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Satanist Bankers Seek to Enslave Humanity

September 24, 2024

(l. Klaws Swab's WEF is a front for the Rothschild central banking cartel)

The "State" is a front for the Masonic Jewish central bankers who own its "debt."  

In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history.  THIS IS THE KEY QUOTE:

In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing that they have not yet reached..."The aim of Freemasonry is the triumph of Communism." 
Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who wish to enslave us and destroy our way of life. Cabalist (satanist, Masonic) Jewish central bankers create the medium of exchange (money, credit) in the form of a debt to themselves, something our governments could easily do, debt-and-interest-free. Communism is the extension of Cabalist control over government credit to satanic control of every aspect of our lives -- power, property, thought, behavior, movement, and expression.  They used this limitless supply of our money to buy our corporations, politicians, doctors, mass media, cops, teachers, etc. in order to steal our birthright and that of our children.

"Bankers Seek Totalitarian Power" Updated from 2013 and 2023
by Henry Makow, PhD

Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to championing workers and the poor.  This was an incredibly successful ruse that manipulated millions.

Behind this artifice,  "Communism" is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power

The central banking cartel is the ultimate monopoly. It has an almost global monopoly over government credit. Its object is to translate this into a monopoly over everything - political, cultural, economic, and spiritual.   One world government = Rothschild monopoly = Communism.

Any ideology that further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the "State" is Communism in another guise. These ideologies -- socialism, liberalism, fascism, neo-conservatism, Zionism, and feminism -- are fronts for "Communism," and are organized and funded by the central banking cartel.   Current events are all designed by the central bankers to increase government power.


After The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "The Red Symphony"  is the finest revelation of the real state of our world.

373px-Rakovsky_and_trotsky_circa_1924_trimmed.jpg"The Red Symphony" is a 1938 Stalinist Secret Police (NKVD) interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Soviet insider seen here with fellow Jew and Rothschild agent, Leon Trotsky. The text is online or in Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich.

I introduced this explosive 50-page document to my readers in 2003. It strips the veil from modern history and explains the real meaning of Revolution, Communism, Freemasonry, and War. It was not intended to become public knowledge. The translator, Dr. J. Landowsky, made an unauthorized copy.

The human experiment is endangered by private interests that have usurped the function of money creation everywhere.

Modern history reflects the gradual process by which they transfer all wealth and power to themselves, destroying Western Civilization and creating a world police state. In 1938, Rakowsky could say the whole world is controlled by the Sabbatean (Illuminati, Masonic) Jewish bankers and their allies.

In his autobiography, My Life, Leon Trotsky wrote: "Christian G. Rakovsky... played an active part in the inner workings of four Socialist parties-- the Bulgarian, Russian, French, and Romanian--to become eventually one of the leaders of the Soviet Federation, a founder of the Communist Internationale, President of the Ukrainian Soviet of People's Commissaries, and the diplomatic Soviet representative in England and France ..."

Rakovsky, whose real name was Chaim Rakover, was sentenced to death in Stalin's purge of the Trotskyite faction of the party. He tried to save himself by delivering a message to Stalin from the Illuminati.

onenation.jpgIn the process, Rakovsky told his interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history.  In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached." (emphasis mine)

A pernicious force paralyzes our national life. Rakovsky identifies it: "Imagine to yourself, if you can a small number of people having unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see they are the absolute dictators of the stock exchange and [economy]...If you have enough imagination will see [their] anarchical, moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary one...Do you now understand?"

"...They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. And to give it the speed of is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith...." (pp.245-246)

Of course, they need to protect their credit monopoly by creating a "world government." This prevents any country from issuing its own credit (money) or repudiating its debt. 


The Revolutionary Movement, which defines modern history, was a means to institutionalize banker power by destroying the old order. Marxism, "before being a philosophical, economic and political system, is a conspiracy for the revolution."

gorby.jpgRakovsky scoffs at the "elementary Marxism...the demagogic popular one" that is used to dupe the intellectuals and the masses. (238)  Marx was hired by Rothschild to dupe the masses. Rakovsky says Marx "laughs in his beard at all humanity."  (Griffin, 240)  Of course, Marx never mentioned the Rothschilds. (243)

As for Freemasonry: "Every Masonic organization tries to create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of Freemasonry," says Rakovsky, a high-ranking Mason himself.

The aim of the Revolution is no less than to redefine reality in terms of the interests of the bankers. This involves the promotion of subjective truth over objective truth. If Lenin "feels something to be real" then it is real. "For him every reality, every truth was relative in the face of the sole and absolute one: the revolution."

