormon church for most of my life, and did my share of suffering. The church moved past it, thankfully, long after I had lost my faith. If it's all you have then go for it. Meanwhile I will fight for this republic on my knees if I have to, alongside my brothers, whatever color God made them.

Dee Wolfe, red white and blue

Ty said (May 20, 2011):


If European people are to keep their identity, they must first identify the main culprit whose trying to destroy it.Never has a war been won when one did not know ones self and the enemy he fights. European peoples main enemy are the Jewish elite who put out the films,control the media and whose ideology is behind our education. Once the main enemy is identified, one must not make the mistake of combating this evil with evil. In other words, one must not think that racial hubris is the answer to their racial hubris.The answer is a truthful assessment of ones self and one race, while respecting all others. It is in humility tempored with the reality of ones grouping that is the key to the victory we seek. Generally speaking, the truth is, all races have areas that are superior and inferior to one another. If a person takes the hubris path, they are well on their way to a supremacy ideology that ends in destruction. This is true of all races.

European Americans are the most discriminated against people in the nation. If one were to construct the modern identity, based on race and other factors, that has the most rights under law and privledges in society, that person would have to be a,Jewish, handicapped,lesbian, communist, non American citizen. On the flip side, the identity with the least rights and privledges would be a poor, white, able bodied, Constitution loving, Christian, heterosexual, American citizen. Since this is the case we need to wake up everyone, everywhere to our plight. We must never back down in the face of the slanders that come our way, and never make the mistake of untruthfully disparaging those of other races, including those who marry outside their majority race; if it was indeed based on love and not external Marxist programming.

If we keep our healthy "pride", keep our humility, and keep our innate and world renown courage in truth, we will win this fight.

Julian Lee said (May 20, 2011):

The only reason there could "be no place" for White pride would be if White pride were continually associated with Adolf Hitler. Of cours, that's exactly what's been done. That's the only reason anybody even can ask "Is there a place for it."

White pride can and should be separated from Hitler and the Nazis. We existed long before he came along, and so did our nations. Besides, he and his Nazis were butch queers. (Thanks to Henry for directing me to that astounding information, The Pink Swastika, The Hidden Adolf Hitler, etc. Mind-blowing.) I can understand why Whites take inspiration from the German period. But it was the Germans they are impressed with. Hitler and the Nazis hijacked and misdirected legitimate national identity and spirit. White Pride without Hitler/Nazi associations (though they continually try to created them whenever Whites peep up) -- is the way back.

Linda said (May 19, 2011):

Thank you for publishing this article by 'Struggling White Male'. It is significant that it is the men who are raising the question.

The way in which the question is phrased certainly points to the dominant discourse of the Western media which is shaped by the heresy called 'modernism' by the Catholic Church. St Pope Pius X wrote on this subject extensively.

Through modernist education and media, the question of White racial consciousness will inevitably raised in terms of pride, supremacy, nazi, neo-nazi, the Holocuast, segregation, civil rights etc.

It is never raised in terms of European civilization from the Atlantic to the Urals.

The question should be rephrased: "Is race and consciousness of one's own race part of the human identity?"

Yes. Of course. Look Asian people and their nations. Look at Black people and their nations. Is race and nation part of their human identity in all its complexity? Of course.

A White person who is not completely whacked in terms of terms of racial identity and nation will understand terms like German, French, Euro-American, Eruo-Canadian. The people they are talking about are White People. But very powerful interests are at work air brushing the White people from this demographic.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at