Gulag Canada - Commies Imprison & Drug Vancouver MD
February 17, 2022
In another warped chapter from the criminal covid agenda, after hours in handcuffs, this intelligent peaceful eighty-year-old physician was drugged then forcibly committed to a psychiatric ward. There he was denied his basic rights like telephone access. He was drugged with anti-psychotic medications. These anti-psychotics are contraindicated in elderly people because it gives them strokes and heart attacks. He had two mini-strokes (TIA's), and was put through mental health hearings which were kangaroo courts attempting to focus on his thoughts about the covid 'vaccines". Though his thoughts are based on well founded scientific facts, the institution labelled his thoughts as "delusions": evidence of his "dementia or psychosis".
This is where we are folks; a complete crisis of legitimacy of government and institutions. Unquestionably dangerous and deadly injections are being forced on the masses. Even children are being targeted, injected, damaged and killed. Like the rest of us, even pregnant women are lied to, coerced and injected, before many of them give birth to dead babies.
Meanwhile, a wise responsible physician, one of our respected elders, who stands up for the truth and our well being, is handcuffed, drugged, and locked up.
Doctors, police, nurses, politicians, media and business leaders, and anyone else who has been going along with this, you need to wake up now. Repent and abandon the criminal covid enterprise. Join the solution, regardless of the apparent costs. IF we lose this war , we lose everything. Continued compliance will not save you."
This story reminded me of three Vancouver lawyers who were dragged from the courtroom, drugged, disbarred and committed to a mental asylum when they attempted to expose an elite pedophile ring in 1994. Their story is below.
The world is run by the Illuminati, a Masonic Jewish (Communist) criminal cult of sociopaths, pedophiles and Satanists who sacrifice children.
Under a thin veneer of Law, we are governed by a secret network of traitors, pedophiles, Satanists and criminals, masquerading as prominent lawyers and judges, journalists, politicians, businessmen and police chiefs.
They are often Freemasons who derive their power from the central banking cartel based in London UK which controls the mass media and seeks to impose its tyranny in the guise of "world government."

Beautiful Vancouver B.C., site of the 2010 Winter Olympics, was described by the Christian Science Monitor in 1997 as "a pedophile paradise," a place known for its "notorious sex trade," with an international reputation "as a city where it is easy to find a child for sex." In 1999, UNESCO named Vancouver one of the world's top three centers for sex trafficking, child porn and pedophilia because of "suspected judicial protection for child sex offenders."
In 1994, Renate Andres-Auger, an aboriginal lawyer and single mother of six girls, found irregularities in a land claim case that were very damning to the judicial process. She also charged certain judges and lawyers with a criminal conspiracy to aid and protect pedophiles. She and her own lawyer Jack Cram presented evidence, including photographs and eye witness accounts that two Supreme Court judges were engaged in pedophilia and were using their office to protect other pedophiles. She named the prestigious "Vancouver Club" as a center of this pedophile ring. (Kevin Annett, Hidden From History: The Canadian Holocaust, p. 147-150)
The Judge ordered Auger removed from the court. "The sheriffs dragged Andres-Auger out of the court and you could hear her thumping down the stairs behind the judge's bench." Then the Judge ordered the sheriffs to remove her lawyer Jack Cram. Police were called to clear the courtroom of about 80 supporters. According to a press release, this is what happened when Cram took the cause to the public:
"One night at about 11:30 p.m., after finishing a radio interview, Mr. Cram returned home, parked his car, and while walking to his apartment building five policemen emerged out of the bushes and leaped on him. He was put in an unmarked van and as soon as they got him in they "shot him full of something" and he was transported to the psychiatric ward of Vancouver General Hospital -- as a "no information" patient.
" When the committee found out where Mr. Cram was, they had to go to Prince George, some 800 kms away, to find a lawyer who would file habeas-corpus writ to release Mr. Cram but it was never used as Mr. Cram was again, unexpectedly, released after being held this time for 7 days.
