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Springmeier -- Waiting for the World to End (Pt 4)

March 31, 2011

springmeier1.jpg"Turn your bluish blahs into love that elevates. Turn your jealous envy into a love that is positive and enduring. Turn your anger into love that promotes healing and life."

by Fritz Springmeier

     That Noble Step you are going to take is an extension of who you are, if you'll pardon my pun.

     Just who are you anyway?? Yes, I know that if your name is Ace, Albert, Brian, Delbert, Elmer, Eugene, Gene, or Patrick, then your name already means "noble", but what are your character traits, the traits that make you who you are??

     And further, who do you know? the Spirit of God?  The ancient prophet Daniel, who guided the great Babylonian empire, prophesied these words about the end times, "...the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."  DAN 11:32b

     It takes faith and focus to summit a Noble Step. The idea to climb is not the same as summiting; you're not camping, you're climbing. So your faith is important; it will move mountains.

     And some people will hinder you. Joseph is an example of someone who did Noble deeds. Joseph's brothers tried to destroy his dream. God often lets the dream apparently die and then resurrects it. Who will try to steal your dream and when will it be resurrected? You are not too old to do noble deeds; you won't do it any younger.

     People walk by faith. People who really make money move forward before every duck has been lined up and over studied. Don't wait until every question has been answered before you move forward or it will be too late.

     Rather than shy from our insecurities, let's boldly seek what it takes to climb that rock wall. How much gear does it take, and what is excess baggage? Our fears and doubts can be excess baggage. We want to be honest about what we face but not in fear of it. People climbing Mt. Everest often use teams. Many successful Noble Steps have happened through teamwork. Build a team to get to the Noble Summit together. Who are the right partners?  You are not alone in this world. You can network and find others who will team up with you with modern tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Balance the strengths and weaknesses of your team.

     Turn your bluish blahs into love that elevates. Turn your jealous envy into a love that is positive and enduring. Turn your anger into love that promotes healing and life. Realize what you have in yourself. Approach that Noble Step with practice. Try and learn. Then approach that Noble Step again, and then with the possibility of failure staring you in the face, conquer that summit.

     Move forward because the nobility of what you are doing will inspire you. Love sustains and fuels itself. Love will love, for love loves for love's sake! And brotherly love is an universal principle waiting to be applied universally.

     All around us are opportunities for Noble Steps. 70% of the earth's surface is covered by water. Mankind waits for better fish farms operating under the ocean surface. Again people would use an overnight mail service between N.Y. and New Delhi, and so who will take the existing technology and do it? And will it be your fresh ideas that stop the buying and selling and enslavement of people?

     Yes, these towering noble deeds, which are so excellent to view, rise above the common acts. They are praiseworthy and so are those who climb them. Yes, the mountain is majestically bigger than we see. It is awesome. God will help you with the unexpected steps and details. Don't stop now.


Fritz can be reached by mail at: PMB 143, 16409 S.E. Division, Ste. 216, Portland, OR 97236 or by email at

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Springmeier -- Waiting for the World to End (Pt 4)"

Anthony Migchels said (April 1, 2011):

Wonderful, Fritz Springmeier's words.

They are so on target. In Dutch we have a saying: 'in de put zitten'. To sit in the well. Where Joseph was. He had no reason to be optimistic. It would not have been rational. But he was. Because he had faith.

I don't like quoting the book of the Elders, but this Dutch saying has been with me during my own voyage (trip, in 21st century language).

Another great metaphor is shown by Indiana Jones, in front of a major void, just daring to step forward and with a bridge materializing under his feet as he does.

That is life.

That is exactly the struggle we face. There is no 'rational' reason for hope. But if we believe we can move mountains. It is as simple as that.

At the moment of our crisis, we don't see it, we just have fear. But if we can feel through this fear, to reach out to our faith, to reconnect to the silence within, where our Maker resides, and to hear back that all is totally under control and just fine.............. To move forward just at these critical junctures..............

That is when we realize with hindsight that we were carried through.

And indeed: we must make a move. Because simply praying is for Christian Zionists. We need to get out there and face the hopelessness of the situation and act all the same. We know what to do, even though our brains tell us it is not enough and hopeless.

'I think, therefore I am' has been correctly diagnosed as 'Descartes' error'.

'I believe, therefore I act' is what our spiritual heritage demands...........

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at