ALL CAPS Names on Government Certificates
June 29, 2012

The ALL CAPS name is your slave name. They consider you their cattle.
(Editor's Note: I reserve judgment and present this information for discussion purposes.)
by TD McGann
the ALL CAPS NAME on birth and other certificates have legal ramifications.
However, when you ask around about it in legal circles, you are likely to discover that no one seems to know what they are. Perchance, if you do find an attorney who has learned the lesson ─ that is, out of school ─ don't be shocked if he is not forthright telling you what he knows . . . especially within earshot of his cronies.
like the rest of us, has a thing or two best left unspoken, even to
confidants, even
to himself.
Courts of hallowed law, hallowed administrative agencies, and the hallowed I.R.S., send all their correspondence, not to us, but to our ALL CAPS NAME. Quasi-governmental agencies, such as power
electric companies, bill not us, but our ALL CAPS NAME.
companies insure
not us, but our ALL CAPS NAME.
Likewise, banks lend, not to us, but rather to our ALL CAPS NAME. Social Security doles out checks, not to us, but to our
CAPS NAME. Our ALL CAPS NAME is on the title of our automobiles
automobiles we drive*), our credit cards, and on the mortgage
securing our houses
(rather, the houses we live in**). Lawyers represent, not us, but
NAME. And on and on . . . and on!
** Note: Whatever is registered, our Holy Mother Government claims
ownership of.
title refers to the actual enjoyment and use of a property, whereas
legal title implies
actual ownership. Comparing equitable and legal title to perfect
title, you should realize
you own nothing, including yourself and your children!
EVERYTHING belongs to Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty, who conceived THEM in Holy Juridical Law.
Have no doubt ─ we do stand as surety for the ALL CAPS NAME. And, as dupes, we have as much protection as the Constitution provides a dead man ─ none!
Indeed, there is an exception to the rule. One school, one school only, teaches this qabalistic lesson. That one school is the National Judicial College (NJC).
Surprise! One can find out all about it, or them, on their website,
It is an open secret that judges have an animus against
pro se or sui juris litigants. These litigants dare dispute their
alleged legal nexus
with their All CAPS NAME. They claim to be live, oxygenating men and women,
possessing mind and soul ─ not a FICTION, not a LEGAL CONSTRUCT,
not a
Often, a self-willed litigant will remind the judge of his Constitutional
responsibility to secure his unalienable, God-given rights. Therefore, it should be no wonder that judges are often intolerant of such defiant conduct! If the litigant pleads "innocent," as opposed to "not guilty," or if he refuses to plead either way, citing lack of jurisdiction ─ the judge, typically, is apt to become outraged and put the fear of his netherworld God into him!
The name, National Judicial College, is deceptive, though, the original name, the National Institute of Justice, was not. The college was founded in 1963 by an act of Congress, as a component of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration.
In 1978, however, the college became privately run, as a 501-C-3 tax-exempt corporation. Hence, the appellation has led us to believe that the college has been run by our dear Uncle himself, who, overflowing with integrity, would dare not grease his palms with dirty lucre!
name misleads us in another way. Although located in the U.S., the
college instructs
students who come from "over 150 countries."
Although shocking,
this fact
is touted, or rather was touted until recently, smack front and
center on the judges'
home page.1 Another curiosity found there is that the judges'
funding comes from a multinational corporation ─ namely, Chevron and the "double-crossing" Exxon Mobil re. Rockefellers.
Who would have ever thunk that oil companies were champions of law and order?
the above, judges are merely trying to preserve the status quo.
to any graveyard in North America, where our forebears are buried,
and you'll see
such names as MOORE, COOK, FILBERTS, etc.─
The harmless, little scam has been going on for centuries, not just on this continent, but in every nation on the globe wherein monopolistic capitalism has triumphed.
Not only is this ruse one of Uncle Sam's prized cash cows; it keeps us 14th Amendment cotton pickers blithely singing Dixie.
Our only recourse is beseeching our Creator to know when enough is enough. However, we must first determine whether we be dead or alive! The choice shouldn't be difficult ─ we need only pinch ourselves!
there is neither discoloration nor slight pain, then we should kiss
reality good- bye,
buy a copy of TV Guide, and check all the good TV programs not to
If, on the other hand, there is discoloration or slight pain, then we had better realize we are human beings. And, as such, with Heaven on our side, we must use our wits and will to do whatever necessary to resuscitate Lady Liberty and restore her to hale health and splendiferous glory!
1. See earlier tout at
all judges are mean and nasty! Some even look good and can smile!
Related - Dollar is a Lien on your Kids & Property
First Comment fr4om Rich (Author of Dollar is a Lien)
In England the British Crown through
international banking owns your physical body and that's the
law. The bottom line is that your a maritime Admiralty product
and therefore the banks own your body. On the back of the
social security card will be numbers in RED on the front will
be blue or black but on the back they will be in red. The
numbers on the back of a the SS card in red designate your
body, it is the serial number of your stock. This is why if
your wealthy your preferred stock, if your poor your common
stock but your a stock on the stock market. Your body is
bought and sold through the use of your birth certificate. If
you could get your original birth certificate back you would
find that on the back of the birth certificate are all banks
around the world, all over the world banks have used your
birth certificate because you are a stock in a Maritime
Admiralty banking scheme where you make money for banks.
So consequently the
corporation and government and people who want to control
you they create a second you and that second you that they
control that they created is all in CAPITAL LETTERS. Check
it out anytime you get a bill, lawsuit, fine, ticket,
utility bill, driving license, social security card,
insurance cards, anything period. Anything having to do
with business your name will always be in all capital
letters because only all capital letters can be dealt with
by banks and government anytime you have a name upper and
lower case that applies to you, I have no control over
you. You sign a contract in which your name is in all
capital letters now I can take you to court, now I can
take you. As a matter of fact the judge
sits on the bench, he rules from the bench. The word
bench in Latin is a bank, look it up in a Latin
dictionary. So the judge rules from the bench, right
because he ruling for the bank why? Because someones got
to pay, its just a game here the queen of England wants
her cut of the American blood, she wants her piece so
someones got to pay and the moneys going to go where?
Into a bank, that's right the judge rules for the bank.
"United States" is the "District of Columbia" incorporated. "The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State" Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785, Also: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287
a " Corporation" with a legislature was established, with all the apparatus of a distinct government created (Incorporated) by (Presidential) Legislative Act, February 21, 1871 Forty-first Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, page 419
This so-called government is an imposter posing and or masqueradingas the original government.
Learn more
Ted said (July 2, 2012):
Your site has so much incredibly awesome content on it right now!
I'm particularly interested in the toxic currency and capital names stuff you have posted articles on right now. This is stuff I know for a fact other truthers won't touch w/ 10 foot polls and here I see so much on one page ;o *OBVIOUSLY* you think your audience is capable of hearing it.
Ther'es something you have to check out! The concept of interlocking, invisible contracts. Once you go into this rabbit hole, it just opens it all up in front of you, and you realize just how horribly (and in the eyes of the court, *voluntarily*) we're enmeshed in the System... in fact, interlocking invisible contracts *are* The System, by and large. (what is secret society membership if not the voluntary entrance into numerous secretive contracts?)
You should check out the public domained work by George Mercer, which really blew this out of the water for me personally years ago: