Asian Women Want Feminized Men
June 28, 2011

In the Far East feminism takes the form of many women seeking effeminate men, and men responding accordingly. Mike Parker suggests this is unique to the Far East, but we know better.
by Mike Parker
TAIWAN- Feminization of the male population in China has been enacted via a very different pathway than the one used in the West.
Men have been so dominant, so violent, so arbitrary, so lascivious, for so long in this culture -- and to a far greater degree than in Western cultures -- that the merest introduction of the possibility of "independence" for women has produced a ferociously schizoid modern female culture.
Women want "real men", but they have become confused over what a "real man" could be. Westerners know all this, about cultures in general.
What Westerners don't know is that this "modernization" of certain Asian cultures has produced differentiated strata which do not exist in Western culture.
None of these strata are harmonious. They are each in conflict with every other, and the overall calculation is that everyone is confused.
You see, Men have been so rotten to women for so long, in this place, that women either seek out dominant abusers and/or controllers, or they want thin, bony, tender-voiced utterly non-threatening "providers", or they abscond completely out of a lack of strategic intelligence and just become fat-assed and shrill.
Men have treated women like shit -- pardon me -- for so long, in this place, and not the same as in the West but far worse, that the backlash now is the call for boys who are soft and tender and harmless, except with the abuse-and-domination seekers.
In the West, it's different. The gay movements are far more prevalent, and accepted. But here, "women" tend to want to go with wimpy "men".
It's pathetic. It has produced an epidemic of sub-male freaks. They wear pink -- it's a goddamned fad to wear pink. THEY WEAR PINK. They dress like women, in pigeon-leg jeans.
They're deliberately rail-thin (I'm told this is a mirror to the Japanese model). They speak softly. They don't carry a stick. They're so unaccustomed to assertiveness that the slightest emotional challenge renders them either deeply unsettled for a few days, or else immediately violent in an animal fashion but too frightened to do anything about it.
Women here want men who are completely non-threatening, but who can still fulfill the role of Provider. Of course, in the midst of this confusion, the Wimpy Provider model has allowed women to be utterly selfish themselves, demanding everything while offering only sex (if that) and a respectable public image.
Overall, Taiwan is a much better environment than, say, South Korea, which ranks as #2 on the global female suicide list. Yet the deep issues are the same: men have treated women so badly here, for so long, and so much worse than in the West, that their backlash is understandable.
Also by Mike Parker - My Wonderful Taiwan Marriage
Hector said (June 29, 2011):
I agree with most of the statements of Mr. Parker but one: women were treated like shit in the West. Sorry to break your feminist induced fantasy but barring unfortunate cases, women WERE NEVER TREATED LIKE SHIT, at least in the West. Unless you consider cavalry or being exempt of REAL hard labour (try mining metals before mid 20th, army etc you know the kind of activities that reduce your lifespan in decades), women were and are a privileged class so please stop telling us that some sort of backlash is justified. The reason of that hatred is simple: PENIS ENVY.