This is Cabalism: Cabalist Jews create reality because they believe they are the conduit for God's Will. (In other words, mankind has fallen for a gigantic fraud.)

In other words, white is black and up is down. This is how it was in the Soviet Union; and now in the West, truth and justice are being replaced by political diktat. "Political correctness" a Bolshevik term is now in common usage. Thus, homosexuality which psychiatrists always considered a developmental disorder, became a "lifestyle choice" in 1973 by political diktat. Now public schools encourage heterosexual children "to experiment with their sexuality." This is unhealthy and unnatural but that's what Satanism and "revolution" are really about, overturning the salutary inherent order.

bancer.jpgRakovsky marvels that "the benches on which sat the greasy usurers to trade in their money, have now been converted into temples, which stand magnificently at every corner of contemporary big towns with their heathen colonnades, and crowds go there bring assiduously their deposits of all their possessions to the god of money..."

He says the Soviet five-pointed star represents the five Rothschild brothers with their banks, who possess colossal accumulations of wealth, the greatest ever known."

Isn't it strange that Marx never mentions this fact? Rakovsky asks. Isn't it strange that during revolutions, the mobs never attack the bankers, their mansions or banks?


War is the means by which the central bankers advance their agenda. Rakovsky says Trotsky was behind the murder of Arch-Duke Ferdinand (which sparked WWI.) He recalls the phrase used by the mother of the five Rothschild brothers: "'If my sons want it, then there will be no war.' This means that they were the arbiters, the masters of peace and war, but not emperors. Are you capable of visualizing the fact of such cosmic importance? Is not war already a revolutionary function? War? The Commune. Since that time every war was a giant step towards Communism."

rathenau.jpgAfter the murder of [Illuminati member Weimar Foreign Minister] Walter Rathenau in 1922, the Illuminati give political or financial positions only to intermediaries, Rakowsky says. "Obviously to persons who are trustworthy and loyal, which can be guaranteed a thousand ways: thus one can assert that those bankers and politicians [in the public eye] - are only men of straw . . . even though they occupy very high places and are made to appear to be the authors of the plans which are carried out."  Think Barack Obama.

In 1938, Rakovsky outlined three reasons for the upcoming Second World War. The first is that Hitler began to print his own money. "This is very serious. Much more than all the external and cruel factors in National-Socialism."

Secondly, the "fully developed nationalism of Western Europe is an obstacle to Marxism...the need for the destruction of nationalism is alone worth a war in Europe."

Finally, Communism cannot triumph unless it suppresses the "still living Christianity." He refers to the "permanent revolution" as dating from the birth of Christ, and the reformation as "its first partial victory" because it split Christianity. This suggests that the "conspiracy" also contains a racial or religious factor.

"In reality, Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the Bourgeois States. Christianity controlling the individual is capable of annulling the revolutionary projection of the neutral Soviet or Atheist State."

Now the Central Bankers are promoting World War Three as in "The Clash of Civilizations." Substitute Islam for Christianity above, and pit "Christians" against them.

jew-by-nose.png CONCLUSION

The New World Order creates a false reality that represents our mental enslavement. Legions of pundits, professors, and politicos enforce its precepts. These are the argent ("agents") referred to smugly in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Society is totally subverted. Government, education, entertainment and the news media are in the hands of the central banking cartel. The private sector sings from the same songbook on subjects like "diversity."  The same applies to think tanks, foundations, NGOs, professional associations, and major charities.  Intelligence agencies serve the central bankers. (This article "How the Fed Bought the Economics Profession" is the template for all professions.)

As a result, society is helpless to address its real problem: the concentration of power in the hands of Cabala-believing bankers. We are stymied by the bogus charge of "anti-Semitism" when most Jews are ignorant of the big picture. There is no shortage of lackeys, often Freemasons and Masonic Jews, willing to share the spoils of the bankers' fraud. This defines "success" today.

Mankind is doomed as long as these bankers control society. What is the remedy? Nationalize the central banks, repudiate debts created from nothing, break up cartels, especially Hollywood and the media, and institute strict public campaign financing. In addition, we need a spiritual revival, a return to true religion, or at least an affirmation of God and a moral order.

But as long as people perceive their interests in terms of the status quo, our problems are systemic and won't go away. 


----------Cops-- A 5.40 min Video Shows Real Florida School Shooter 

--------1938 Interrogation Bared Illuminati Jewish Conspiracy  (Part 1 of Red Symphony) 
----------  Money is Slavery by Proxy  (The Solution to Bankster Tyranny) 

Barney Frank-"We are trying on every front to increase the role of government."

