West Celebrates Birthday of a Communist Terrorist - Nelson Mandela
July 20, 2018

This poster for a Miami area public library celebration of the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth July 18 is an indication of widespread and pervasive Communist control. Honoring people like Mandel and Rosa Parks are signs that Communism is a fait accompli.
Latest! Must Listen to Stephen Molyneux on Mandela
Nelson Mandela is the author of "How to be a Good Communist." The media-orchestrated hysteria tells you that the NWO is also Communist in nature. (i.e. the Illuminati, a satanic secret society, empowered by the banking cartel, colonizes mankind.)
The African National Congress waged a terrorist war against South Africa's government for 30 years. The plight of Black South Africans under ANC rule is now worse.
from Dec. 5, 2013
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Terrorism is not terrorism when the Illuminati Jewish banking cartel is behind it.

During the 1960's and 70's, barely a week went by in South Africa without terrorism -- dynamite at a fuel depot, a car bomb outside Air Force headquarters in a city center. The ANC's guerrilla force -- known simply as MK, or more formally as Umkhonto we Sizwe translated "Spear of the Nation" was founded in 1961 by Nelson Mandela and his handler, the Communist Jew Joe Slovo.
At first, the targets were infrastructure but two decades later MK was killing civilians without compunction -- grenades would be bowled into a hamburger joint or a trip-wired limpert mine planted in an arcade -- and Mandela did not object.
"Notable among these attacks were the January 8, 1982 attack on the Koeberg nuclear power plant near Cape Town, the Church Street bombing on May 20, 1983, killing 19, and the June 14, 1986, car-bombing of Magoo's Bar in Durban, in which 3 people were killed and 73 injured." (Wikipedia)
Of course, Mandela had been in jail since 1963. He was captured in a raid of MK headquarters at a farm outside of Johannesburg. The ANC was funded and run by Communist Jews who in turn were shills for the Illuminati bankers. Mandela posed as a farmhand.

In 1985, when the government offered to release Mandela if he would repudiate terrorism, he refused. In 1990, he was let out anyway and vowed the MK would continue to wreak havoc. It was not necessary.
The government was ready to negotiate a handover of power. In 1994, Mandela and F.W. de Klerk shared a Nobel Peace Prize. Queen Elizabeth II in her 1996 Christmas message hailed Mandela as a great statesman. (The account of MK terror above is indebted to Philip Gourevitch's review of the novel "Absolution" in The New Yorker, April 30, 2012, p.70)

Thanks to Michael Hoffman II, we know:
"The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa was guided by two Communist Jews, Albie Sachs, "one of its foremost intellectuals"( London Sunday Times, August 29, 1993) and Yossel Mashel Slovo (Joe Slovo, 1926-1995).
Slovo had been the "planner of many of the ANC terrorist attacks, including the 1983 car bomb that killed 19 people and injured many others... Slovo, who had traveled to the Soviet Union many times, was awarded a Soviet medal on his 60th birthday...Slovo is a dedicated Communist, a Marxist Leninist without morality of any kind, for whom only victory counts, whatever the human cost, whatever the bloodshed...Slovo disputes little of his image as 'the Communist mastermind' behind the ANC's armed struggle.

Keep reading for South African housing conditions.
Wrapped in bogus idealism, Jewish social & political activism largely serves the Illuminati's secret satanic agenda. Jewish activists are dupes or opportunists. Communism is not concerned with genuine reform but with creating and exploiting social divisions in order to seize power. The ANC, like Communism in general, deceived the masses into overthrowing the government and installing Illuminati puppets like Nelson Mandela.
The plight of Blacks in South Africa is much worse under the "peoples' government." The number of people living on $1 a day doubled from two to four million. The unemployment rate doubled to 48% from 1991-2002. The Black unemployment rate today is 39%

The HIV/AIDS/TB infection rate is 20%. Life expectancy dropped by 13 years. 40% of schools have no electricity.
Where is the ANC'S concern for the people? Obviously, it was a ruse that enabled the bankers to gain control over South Africa's resources, just as they took over Russia's 70 years before. Source
Terrorism is an instrument of the Illuminati Jewish central banking cartel based in London.
Ninety-five percent of the world's terror, including 9-11, can be traced to this source via the world's intelligence services, especially the CIA, Mossad and MI-6. They are responsible for ISIS, and its many heinous crimes.
We live in a society that is breathtaking in its hypocrisy. But that is the strategy, to pretend to be one thing while doing the opposite.

Note: Ron alerted me to this: Mandela was MI-6 Agent
SUNDAY HERALD, UK: Nelson Mandela is ... named as an MI6 agent who... allowed UK spying operations to be based in South Africa. Allegations of Mandela's recruitment by the British intelligence service ... revealed in a controversial new book, 'MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations,' by the acclaimed intelligence expert Stephen Dorril. http://greenhouse.economics.utah.edu/pipermail/marxism-thaxis/2000-March/016164.html
Joseph Farrah - Do Not Mourn Mandela
Informal Apartheid & Poverty Continues in SA
Mandela was pro-abortion; pro-gay-marriage and a high ranking Communist
CBS News - Slum residents say things are worse now than under Apartheid
Infowars: Mandela Love fest Ignores Dark Side
Luis said (July 20, 2018):
indeed...martin luther king was another of them...