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December 19, 2009

To Jean D'eau (Hungarian Correspondent):

Thought of you when I came across this video. Is Wiesel speaking Hungarian?

As you know, Gruner said he didn't know how.


Wiesel is speaking Hungarian in the video you`ve linked, but it`s a very poor Hungarian and -let me not enter in the semantic details- it`s not poor because he forgot a bit but because he did not really learn the language. In the parliament where he spoke English all along when he was ordering Hungary to jail the holocaust deniers: 
He was also the guest of the Hungarian christian Zionists where he kept speaking in English.
Wiesel was invited by the Hungarian branch of the Lubavitcher for its twentieth anniversary in Hungary and the "religious" movement demonstrated its limitless political influence by monopolizing the whole Hungarian parliament for this "event". Since its arrival in Hungary, the movement has not only become a very influential political lobby, it has also taken control of many Hungarian synagogues where previously the traditional Hungarian "neolog" Jewish rabbis were officiating. Hungary is the only Central-European country where the Lubavitcher was never present before. I may be wrong but I have the strong feeling this movement is in fact a satanist or luciferist one controlled by the those Jewish supremacist kabalist (black magic) powers like the Rothschilds.
Here is a link: where we see that Mr Grüner has finally succeeded to publish his book both in Hungarian and English. Needless to say that I`ve never seen it in a Hungarian library and probably will never as long as the Lubavitcher-satanists will stay in the country.

Something completely different: do you know the Korean TV serial "Jewel in the Palace", Henry? ( If you still didn`t see it, do a great favour to yourself and your beloved and find the CDs (possibly in English). It`s the most beautiful movie I`ve ever seen, full of wisdom and love. A journey through 54 episodes, a spiritual antidote to the whole bunch of Lubavitcher in particular and evil in general.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at