Zero Hedge (March 10/13) - Our Corporatism looks like Communism

trotsky (1).jpgNote from K:

"We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.

"We mean the word 'red' literally because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution's funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence... At the moment, our young men in their leather jackets, who are the sons of watchmakers from Odessa, Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, know how to hate everything Russian! What pleasure they take in physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia - officers, academics and writers!..."

Taken from the "Memoirs" of Aron Simanovich, a jeweller at the court of the Tsar's Imperial Majesty.

1.) Yuri Begunov, "Secret Forces in the History of Russia", St. Petersburg, 1995.
2.) "Memoirs of Aron Simanovich", cited in Vladimir Stepins "The Nature of Zionism", Moskva, 1993, translated from Russian to English by Clive Lindhurst.

First Comment by CK:

The whole world is living under communism, people don't notice now.
Under so-called capitalism, the central banks own the corporations and the corporations own the government.
Under communism, the central banks own the government and the government owns the corporations.
A friend shared with me "the bankers promote distrust among the people and they want people to trust bankers instead of each other.  It's like trusting the scorpion who is poisoning every country."


Nelson Rockefeller commissioned this Mural by Mexican Communist painter Diego Rivera during the1930s.  Rockefeller himself is portrayed shoulder to shoulder with Leon Trotsky, surrounded by other famous Communists, including Karl Marx.   It was originally displayed in the RCA (now GE) Building in Rockefeller Center, New York.  Rockefeller had it quietly removed during the anti-Communist backlash of the House on UnAmerican Activities Committee hearings in Congress.  Today it's permanently installed an entire wall on the second floor of the Fine Arts Palace (Palacio Bellas Artes), in a corner of the Alameda Central in the Centro Historico of Mexico City. 

Any questions?


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Satanist Bankers Seek to Enslave Humanity "

JJ said (February 20, 2022):

Our issue here is communism, not communists. There is a difference.

Communists are people and fighting communists is deceptive. We can get rid of Trudeau and the other communists in our government and when we do we will feel good about ourselves and go on our merry way. But that has not solved anything.

Communism is already here in our "cradle-to-the-grave" social system. That is what we need to get rid of and that is much harder to do that fighting a few leaders. Getting rid of communism means getting rid of public education, welfare benefits, pension plans, human rights, job equity programs, etc. How many people want to do that?

I remember working in a hospital and a liberal nurse scoffing about conservatives who want to fight medical tyranny while at the same time wanting all the free stuff that communism gives. She had a point.

I have spoken with people from ex-communist countries and some of them actually loved those political eras of their countries. Why asked why, I always get this answer. "Everything was free!"

Pedro said (February 14, 2019):

I've been saying for some time now that the elites have planned for America what they did to Russia a hundred years ago. Now I think it will be much much worse given the weaponisation of destructive mass migration, demise of nationalism and values, modern technocracy (mass media, vaccines, weather manipulation, nano, fukushima radiation), and the elites capacity for going way overboard when they think they are victorious with the last bastion of resistance. Bush was right, they hate us for our freedoms, just that he was projecting his mob's hate, both modus operandi and raison d'etre.

Greg said (March 24, 2018):

While correctly identifying the Rothschilds and their banker or financier allies as the creators and instigators of modern communism, it should not be forgotten that the Rothschilds and their allies are originally and fundamentally capitalists, who have engineered modern communism as an alternate way to mislead the masses through controlled opposition.

The Jews controlled international commerce in the Mediterranean during the time of Carthage and the early Roman Empire, and the Jews are largely responsible for the development of Western capitalism. Beginning with the Roman Empire, the European aristocracy and upper class has been thoroughly interbred with the Jews.

The proverbial “free market” has never existed as long as there have been tribes and nation-states, which control and tax commerce within their zones of influence. No “free market” could survive without the imposition of rules and restrictions by a government that can enforce those rules and restrictions, so actually, the “free market” is a utopian fantasy that probably never existed, since it could not exist without rules and restrictions.

Ray said (March 2, 2018):

You are doing a wonderful job on Parkland bringing everything together, thank you!

I think the key from now on is to look for "combo" false flags using real victims but with
crisis actors included at the same time.

1. The crisis actors can control the narrative and keep it on script afterward.

2. Use of both groups keeps the 'truthers' going after each other, e.g. one side points out the phony crisis actors
while the other points out the real victims, thus discrediting each other in the eyes of the general public and thus reinforcing the government narrative.''

