What's Wrong With Gays in the Military?
May 29, 2010
A Reader Writes:
I'm not gay, but I ask--what's the problem? Homosexuals are among the world's best killers, always have been, and Uncle Sam eagerly recruits expert killers. Alexander the Great was a swish. His dad, Phillip was 'bi.' Frederick the Great made no secret of his gayness. Julius Caesar was said to be "a husband to to women and a wife to men." Some say the Confederate General D. H. Hill was gay. The Spartans--among the world's best soldiers--encouraged homosexuality in the belief it encouraged men to fight harder on the battlefield. Homosexuals are everywhere, all the time. Personally I don't see why anybody would want to join the bloodthirsty US military, but if gays want to, why stop them? If a bomb or bullet arrives at their position, it won't stop to ask if they are gay or not.
Tim Connor
Henry Makow replies:
The hidden agenda behind allowing gays to serve openly is to undermine the Armed Forces. Proselytizing/predatory gays represent an enemy within. Straight men do not wish to live in close quarters with gay men. Is anyone concerned about their rights?
Straight men do not wish to face an external enemy while at the same time fending off sexual overtures from the rear.
Homosexuals will gain rank and use it to extort sexual favors. Discipline and morale will decline. The ranks will divide along gay-straight lines as straights repel unwanted attention. Homosexuality is all about seducing straight men. Google "straight men" and see what you find.
A homosexual in the army is like being a mouse in a cheese factory. Men, imagine you were living with dozens of beautiful 18 year-old-girls!
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are incompatible. If one is not the norm, the other will be. Heterosexuality is about love, marriage and procreation. Homosexuality is largely about sex for its own sake to compensate for developmental disorder.
I don't have an issue with individual homosexuals who behave responsibly. My issue is with the way homosexuality is being foisted upon heterosexuals by the Illuminati to subvert society. This hate-filled agenda is evidenced in the heterophobic m-ass media, in the heterophobic "education" system and now in heterophobic public policy.
Homosexuality is by definition an attack on heterosexual values. These values are necessary for effective armed combat. They include courage manliness, and sacrifice for comrades, family and country. Homosexuality is not about family, or even country. By their own admission, many homosexuals are driven by a sociopathic resentment of society bordering on subversion. They have this in common with organized Jewry which is nothing but an agent of the Masonic world central banking cartel, and its world government agenda. That's why homosexuals and Jews/crypto Jews/half-Jews fill the ranks of the Illuminati. (The Illuminati are the secret society within Freemasonry erecting the NWO.)
General John J. "Jack" Sheehan (born 1940) is a retired United States Marine Corps general. His final active duty commands, culminating 35 years of service in the Marine Corps, were as the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT) for NATO and as Commander-in-Chief for the U.S. Atlantic Command (CINC USA COM) (1994-1997.)
In March 2010, he told a Senate Sub Committee that gays serving openly have a debilitating effect. (See YouTube above) He said the Commander of the Dutch Army blamed open gays for the failure of the Dutch to prevent the 1995 massacre in Srebrenica of 8,000 unarmed Bosnian men and boys by Serbian militia. It was the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II.
Gen John Sheehan represents the true American male, in the finest American fighting tradition. In the above Youtube he is cross examined by the Jewish Senator from Michigan, Carl Levin, who clearly favors allowing gays to serve openly. This is the classic challenge Americans face today from organized Jewry in the service of the Illuminati. This challenge jeopardizes all Jews who are going to be blamed for America's destruction.

The Illuminati represent a Luciferian (satanic) principle which upsets everything that is natural and healthy using a spurious argument of "equal rights." Of course, human rights apply only to tiny minorities as a means of subverting the majority. The majority is being robbed of their rights (and everything else.)
Things that are deviant cannot be treated as normal without doing immense damage to the normal. That's the purpose: to undermine the healthy heterosexual norm essential for producing and raising the next generation. The Illuminati want to transfer this function to test tubes.
Just as oil contaminates the Gulf of Mexico, the moral rot perpetrated by the Illuminati and their lackeys infects the soul of the people of the West.
The Illuminati are a Satanic cult, and we are all within their grip. They are psychopaths. Their agenda is to enslave us mentally, if not physically. The sooner we wake up to this cruel reality, the better.
Note: Obama's Gay History
"Sources in Chicago's gay community report that Obama was attracted to Man's Country's older white clientele because he generally enjoys being fellated by older white men. Obama would regularly be seen at Man's Country on Wednesdays.
Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity. The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008 campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago visitor who revealed that in 1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack cocaine use with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel, the Comfort Suites in Gurnee, Illinois."
Related: Chairman, Joint Chiefs Criticizes Congress Haste to Repeal
Don't Ask
A Soldier's Response
See my article "Is This Gay Behavior Sick?"
Homosexuality- Medical facts
Health Stats for Homosexuals
The Health Risks of Gay Sex
UK Treasury Sec Funnels Public Money to Gay Lover
Jason said (June 15, 2010):
whole heartedly agree that the homosexuality trend is definitely catching on in America. Its not only a popular trend its fiercely defended as some sort of civil right. As if a sexual preference was a civil right. Sexual preferences are not guaranteed by the US Constitution. Flaunting homosexuality and forcing its pop culture into the lives of heterosexuals is a common place for breeding hate. Undermining marriage, religious and natural moral law seems to be common in homosexual culture and all who oppose are labeled bigots or homophobic. Some older generations wonder how such culture is so easily accepted and defended when such behavior was shunned in their time. Well that’s because the newer generations have been corrupted by dysfunctional parenting, media, entertainment, and politics.
Im a 26yr old male and was raised by grandparents, so I was taught not to embrace such decadence but instead welcome logic and moral law. I fear the worst for America. America is the new Rome.
Rome devalued their currency, lost their moral ground, defied their beliefs, and spread their military too thin. And a group of barbarians destroyed a multi national empire.
When in America…. Do as the Americans do. Watch American Idol, eat cheeseburgers, kill unborn babies, and cheer gay pride.