Cosmetics: Drug of Power & Deception (II)
March 1, 2016
"Essentially, women are in a cosmetic prison which is pretty
You'll be buried in an onslaught of entertaining prevarications, but be very careful, you are tampering with a sacred cow.
The fleeting look of fear you see in her face is real, and not at all removed from the oriental concept of "losing face" for you're suggesting the unthinkable.
When humans apply these war paints, they're creating an alter ego driven, red carpet warrior. In American society, women are, for the most part, the official bearers of a long list of magnetic symbols.
I am talking about using foreign substances to construct a virtual identity. I want to make some distinctions in order to understand the dangers of relying on the "not self" in the social context:
1. the use of soap and water, scissors, nail clippers, combs, and exercise equipment to clean, trim, arrange, develop and maintain the natural substances of the human body. It is the every day business of being neat and clean.

3. Mutilation... in the case of gauges, studs, piercing rings, bags of saline, silicone, which are pierced through the skin including the tongue, breasts, hind quarters etc.
For purposes here we will not include really extreme mutilations including split tongues, cat's eyes, neurotic amputations,
forehead bone nobs and spikes or cones threaded into the skull, which represent unrestrained behavior approaching the anti-social.
In James' Cameron's, "The Avatar," our hero is crippled in his human form and rides around in a wheel chair. It is only when he is "projected" as an Avatar looking identical to the natives that he is freed from his affliction. Here is the meaning of Cosmetics.
As a woman stands before her mirror she sees a "crippled" being. Her eyebrows, lips, cheeks, breasts, legs, etc. are not up to snuff according to Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Cosmo, and her peers, not to mention the endless parade of bikini clad sirens on the covers of grocery store checkout magazines. How is she to develop self esteem, attract a husband and inspire the admiration of others with this substandard vehicle she has been given?
Her only recourse is prosthetics. She is like our hero in Avatar who elects to inhabit an alternate physical being (the ultimate prosthetic) in order to reach his full potential.
Unlike the soldier who gets the ultimate makeover, she must settle for chicanery and artifice. And, as some contend that marijuana is a gateway drug to the harder stuff, makeup for many leads to surgery, implants, botox and all the other appliances reputed to bring fame, fortune and security. There is also an age appropriate issue here if you have ever seen an 85 year-old-woman who is still chasing the illusion.
Read some cosmetic ads. The words "perfection, flawless, young, vibrant", abound. Women are advised to "strike a pose" as if they are a statue of perfection to be admired and seen in vapid movies and sitcoms.

Alas, the author is a "leg man" so all of Victoria's Secret[s] in the bra business are wasted effort with him. The fact that my mother had impetigo when I was born resulting in immediate bottle feeding probably saved this writer from a mammary fixation.
The mouth is a most interesting center of magnetism after the eyes. It is highly animated during speech. It serves as a breathing apparatus during heavy exercise and it is the place where she puts food which gives great pleasure...and speaking of pleasure there is kissing and...well...other activities... With all of these potentials, it is no wonder that they are made flashy and obvious.
A string of pejorative comments follows any makeup infraction by Katy Perry, Lady Ga Ga, Amy Winehouse, the Kardashians, and 50 or 60 of the other regulars who end up in the MOL domain.
Mahomet said (October 3, 2010):
im Indian(from India) but my folks have been in South Africa for 3-4 generations now. I've been to India, Pakistan,Bangladesh, Germany,Brazil, Mexico & USA.
i have noticed that many white women are beautiful but spoil everything when
they apply make-up. its so sad to see young, fresh faced, beautiful girls in USA who spoil everything with a ton of make-up and then they somehow think they look better. sometimes i see old women with wrinkled skin who have on a ton of
make-up. the wisdom that their age is supposed to bring does not seem to prevent them realising that they are making fools of themselves.
As far as natural beauty goes, you cant beat the Asian, Latino & Arab women. the sad part
is that due to the influence of western media and Hollywood, many of these women are also beginning to think that make-up somehow makes them more
beautiful or sophisticated.
the women in my family all wear Hijab but sometimes i notice my (married) sisters are applying lipstick and blush(thats what i think its called). i have to coax them to remove it cos their husbands dont want to tackle the issue. i
would understand if it somehow enhanced/improved their beauty but it just distorts their natural beauty- makes them look artificial and plastic-like.
mahomed saleem moorad