Ray said (March 2, 2018):

You are doing a wonderful job on Parkland bringing everything together, thank you!

I think the key from now on is to look for "combo" false flags using real victims but with
crisis actors included at the same time.

1. The crisis actors can control the narrative and keep it on script afterward.

2. Use of both groups keeps the 'truthers' going after each other, e.g. one side points out the phony crisis actors
while the other points out the real victims, thus discrediting each other in the eyes of the general public and thus
reinforcing the government narrative.''

Phil L said (March 1, 2018):

Thank you Henry for one of the most comprehensive explanations for these disgusting psychological operations being foisted upon the programmed and asleep American populace.

We have a long way to go and a lot of sheep to wake up. It is truly heartbreaking to see what these psychopaths are doing to this nation. And the entire time the American people are falling for it.

I have an answer regarding why the pundits do not see the truth. ( And I know you already know this. ) Here is a quote by Upon Sinclair: ““It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Zionist controlled syndicated radio executives sign the pundit’s paychecks. After you drill deep enough you come to the undeniable / inescapable conclusion that these grossly overpaid gatekeepers are complicit in the largest, massive criminal cover up in the history of the nation. See Michael Collins Piper’s book – “Judas Goats” ( The Shocking Story of the Infiltration and Subversion of the American Nationalist Movement )

They are paid to keep the endless false left / right narrative uppermost in the minds of their radio audience to distract them (you) from the fact that the elite bankers (Rothchild Zionists) continue to rape your nation blind – all for Rothchild’s Israel and the fake wars they create and the fake enemies they create.

The zionists explicitly planned to balkanize the middle east YEARS ago. They simply are doing it via private mercenary proxy armies. This is better known as COVERT REGIME CHANGE (to create plausible deniability) Paid for by YOUR TAX dollars and YOUR MILITARY, while Limbaugh and Hannity and Mark Levin lie their sorry asses off. Look up the Oded Yinon plan from 1982. Look up “The Greater Israel Project”. Look up PNAC. This rabbit hole will take you right back to New York city – September eleventh, 2001. And the rabbit hole goes deeper than that. See also: ( ) Problem is most people simply cannot and will not accept the truth no matter how much evidence you put right in front of their eyes. ( Cognitive Dissonance )

JG said (March 1, 2018):

Full blown Communism has hit the youth of America today.

Most can only land minimum wage jobs and can barely get by even by working two of them. Many come from broken homes and attend schools with violence where they are learning little or nothing. They are taught that homosexuality and gender neutrality is normal behavior that is now socially acceptable.

God was taken out of the public school years ago and a lot of the churches are now closing one by one due to lack of participation. To them the only escape from all of this is money. Under Communism " all is money". Wealth can't be generated in a community where there is no money. Many survive on limited government assistance that leaves little or no " disposable income" left after the bills are paid.

What Americans don't understand is that this is their future also. Communism never trickles down from the top. Communism is a cancer that starts at the bottom and works it's way up. The ghettos in America are not getting smaller but are getting larger. What was once middle class neighborhoods are now ghettos.
Social and demographic independence is determined by personal wealth and most Americans have little or no net worth. The Marxist mantra of "all is money" once again comes into play.

The stock market will crash most likely sooner than later and when that happens many Americans like the poor will also lose a lot their social and financial independence. The crash won't happen until all the money that can be invested is invested and then the big heist will take place. The end game is that all money must be in control of the superstate.

James C said (March 1, 2018):

In my opinion, our being under the money power, our invasion from Third World countries, our perpetual wars, and even our feminism, are biblical curses that have come upon and overtaken us because of our collective and individual sins. There are Old Testament analogues to everyone of these things even if critics say these verses don't apply to us. What the critics ignore or deny are the facts that we are guilty of the very things referred to, and that "God is no respecter of persons" (Acts 10:34). So the curses have come upon us as predicted.

"The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail" (Deut. 28:43-44). I would apply this to the Federal Reserve System. "The establishment of a central bank is 90% of communizing a nation" (Vladimir Lenin).

"Clench you fist, for the land is full of bloodshed and the city full of violence. I will let in the scum of nations to take possession of their houses; I will quell the pride of the strong, and their sanctuaries shall be profaned" (Ezekiel 7:23-24). I would apply this to the open border policy of liberals and the resulting invasion by low I.Q., disease ridden, violent and sexually immoral Third World scum.

