January 26, 2013
Star of David is Seal of Saturn
by N
The 'Star of David' (which it is not) is in fact the Seal of Saturn.
It predates Judaism & is even found on the yantra of the godess kali (amongst other places). The cube of Mecca or the kabba[lah] at Mecca is saturn worship. A 2D hexagram (at the center of the 'star of david') is a 3D cube (once you fill in the faces of the cube).
Raabis wear/strap a black cube on their foreheads. Muslims walk around the kabba counter clockwise. Now this is really gonna creep you out. On youtube search 'nasa viking space craft saturn hexagram north pole'. Nasa released a video in 2009/10 of the north pole of saturn. It shows a giant hexagram that is rotating counter clockwise!
This Seal of Saturn is often depicted as two X's i.e XX which is the same as Masonic compass & square. Join the tips of the Xs and you get the compass & square. Saturn is the god of time & space. The cube is space & the circle (or rings) are time (ouroboros). A compass and a square make a cube & a circle. Incidentally this ties back to Microsoft X-box 360 (where x box is a saturn cube, 360=circle). Also see nintendo cube, transformers comic cube (energon) etc. This symbology is everywhere.
Also, rainbow symbolism == rings of saturn, lord of the rings (one ring to rule them all crap). The lord of the rings is saturn. All seeing eye (southern pole of Saturn). Purple Olympics == saturnian purple.
The beast (666) in the bible is saturn (satarn in irish gaelic & contracted to satan). All the angles, sides etc on the seal of saturn are 6 or 60 deg.
Saturn == EL == ON (heliopolis in greek) which connects saturn to israEL, ELohim, AngEL etc. These characters / entities are somehow linked to or come from EL. Notice how Hollywood is obsessed with alien invasion movies? The world alien is a deliberate misnomer. Its elion. or el-i-on.
Its an invasion of demons (elions) that are being brought here through portals (or gateways - another hollywood obsession) that are being opened by a combination of ritual magick, sacrifice & science. These 'things' don't like Jesus because he came to end their racket.