"Mr. Cram went directly from the psychiatric ward to a meeting of the committee that was under way at the same time. He was still under the effects of the drugs that had been administered to him up until about two hours prior to his release. But he was able to explain everything that had happened. It was two of his closest associates, one of which was the one who had bad mouthed him on TV, that signed papers to have Mr. Cram committed.
"After a trial, the court disbarred him for a year and fined him $10,000. He was bankrupt and had lost his practice. Cram moved to his ranch in Princeton, a community about 280 km east of Vancouver.
"According to Judge Gibbs, in making his recent judgment on Dr. Clark's appeal, said "after [Mr. Cram] received treatment for his paranoid-delusions mental illness, he subsequently dropped all his court cases that he had started in his delusional phase" and one of the conditions for returning to the bar after one year was that he continue to receive psychiatric treatment for that year. Mr. Cram could have been jailed for three months if he didn't receive the treatment or defaulted on paying the fine."
Renate Andres-Auger died last April. Law Society of BC official James Taylor, who disbarred Andres-Auger and Cram, became a BC Supreme Court judge and issued an injunction in 2002 against mentioning the pedophile charges.
Ed John, a native leader accused of using Mafia tactics, and running cocaine and child prostitution rings, was actually named Minister of Child and Family Services in the NDP (socialist) provincial government in 2000. The injunction also covered any mention of these charges.
Jennifer Wade, a founder of Amnesty International in Vancouver, said in 1999:
"The Cram/Andres-Auger story, to this day, remains a very strange and fearful tale of alleged corruption and pedophilia in high places. It is also a story which has never yet been completely told. Perhaps if it were, along with a few other strange stories, we as Canadians would have little reason to gasp at the exposure of pedophile rings in Belgium operating in high places two years ago. The matter of cover-ups possibly existing for those in high places in Canada is becoming more and more credible as more and more people speak out."
In 2007 Univ. of Lethbridge professor Anthony Hall commented in Canadian Dimension magazine:
"No public investigation into the treatment and accusations of Andres-Auger and Cram ever took place. We can only speculate, therefore, on the circumstances behind such a dramatic collapse of dignity and due process in the criminal-justice system. Certainly it is made to seem probable that some highly placed group or individual believed that he, she, or they had a great deal to lose if Andres-Auger and Cram had been able to press charges."
Hall relates how in 1995, when lawyer Bruce Clark tried to make a legal argument on behalf of Aboriginal clients, an incident transpired in a rural B.C. court similar to when Andres-Auger and Cram tried to bring their evidence forward. Clark was taken into custody and sent to an institution for a compulsory psychological examination.
This is how dissidents were treated in another Illuminati satrap, the USSR. Granted these events took place 13-14 years ago, but you can bet they created a chill that continues today.
The Illuminati has a vital interest in using Native leadership to confiscate Aboriginal land and water, and to operate drug trafficking and pedophile rings. That's why lawyers who attempted to represent ordinary Natives incurred the wrath of these (moral) reptiles. That's when the mask slipped, and we had a glimpse of the ugly reality of our society.
"If genocide can happen to Indian people today, it can happen to you tomorrow," Kevin Annett writes prophetically in his book, Love and Death in the Valley (2002). "Especially if you rely on the government and corporate system that has robbed them for so long."
The experience of Andres-Auger, Cram, Clark and Annett shows that when it comes to freedom, truth and justice, we live in an hypocritical and decadent society. Banker-Masonic control infects society like a cancer paralyzing mind and spirit.
See also "A Tale of Two Lawyers"
and my "Did Illuminati Exterminate Canadian Indian Children?"
and "Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture"
Robert K said (February 16, 2017):
In her book "Ottawa Inside Out" (publ. in 1989) investigative reporter Stevie Cameron describes (on p. 20) how, within a block of the Canadian Parliament, men cruise on Mackenzie Street picking up miserable young boys for abuse. "Every few months, the local papers report a stabbing or a mugging or a murder that happened after a man picked up a boy on Mackenzie."