"As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths" (Isaiah 3:12). IMO, this is clearly a reference to feminism. Notice also the completely brainwashed youth being used as advocates for gun control. David Hogg, for example.

Like it or not, all of these things apply to us.

Robert K said (March 1, 2018):

“Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are accomplices in this scam.” As are ALL politicians who are allowed to remain in office. The only force that has a chance of remedying the situation is public pressure—a concept that is very weak in the electorate these days.
Sent from my iPhone

Al Thompson said (March 1, 2018):

We already have communism in almost all countries of the world. Most countries have central banking, property tax, income tax, inheritance tax, government control of communications, and it seems as if they have done it without much opposition. Communism is a satanic political system and here in the United States, it is more fascist which is another style of communism.

Weak minded people have tolerated this nonsense for centuries via feudalism which is an old-fashioned system which is now manifested in communism. Those of us who have taken action against it seem to get slammed by the ignorant people. Perhaps the reason is that they don't like anyone telling them what is wrong and they prefer the delusion rather than the reality.

The problem of pedophilia is going to bring down a lot of governments if it is allowed to continue. The Jews have always been active slave-traders and they appear to be doing it via the legal system with the sanction of the government. For a group of people who cry "racism", they sure know how to be a racist society themselves.

The best way to protect your mind with all of this is to understand that the government is completely Satanic. There is little to no argument here and most people will agree. And the best way to avoid being harmed by this system is to separate from it to the extent possible. With the primary thing to avoid is oath-taking and signing documents under the "penalties of perjury." Just don't do it. Signing documents with oath-taking is like pouring gasoline on yourself and lighting it on fire.

Judge everything you do as to whether your actions are morally proper. Everyone is born with a latent knowledge of right and wrong, and it is never going to get good results going outside of the natural moral order which God established. This will require a lot more critical thinking when making decisions.

Barry said (April 22, 2017):

I enjoyed reading your article Henry, although “enjoy” is perhaps not the right word. You asked, why do so few pundits get this? I used to ask a similar question. Why can I not get through to my own children who are now in their twenties? I believe there are several good reasons why the task is so difficult.

To “see” the New World Order one has to collect hundreds of pieces of information, or pieces of the jigsaw to make a picture. The process of collecting this information usually starts when someone has been hurt by the system of control. It could be a journalist who has been stifled by his editor, a teacher who refuses to teach against their own moral code or in my case, a father who has witnessed the corruption in the family courts.

My point is that some sort of catalyzing event needs to happen before people make the effort to learn. The process of learning is incremental and builds up gradually, so any attempt to enlighten others with a single piece of information is met with scepticism.

My son is very bright, but he does not have the foundation of knowledge required to make sense of the New World Order. In other words, it’s like teaching algebra to a toddler who cannot even count to ten.

Philip Atkinson is a philosopher who writes on the decline of western civilization. He mentioned the 1956 movie, The Invasion of The Body Snatchers, as a useful allegory to illustrate how the human race is being taken over one mind at a time. He insists that the process of decline is a natural cycle and unstoppable and the best we can do is to protect ourselves and our loved ones by learning as much as we can.

The truther movement also touts a handful of sci-fi movies that supposedly contain the truth, The Matrix arguably being the best. As Morpheus said to Neo, I cannot tell you what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself. The same applies to the New World Order, and the reason why so many pundits fail to see it.

TW said (April 21, 2017):

In response to Dan's letter below, Canada doesn't use a five-pointed star on its flag either. This is curious, since we in Canada have been dragged along by the international banking cartel for as long as I can recall. Maybe putting a star on the flag will be globo-feminist-post-nationalist Trudeau's next mission.

Robert K said (April 21, 2017):

You perform a valuable service in drawing attention to the key role that the financial institutions play in subverting freedom and spreading mayhem in the world. However, when you say "What is the remedy? Nationalize the central banks...", you are not giving us what we need. In the first place, many central banks are already nationalized, including ostensibly the heart of the Beast, the Bank of England (since 1946). The problem is not essentially one of ownership, but rather one of policy, and there seems to be no reason to expect that a public monopoly is going to deliver more personally beneficial policies than a private monopoly will.

To our misfortune, bankers regard the credit they trade in as a commodity, and they normally deliberately try to enhance its value as such by keeping it in short supply. The way the current price system works ensures that this condition obtains, because the credit that the banks issue is returned to them, and nullified, before it cancels all the costs it has generated. This premature cancellation of credit leaves the public in a position of needing continuously to make fresh borrowings simply in order to liquidate costs accumulated in previous production cycles. In other words, from an efficiency standpoint, the system is out of--and ever increasingly out of--sync.

