Castro Profited from Communist Scam
November 26, 2016

Yes, the people are all equal -- dirt poor.
I've been to Cuba on vacation. It's a country with a rich heritage and thriving economy that was murdered and left to decay when Castro took power in 1959 . At the time, Cuba had the second highest standard of living in Latin America, higher than Ireland or Austria, and twice the per capita income of Japan or Spain. (Fidel, Fontova p. 82)
Essentially, you have a prosperous island (oil, sugar, nickel, tobacco, coffee) with a large labor force that works for a pittance. All the wealth seems to flow to the Communist nomenklatura and their sponsors. Secret police are everywhere and no one can say a word against the regime.
When I asked a cab driver about the revolution, he immediately clammed up. Anyone who doesn't accept the Communist version of reality is subject to imprisonment.
Herberto Padillo, a poet who was tortured for "deviationism" said after his escape to the US: "I have lived in frightening laboratories for social experimentation, spaces walled by test tubes, where the same experiment always ended with the same result: tyranny. I have learned something of the value of freedom." ("And the Russians Stayed" Carbonell, p. 295)
Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba because of the covert help of New World orderlies in the US State Dept. and mass media. They cut off arm sales to Batista while at the same time supplying Castro, partly by Russian submarines. This told the Cuban military which way the wind was blowing and they quietly defected.

Weyl says that both Ernesto Guevera and Fidel Castro were trained as Soviet agents as teenagers. Guevara, an Argentine, was liaison between the Soviet espionage network and the Castro forces who masqueraded as an indigenous force. In fact, they were largely bankrolled and supplied by the Soviet Union.
"Fidel's secret weapon was money---incredible millions of dollars, with which he bought "victories." He bought entire regiments from Batista's officers and, on one occasion, purchased for $650,000 cash an entire armoured train, with tanks, guns, ammunition, jeeps and 500 men." (p.141)
"The Cuban forces themselves never won a military victory," US Ambassador Earl Smith later testified. The basic reason for the defeat of Batista's army was that covert US intervention shattered their morale.(152)

According to Humberto Fantova's "Che! Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant", Guevara was complicit in the execution of 10,000 Cubans after the revolution: He was "a bloodthirsty executioner, a military bumbler, a coward, and a's no exaggeration to state that Che... was the godfather of modern terrorism. And yet Che's followers naively swallow Castro's historical revisionism. They are classic "useful idiots." the name Stalin gave to foolish Westerners who parroted his lies..."
Nat Hentoff met Che at the United Nations and asked "this idealist" -- "Can you conceive -- however far into the future -- a time when there will be free elections in Cuba?"
"Not waiting for his interpreter, Guevara broke into laughter at my naively ignorant question. He made it clear that I had no understanding of a true people's revolution, firmly guided by Maximum Leader Castro."
How do we account for the CIA's Bay of Pigs invasion? This failure was probably designed to enhance Castro's image and reinforce the Hegelian dialectic. If the US could go to Vietnam "for the sake of democracy," it certainty could have invaded Cuba officially. The debacle opened the door for the missile crisis and the assassination of Kennedy, both part of the agenda.
How do we account for the CIA's killing of Guevara? He had served his purpose and was worth more dead than alive.
Communists always portray their demented drive for world domination in terms of serving the people. Not surprisingly, many suckers swallow this bait. (I did.) But, why do these dupes include the US State Dept. and media establishment? The US government, media and most corporations are controlled by the central banking cartel, i.e. the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers etc. These are the same people who sponsored Communism.
The guiding principle behind world events is their plan to translate their monopoly over government credit into a world monopoly of power, business, culture and religion.

In 1953, Ford Foundation President, H. Rowan Gaither told Congressional Investigator Norman Dodd that his instructions were to use "our grant-making power so to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."
This is why the Communist Party term "political correctness" has become part of our lexicon. Why the elite media and foundations promote feminism, homosexuality, pornography and promiscuity to destabilize society. Why they sponsor "diversity" to undermine American identity. Why the education system is devoted to Leftist indoctrination; and conservatives have been driven out. Why the culture industries are dedicated to sex, violence, alienation, deviance and the occult. We'll never know what we have missed in terms of cultural works that boost our sense of who we are and where we should be going.
Eustace Mullins relates this story: Early in his career, a NY publisher (who are all banker controlled) told his agent that it's too bad Mullins had decided to go against them. Look at the success they arranged for such "high school" talents as Hemingway, Steinbeck and
Faulkner. Unfortunately, Mullins would be consigned to the wilderness.
Rupert Murdoch, whose media operations are subsidized by the Rothschilds, said last week, "We are in the midst of a phase of history in which nations will be redefined and their futures fundamentally altered."
Related - Servando Gonzalez- Cuba will Change US, Not Vice Versa
Hans said (December 4, 2016):
Very interesting article which caught my interest while thinking about the incredible fact that Castro was allowed to stay in power for so many years right on the US' doorstep. I think one aspect that might be lacking is Cuba's role in the drug trade. The drug trade through Cuba of not least cocaine - from South America into the States via Miami - was booming at the time when Castro came to power. Under Batista, drug cartels were establishing control and casinos were shooting up in Havana (the tell-tale mark of drug money and accompanying money laundering). The American anti-narcotics agency was allegedly trying to fight this development (which sounds as real as the war on drugs) but were unable to "control" the situation. This could perhaps be yet a reason to rush Castro into power under the cover of a "revolution". Maintaining control of the drug traficking route through Cuba and thereby ensuring a high degree of stability could be another reason to keep Castro in power for a lifetime.