Effecting synchronization must entail injecting non-debt supplementary credit into the economy. The sanest and most democratic way of doing this would be to issue periodic dividends to all citizens. As industrial robots inevitably replace humans in the production system, it can be anticipated that these dividends will become significant sources of personal income--meaning that we might not all be facing starvation in the midst of super-abundance after all!

Thanks Robert

By nationalize, I mean creating credit debt free.


Dan said (April 21, 2017):

"He (Rakovsky) says the Soviet five-pointed star represents the five Rothschild brothers with their banks".*

I noticed as a boy that nearly all countries in the world use the five pointed star. I asked adults why, and nobody had an answer.

Curiously, the exceptions are the capitols where the five original Rothschild brothers were based. Frankfurt, Vienna, London, Paris, Naples. (Germany, Austria, Britain, France, Italy.) Also Switzerland, and Japan.

Flags and religions with five pointed stars

*Those who don't know the Rothschild family story can catch up [with the official version] here:
The house of Rothschild 1934. Full Movie

Bruce said (April 21, 2017):

I took a tour of CBC Vancouver many years ago.
Kevin O'Leary was doing a segment for a t.v. show about finances and money. As he was rushing out the door, i asked him "why doesn't Canada create it's own money interest free, instead of borrowing it from the banks at interest?" He said " nobody would accept it."

I took this to mean that no other country would take it as this would ruin the big monopoly game being played on most of the world by the Rothschilds.

"Democracy:. You get to decide if you want to be punched in the nose with a right fist or a left fist"

Linda said (March 11, 2013):

Dear Henry - I have a serious question. Regarding the FAMOUS TROTSKY QUOTE (1917) in your recent article, The New World Order is "Communism".

My question is Why? What country and its infrastructure can be sustained with that kind of atmosphere (as described in the above quote)? Forget a country - it appears this is a global desire - that begs the question to an even greater degree. It just does not seem to be sustainable and I am having a hard time imagining any kind of lasting efficiency to sustain any quality of life for these power elites.

The only thing I can think of is that it is evil, satanic - diametrically opposed to anything of God. So the driving force then is pure supernatural hatred. Humanity be damned.

I am very interested in your perspective.



That is my perspective. Cabalist Judaism is satanism.


Joe said (March 10, 2013):

Before reading Dan's comment about Diego Rivera's painting of Trotsky and Marx, I thought I was looking at a section of murals at Denver Airport. Very strange airport. Very foreboding feeling one gets at the Denver airport surrounded with images of war and massive death and destruction. I always avoid Denver now when I travel. Very strange airport.

Ken Adachi said (March 10, 2013):

This is one of Henry Makow's most succinct and definitive explanations of the gradual and unrelenting installation of a socialist/communist system of paternalistic "state" control over our lives that is supplanting our Constitutional Republic, founded by Christian men on the principles of personal liberty, privacy, and the individual's pursuit of happiness ~
and, more importantly, who is responsible for orchestrating the collectivization of America.

Younger generations are largely unaware and
wholly ignorant of the subversion and treachery taking place today in America and have no idea of the draconian, tyrannical, Stalinist-like police state that they are about to inherit. Non compliance with any facet of NWO control is the only way that humanity is going to collectively arrest this decent into Hell.

For example, don't put your money in an Illuminati bank and don't ask them for a loan. If you must use a checking account, join a credit union. Get rid of credit cards. Don't join the military. Boycott Wal-Mart, etc. Use your imagination and stop assisting those who are helping to undermine and destroy

DEBRA said (March 10, 2013):

Jesus said all this 2000 years ago, and then counterfeit-Jews killed him. If all the Christians got their backsides off of their church building seats and out in the world doing what Jesus said to do, life would be

Emphasis ought to go to usury as their primary means to sustain a permanent state of debt. Getting rid of usury would release most debts
immediately since most debts have been paid tens times over. Call it what you like: Communism, Fascism or Capitalism. It is all satanism.

Legislators/ MP's should have been challenged a long time ago. Is it too late?

Robert said (March 10, 2013):

Your latest article expresses a mature understanding about the crisis civilization is facing.

However, your remedy ("Nationalize the central banks, repudiate debts created from nothing, break up cartels, especially Hollywood and the media, and institute strict public campaign financing") falls short of being an effective solution to the core problem, which is relentless centralization of power in all fields of human activity (which is the policy of international finance) and its counterpart in increasingly powerless citizens. Indeed, the state has been its chosen instrument for the formalization of this centralization through the enactment of a plethora of laws against which individuals have no effective recourse. How is "nationalization of the central banks" going to reverse this process?

What is required is a constitutional principle providing for the distribution of new financial credit on the basis of citizenship; i.e., a sort of universal dividend. Since the Industrial Revolution productive capacity has been multiplied so dramatically that poverty and economic insecurity should long ago have become bad memories, but the rules of financial accountancy instituted by the bankers have maintained a constant impediment to people's enjoyment of their vast heritage of technology and capital.

The democratization of financial credit is the key to a world in which the true intentions and aspirations of people will be able to be expressed and society will evolve organically rather than according to central planning by a few "enlightened ones".

Tony B said (March 9, 2013):

Henry, you missed one of the worst, if not THE worst ism: capitalism. For decades now communism to me is just super capitalism wherein the money cabal own everything including the people themselves.

Never forget that the bogus bank credit debt "money," the means of world control, could never have gotten off the ground in a big enough manner to succeed worldwide without the advent of capitalism.

Free enterprise is the proper economic system for which nations should strive. It is NOT a synonym for capitalism but is 180 degrees its opposite. Capitalism is, by definition in older, honest dictionaries - as well as common sense - the concentration of capital into the hands of the few (monopolies, cartels, chains, franchises, each taking money out of every community, every pocket of every person, which massively accumulates in the world headquarters of those mentioned organizations for their use to enslave all. Oppositely, free enterprise is the most diversified use of capital with local businesses taking care of local business, keeping the medium of exchange circulating in the community and creating a huge, comfortable middle class with few paupers and fewer super rich.

It is really a sad crime that most so-called "patriots" will defend capitalism as it destroys them. They think it a good counter to socialism (which it is not - look around you) while free enterprise never enters their minds except as an academia pretended synonym for capitalism.

JG said (March 9, 2013):

Brilliant Henry, maybe your best yet? So many people in the world don't have a clue about this. The Marxist World Order has concealed their agenda so very well due to their total control of all major media outlets. So many people in America today are ruled by their "bread" and not their " hearts". Until that changes they will continue to care less about who is "pressing their buttons".

Charles said (July 9, 2010):

You are soooo right (as in correct). Thank you for that article and thanks for all you do. You are telling many, extremely important truths. Keep up the good work!

I've been saying for a year now that communism was just a ruse, a gimmick. It is merely a method to steal wealth and power from others and institute an oppressive, totalitarian state. Almost nobody who is powerful supports the idea of communism for noble purposes. Communism is devoid of goodness. It is a dark, evil thing but even so communism is a false front. It is the thing behind communism that is the real problem and has always been the real problem. While there are multiple contributing factors, I'm afraid that the Talmud, Cabala, and Protocols of Zion are primary contributing factors. More recent ungodly influential writings along those same lines include Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Margaret said (September 15, 2009):

Unfortunately, Jews are not the only ones who are promoting the demise of the family - at least not in this day of age. We have many Catholics (Margaret Sanger - founder of Planned Parenthood - was a Catholic!) who do not follow the teachings of the Church. Here's the thing - you cannot pick and chose. You admitted not agreeing with the opposition to contraception. Yet, it is indeed artificial contraception that opened the can of worms that has led to the high abortion and out of wedlock and general promiscuity.

In 1930, Pope Pius XI reiterated the teaching of the Church. In 1968, after the unfortunate interpretations of Vatican II, in which many Catholics as well as priests came on board with the legalization of contraception, Pope Paul VI predicted in his encyclical Humanae Vitae what would happen if we contracepted. You will be amazed - everything he said has come to pass. Gandhi thought contraception and evil and a disorder - it is the root of the demise of the family - the devil entered the Church and began with his shepherds and then moved to the family. (Did you know that only 1% of couples who use Natural Family Planning divorce?) There is also a correlation with divorce as well.

I am a co-author of a study for young adults called Genesis and Beyond: THe Divine Plan for Human Love - why not order it and read it - you will come to know why the Church teaches that contraception is an evil and a disorder!

Christine said (September 14, 2009):

Thanks for this article. It may interest you to know that Anatoliy Golitsyn, author of "The Perestroika Deception," also said that the New World Order is the New World Soviet Order. Golitsyn said that Perestroika is a deception and he should know since he was a KGB defector and was present and the creation of the Soviet Perestroika strategy. The joke in Moscow was "First comes perestroka, then comes perestrelka (the shootout)."

It is ironic that some Canadians berate the USA for not paying its dues to the United Nations. Herb Titus, an American constitutional attorney, examined the UN Charter. He said it is not a treaty, but rather a supranational plan for world government. And all nations who belong to it will be forced to surrender their sovereignty.

Why the USA has the UN on its shores and Canada both Canada and the USA are members of it is a mystery to me.

Finally, with regard with the female soldier at the bottom of the page, war is traumatic. Especially to women. That we are so spineless and weak that we send women to war where they are raped by their fellow soldiers; and allowed to maim, kill, and die themselves does not speak well for us as a culture.

Manuel said (September 13, 2009):

Great article Henry! One of your best in my opinión, you have concisely encompassed the most important points of our current paradigm. You are one of the few that points out the Jewish responsibility on the NWO plans ( being Jewish yourself, which makes it even more meritorious) but without advocating for violence against world Jewry, and also pointing out that the elite of Sabbatean Jews would not be able to carry out their agenda without the helping hand of their gentile lackeys.

Truly the Jewish question is more critical for us nowadays than ever before, I don´t have a definitive solution for our dilemma, but I would say the path we should take is one of non compliance with the fiat money financial system, and non acceptance of political correctness. If one person dares to speak the truth and gets his/her life destroyed it doesn´t help at all, but if everyone gathers courage at the same time, they won´t be able to oppress us all.

Same with all debt to the corrupt usurious banking cartel agencies throughout the world, and with any kind of illegal taxing, one person can´t beat the system, but solidarity and a focused effort surely could. That´s why right now all we can do is inform as much people as we can, and maybe when things hit rock bottom, people will awaken from their materialistic slumber and put the knowledge to good use.

Either we resist or we will be carried away from the desired designs of the True Highest God and we will bring our own demise, surely we wouldn´t be the first…..

L said (September 13, 2009):

The article showing how Marxist doctrines and theories lead to a paternal style of totalitarianism reminds me of something I learned about as a child. Throughout history, man has been duped into believing that war is unavoidable and presents a means of showing ones true courage/bravery etc. (see The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane), yet we are all instinctively afraid of dying alone or being maimed. Therefore, the situation forces out lies to be told about the enemy, demonizing them and insisting that one side (our side) is right and God is on the side of the righteous. This promotes an ideology that breeds young men to join the military and beg for an opportunity to die in a war on 'foreign' soil!

While growing up as a child and good Catholic altar boy in Oklahoma and Texas, we discussed many of the better points of history and historical political theory. When the discussion got to Karl Marx and his teachings, Marx was all wrong since the old man missed the mark entirely. One example was that when the Marxist philosophy stated the employer and worker were enemies, this was a ruse to simply build resentment and encourage servitude to the state rather than the human spirit. A state sponsored government was devoid of any desire to save the individual and his/her creativity, rather the state would play the role of a 'parenting' entity (totalitarian). Nothing would be left for the individual to produce, so the state would govern all aspects of the lives of people! Everyone is to believe the same information is true and that is what we are told to believe. This scary, isn't it?

I saw it happen in "nationalist" China with Chiang Kai-shek, who let himself be corrupted by the drug trade* providing money to support his taking more and more power. This bastard was more ruthless than Mao Tse Tung, because he said he was leading the Chinese people away from communism but right into totalitarian rule, his misguided rule. People get wrapped up in nationalism and next plunge into fascism. The doctrine dupes them in every way going and coming. Chiang Kai-shek, the dictator, is still considered a heroic figure in Taiwan today. Seriously, many people there swear by him!

The more the message is out of touch with the majority of people, the more they seem to embrace it. They readily accept fascism to avoid socialism or communism. Now is the era of Obama worship, planned by design (damn you Oprah!) for the purpose of misleading the American people once again. Support his effort to destroy this land once and for all --- oh yeah 'socialized medicine', not 'national health care' for all? Really? Last time I heard this, Hillary Clinton was leading the charge at the beginning of the Clinton administration...

Obama is going to be flying the flag of Red China on the White House from 20 September to supposedly show solidarity with China's favoured trade status. The message he is really sending is that a 'foreign' flag will soon be flying over North America, and with that comes a new currency and North American Union (NAU). Although I am of Afrikan descent myself, I believe that Obama is the perfect ("wolf in sheep's clothing") man to usher in the New World Order. His blood relation to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney insure their safety from prosecution for their war crimes, and put a different face on the NWO itself, still the Rothschilds and Mossad continue to pull the strings. Here's to in the words of the late Orson Wells, THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH!!!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at